Bedrock Timesheet

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Person Date Work Type Description Client Hr:Min
Sarita McLean 21/04/2023 Billable Income

Site Visit – HSC meeting; collation of meeting minutes; discussions with team; catch up meeting with Richard; travel

Glasscorp Ltd 9:00 |
Stuart McLean 20/04/2023 Billable Income

Create SOP – how to use Smart-Form App to complete checklists
Register H&S members in Smart-Form
Set-up H&S Committee members in B-Compliant to receive monthly tasks reminder

Brendan Foot Supersite Ltd 6:00 |
Sarita McLean 20/04/2023 Billable Income

Site Visit – warehouse checks; updated B-Compliant; attendance at Chemical Handling Training; catch up with Heather, Travel

Glasscorp Ltd 10:00 |
Sarita McLean 20/04/2023 Billable Income

Updated hazard register and contractor information from the branches

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 0:30 |
Sarita McLean 19/04/2023 Billable Income

Site Visit –

Glasscorp Ltd 4:00 |
Stuart McLean 18/04/2023 Billable Income

Report preparation

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 1:00 |
Stuart McLean 18/04/2023 Billable Income

Guideline Development Finalization

Brendan Foot Supersite Ltd 3:00 |
Sarita McLean 18/04/2023 Billable Income

Review of hazard register information, distribution of reports to HSC for April meeting

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 1:00 |
Sarita McLean 18/04/2023 ToTal Property Services

Document review of Contractors

1:00 |
Sarita McLean 18/04/2023 NZISM

HASANZ grading review

1:00 |
Sarita McLean 17/04/2023 Billable Income

Completion of storyboard and drafting of email to send to Andrea and Steve

Trends Kitchens Ltd 3:00 |
Sarita McLean 17/04/2023 Billable Income

Proofreading of resource book; finalisation and emailed Joshua re printing

GCCT 3:00 |
Sarita McLean 16/04/2023 Billable Income

Development of training resources

GCCT 3:00 |
Sarita McLean 16/04/2023 Billable Income

Collation of agenda papers and distribution to HSC

Glasscorp Ltd 0:45 |
Sarita McLean 16/04/2023 Billable Income

Preparation of storyboard re Implementation of B-Compliant project

Trends Kitchens Ltd 0:30 |
Sarita McLean 15/04/2023 Billable Income

Development of training resource – Guide to Effective Incident Investigations

GCCT 5:00 |
Stuart McLean 13/04/2023 Billable Income

Checklist update, Record of Learning, First Aid Certificates and Guideline Development

Brendan Foot Supersite Ltd 1:00 |
Stuart McLean 13/04/2023 Billable Income

Reformat SOPs and development guideline documents

Stuart McLean 12/04/2023 Billable Income

Enter training results and generate certificates of completion
Create SOP for Nail Gun
Update Document Register in SmartForm and B-Compliant
Tidy up Process Plans in B-Compliant

GCCT 6:00 |
Stuart McLean 11/04/2023 Billable Income

Site Visit – Stuart and Sarita

GCCT 20:00 |
Stuart McLean 10/04/2023 Billable Income

Site Visit – Stuart and Sarita

GCCT 20:00 |
Stuart McLean 09/04/2023 Billable Income

Map smartform for vehicle incidents to pdf and carry out testing

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 3:00 |
Sarita McLean 08/04/2023 Billable Income

Collation of agenda papers for HS Steering Committee and distribution to committee

GCCT 2:00 |
Stuart McLean 07/04/2023 Billable Income

Create paper form and build smartform for vehicle incidents

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 2:00 |
Stuart McLean 05/04/2023 Billable Income

Writing quizzes for SoPs

GCCT 1:10 |
Stuart McLean 05/04/2023 Billable Income

Setup checklists for different sites

Brendan Foot Supersite Ltd 2:15 |
Stuart McLean 05/04/2023 Billable Income

Toolbox talks @ 60 minutes
Site visit – Sarita and Stuart (1 hr meeting x 2 people)

Trends Kitchens Ltd 3:00 |
Stuart McLean 05/04/2023 Billable Income

Enter people into B-Compliant and enter hazards 28 – 30 November 2022

Trends Kitchens Ltd 23:00 |
Stuart McLean 05/04/2023 Billable Income

Mapping Hazards to different sites

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 1:00 |
Sarita McLean 31/03/2023 Billable Income

Site Visit – use of SmartForm for reporting of accidents and hazards; recording of Toolbox meetings. Uploaded forklift WoF. Travel

Stuart McLean 31/03/2023 Billable Income

Health and Safety meeting attended by Sarita McLean

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 1:45 |
Sarita McLean 30/03/2023 Billable Income

Collation of feedback from hazard review and section on contractor management

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 0:30 |
Sarita McLean 30/03/2023 Billable Income

Updated B-Compliant; Emailed H&S Coordinators at sites engineers work to get baseline information re induction processes; Tidying up machinery risk assessments

Glasscorp Ltd 2:45 |
Stuart McLean 30/03/2023 Billable Income

Site visit for training

Trends Kitchens Ltd 1:30 |
Sarita McLean 29/03/2023 Billable Income

HSC meeting – chaired meeting, collated meeting minutes and distributed to HSC

Brendan Foot Supersite Ltd 1:30 |
Stuart McLean 28/03/2023 Billable Income

Site visit (Sarita and Stuart)

GCCT 20:00 |
Sarita McLean 28/03/2023 Billable Income

Preparation for HSC meeting – agenda, H&S Strategy and Terms of Reference for HSC

Brendan Foot Supersite Ltd 1:00 |
Stuart McLean 27/03/2023 Billable Income

Site visit (Sarita and Stuart)

GCCT 20:00 |
Stuart McLean 24/03/2023 Billable Income

Develop toolbox talks to align with hazard register

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 3:00 |
Stuart McLean 24/03/2023 Billable Income

Update Health and Safety Guide.
Enter properties into B-Compliant

Thompson Property Group Ltd 2:45 |
Stuart McLean 24/03/2023 Billable Income

Onsite training with Marie and David

Trends Kitchens Ltd 2:00 |
Sarita McLean 24/03/2023 Billable Income

Project – Engineers working on client sites. Followed up with 5 of the 6 key clients to discuss their induction processes.

Glasscorp Ltd 1:00 |
Sarita McLean 23/03/2023 Billable Income

Prepared agenda papers for HSR Group meeting and distribution of papers
Reviewed and uploaded documents into B-Compliant (Toolbox records; Position Descriptions; Workflows)

GCCT 3:00 |
Sarita McLean 23/03/2023 Billable Income

Email to Paula re HSR Committee meeting agenda?

Brendan Foot Supersite Ltd 0:15 |
Sarita McLean 22/03/2023 Billable Income

Collation and distribution of March health and safety reports

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 0:45 |
Sarita McLean 22/03/2023 Billable Income

Email to Tim re Machinery Risk Assessments and Richard re engineers working on client sites; research into client companies

Glasscorp Ltd 0:30 |
Sarita McLean 22/03/2023 Billable Income

Contractor Management – discussion with Susan Hagan re process for approval

Thompson Property Group Ltd 3:30 |
Sarita McLean 21/03/2023 Billable Income

Tidying up of Induction for visitors; Health and Safety Management Policy

GCCT 0:45 |
Stuart McLean 21/03/2023 Billable Income

Generate reports for meeting

Harrison Bloy Plumbing and Bathrooms 0:30 |
Sarita McLean 21/03/2023 Billable Income

Meeting with Susan re Contractor Management

Thompson Property Group Ltd 3:30 |
Total 210:25

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