Smart Form All Notifications

Date Reported Site/Department Notification Type Raised By Dated it Occured Time it Occured Estimated Severity Description Contributing Factors Feedback and Actions Taken Final Event Classification Closed By Date Closed Admin Id
13/03/2025 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Injury Christine Macaskill 13/03/2025 3pm Minor

Tripped over a piece of pipe sticking up 15mm in the floor and fell over grazing my hand and knees

Orange conduit pipe sticking up from floor was the contributing factor

The pipe has now been flattened to ground level.

Injury Christine Macaskill 13/03/2025 at 4:39 pm 503
13/03/2025 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Vehicle Incident Bryan Kane 13/03/2025 8:10 am

Driver was waiting to turn left and was rear ended by Melissa Waddell.
Vehicle PAJ399 – Delivery van

12/03/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Showroom (Inwards) Vehicle Incident Brae Hamilton 12/03/2025 2:30

Product damage
Bad relationship with drivers
Forklift damage
Vehicle damage (customers/Public)

11/03/2025 Value Proteins Injury Valiant Stedfast 11/03/2025 6:00pm 8/3/25 Major

Lifting the dryer shaft with hydraulic ram and extension shaft. Lifted the shaft to the proper height 15 mm then start then lifted it more which was pushing against the rest of the dryer and it couldn’t go any further. This bent the extension and it fell out onto foot

Lack of communication between the two engineers working on the project.
The environment was noisy and there were obstructions to line of sight between the hydraulic jack operator and the hydraulic jack and the engineer giving the signals.

10/03/2025 Harrison Bloy Tauranga Injury Franco Diblasio 05/02/2025 11:00 Moderate

When delivering metal strut to site, Jacob was walking around the truck and stood up into the strut, hitting his head.
At the time he felt fine, no issues.

Driver not being aware of his surroundings.
Just take a little more time and be safe around the vehicles at all times.

Jacob should have reported the incedent immediatly as it occurred.
Was used as a learning for the whole team.

Injury Franco Diblasio 10/03/2025 at 3:10 pm 503
06/03/2025 Bell View Farm Vehicle Incident Endure Standtrue 08/02/2025 11:30 Moderate

I was driving the Mule down to the dump with a trailer load of trash and an annoying fly was buzzing around on the wind shield and I started swatting at it and went off the road into a ditch. I was the only one in the mule and I was not hurt the mule also did not receive any damage as I was going quite slowly.

It was a sunny day and Endure was not fatigued at all, he was distracted while he was driving.

Endure needs to concentrate on driving safely when he is driving and either stop the vehicle and then deal with flies buzzing around on the windshield or just ignore them

Vehicle Incident Endure Standtrue 06/03/2025 at 7:40 am 441
01/03/2025 Value Proteins Near Miss Titus Disciple 01/03/2025 10:00am Major

A rubber 2″flexible hose came out of Kason screen hole and blew hydrolyzed skins all around the plant. The hose had 50 psi of steam pressure on it fortunately no operators standing in the vicinity and the ones that were near moved out of the way and ran up and told them to turn it off. It got turned off then the operator went and put the hose back and and started hosing up the mess and while they were standing near somebody came and turned the hose straight back on. Fortunately it did not fling out.

The person operating the process that day had been hastily trained at the beginning of the week and had limited supervision since the initial training.
The equipment being used is an old Iwell cooker which is put under steam pressure during the process to hydrolise the sheep skins. The sheep skins once hydrolised exit through a valve and along a flexible reinforced rubber hose to a shaker screen. The hose is tie wrapped in place. The valve used to control the release of the product has a broken handle and so a spanner is being used to open and close the valve.
No JSA or Take 5 had been completed prior to the task being carried out.
This lack is likely due to the process being under a trial basis and being carried out by Management up till that point.

The Flexible Hose carrying the blood to the screen is to be attached to a piece of angle iron hold it rigidly in the hole in the screen using Stainless steel “band-it clamping” material. This was due 01.03.2025 and was completed the same day.
A JSA is to be completed due 04.03.2025 JSA completed 11.03.2025

Near Miss Titus Disciple 11/03/2025 at 5:25 pm 441
28/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Injury Ryan McCleary 28/02/2025 8:30am Moderate

Strops came loose about 10 pipes slipped onto the deck of the truck, I lifted the pipes back onto the roof and in the process hurt my upper left arm / bicep.

Was doing deliveries for the fire team, it was a large load of pipe and the front tiedown has remained tight, The ti-down at the back wasn’t chocked off, when ryan took the tiedown to frosty he recommended it was not fit for purpose and disposed of it and replaced it,
Trying to lift all the pipes back in to place has put strain on Ryans body.

we are going to have a group session where we go over deans SOP for tying down loads on the truck and encourage the rivers to ask questions

Injury Ryan McCleary 11/03/2025 at 3:48 pm 503
25/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 25/02/2025 8:15am Moderate

Alvin was stopped at the traffic lights on the corner of Grahams and Wairakei Roads.
A car behind Alvin made a later lane change and spun 360 degrees behind Alvin, this vehicle brushed Alvin’s rear of his truck deck and connected with our reversing camera. Two cars behind the spinning car had to take avoiding action and both crashed into each other and the spinning car.
The drivers were all shaken but there was no injury to anyone
The police and Fire Brigade were called and Alvin phoned me (Scott) and I went to site to assist Alvin
When I arrived the Fire Brigade had left and I spoke to the Police who had taken statements from all involved. The Police commended Alvin on the way he had tied his load to his truck. As there was no damage to Alvin’s truck he was allowed to proceed with his day.
Alvin did a great job by collecting all of the participants details and securing the police case number should we need it for insurance.

Alvin was stopped at a red light and this incident happened behind him. Alvin could not have changed his actions to prevent the accident behind him

Alvin handled this incident perfectly. He called the branch to advise of the accident he then called the customer to advise them of the delay in getting his order to them
He checked on all the people that were involved in the accident to make sure they were ok.
Alvin took photos of everyone’s drivers licenses and recorded there names, phone numbers and make and models of their cars.
Alvin collected the police incident number from the attending officers
The Police commented Alvin on his load and the way it was strapped to his truck.

Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 04/03/2025 at 12:08 pm 503
24/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Near Miss Scott Eustace 24/02/2025 1:30pm Minor

Sean was loading a bundle of 20 x 100mm pipe onto the Hino and it was strapped in the middle with a fasty strap.
2 lengths turned on there side and if they had slid out of the bundle the rest of the bundle would have become loose from the fasty and the balance of pipe could have slipped out and landed on the ground

Sean had fixed the pipe bundle with one fasty strap to tie the pipe into a bundle. the 2 lengths that pivoted may have cased the bundle to come loose

Since this incident Sean has been using 2 fasty straps where possible to secure the bundle at both ends

Near Miss Scott Eustace 04/03/2025 at 12:11 pm 503
24/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Near Miss Scott Eustace 24/02/2025 1:15pm Minor

Sean was using the forklift to load 150mm pipe onto Jims ute and the pipe rolled over the top of the roof rack and 6 lengths landed on the ground
No staff were on the side of the ute and the pipe caused no damage to the vehicle.

We used the ute for this delivery where we would have been better served using one of the bigger truck and loading the pipe on the flat deck.
We should have loaded the pipe onto the ute by hand from the rear of the vehicle and strapped it where necessary.

We need to understand the limitations of the ute and the type of deliveries we place on this vehicle.
We will use the larger trucks more efficiently moving forward

Near Miss Scott Eustace 04/03/2025 at 12:15 pm 503
24/02/2025 Value Proteins Unsafe Condition Prudent Stedfast 24/02/2025 Whenever plant is operating

I sat in on part of a few young men’s induction and observed an unsafe piece of machinery. Not sure the name of the machine but it is the auger that has an acid bath in it to dissolve the wool off the sheep heads (See attached photos). My concern is the potential hazards for serious chemical/acid burns to eyes and skin from hot splashing caustic and possible lung injury from breathing hot acid vapour. The acid bath has an unguarded open top that the workers operating up the back are obliged to walk past in close quarters too, and to inspect visually. This is a caustic bath that operates at a temperature of 95°C. It has sheep heads dropping into it and the auger rolls the heads around in the bath. Very hot caustic, I’m told, does splash out onto the operators when they are working in that area and when looking into it (This appears obvious). this is a very hazardous, unsafe practice. Upon inquiry, the suggested face shield (at a minimum to guard at least the face) is said to be unpractical as it fogs up instantly from the steaming hot caustic. This caustic steam could also be a health risk and this also needs to be verified. I suggest an impact resistant glass guard be installed that is then a physical barrier between the operators and the hot caustic bath. The glass shield could have a water mist that is turned on by the operator to clear the glass for visual, or a window wiper or sum such thing. I strongly suggest that there also be an eye wash installed up on the platform that a worker can get to instantly without having to climb down off the platform. There also definitely needs to be a shower and eye wash functioning in close vicinity to where the acid is handled which I understand there is nothing available at this stage. This is a hazardous area that needs addressing ASAP.

24/02/2025 Value Proteins Unsafe Condition Prudent Stedfast 24/02/2025 Whenever plant is operating Major

I sat in on part of a few young men’s induction and observed an unsafe piece of machinery. The machine is the gut washer (See attached photo) My concern is the potential hazard for serious injury. The end of the rotating sieve is unguarded and very accessible to the workers operating on the platform that runs along side the gut washer. They could easily have clothing caught or stumble/trip onto it while working/checking the gut washer. Equally if for some reason they decide or need to reach their hand in near the bottom of the rotating drum there is a major crush point between the main sieve and the guide rollers. This needs a guard installed ASAP.

Equipment was left unguarded. Reasons for this is that it is good to be able to see inside the rotating drum to visually see that the washing is taking place and also to be able to clean inside with a hose.

A guard has been put in place to prevent accidental contact with the rotating parts of the machinery.

Unsafe Condition Prudent Stedfast 24/02/2025 at 6:17 pm 441
19/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Near Miss Scott Eustace 19/02/2025 10:30am Minor

We have a row of ER PVC fittings loaded down a isle and we needed to get a pallet of 100mm Y junctions out that was stacked 2 pallet rows deep.
When we went to move the front row the row directly behind a box collapsed causing the pallet to lean forward onto the front pallet.
We handled this problem extremely well by going around the back of the collapsed pallet and stropping it to the racking to prevent it from putting weight on the pallet on the front. We then lifted the front pallets clear and once we we got the forklift under the collapsed pallet we slowly released the strop as the forklift had squared the pallet.
Great job by our team.

Some of the boxes that were loaded on the pallets hung over the edges of the pallet slightly. we have worked out that over time of the pallets sitting untouched that some of the boxes became weaker and this caused them to collapse when moved.

We have repacked all pallets onto larger pallets where the boxes fit on the pallets better. we have also reduced the amount of boxes placed on each pallet

Near Miss Scott Eustace 04/03/2025 at 12:19 pm 503
18/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 18/02/2025 1:45pm Minor

Awatea was helping Jim load 150mm pipe onto our drainage ute (PUQ339).
the pipe was loaded onto the rack and the first layer reached the height of the side bar of the rack. When Awatea was loading the next layer she didn’t line up the length with the existing lengths and one length fell to the side of the ute hitting the passengers side mirror and breaking it off the vehicle.

This is a case of care and attention. The guys were loading the ute from the tailgate end and as soon as the pipe went past the upstands on the side of the ute the pipe needed to be loaded straight and in the hollow of the previous lengths.
The staff were going to fast with the loading and this was the sole cause of the pipe falling to the side. they practiced the correct procedure to load the truck they just didn’t do it with enough care.

The only thing that needs to change here is that we need to take our time and be careful when loading the trucks

Near Miss Scott Eustace 04/03/2025 at 12:27 pm 503
14/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Unsafe Act Scott Eustace 14/02/2025 2:08pm Major

Sean loaded the pipe onto Georges truck (19 x150mm SN8) and tided the bundle together with a fasty strap while George was having his lunch break.
George finished his lunch and proceeded to leave the branch thinking Sean had tied the load to the truck.
George travelled down Wigram road onto Adienfield drive when George braked at the Adienfield roundabout the load slid off the back of the truck completely onto the road. There were no cars behind George. George pulled over and and a group of walkers helped George move the bundle off the road and load it back onto his truck. George secured the load onto the truck after inspecting it for damage and continued to complete his delivery.

This incident has been a major wakeup call for everyone in the branch as the outcome could have severe.
Sean thought he was doing the right thing helping George load his truck when he was at Lunch and the responsibility of all our drivers is to secure the load themselves as they are the once responsible for how it is tied onto their truck, and they need to be confident that they are happy to travel with the load fixed to their truck.
George didn’t look at all and this is completely his responsivity

Since this incident all our drivers have been extremely vigilant around making sure their loads are tied on correctly.
I have spoken to all the drivers independently and this was discussed again at our staff meeting

Unsafe Act Scott Eustace 04/03/2025 at 12:39 pm 503
14/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Unsafe Act Scott Eustace 14/02/2025 1:45pm Moderate

I walked out of my office and saw Sean standing on the folks of the forklift loading a bath onto the forks by hand.

Sean knows what is required and what is safe and made a decision just to get the task completed.
We have the additional staff to assist and the step ladders to make this task safe.

Sean has be reminded of the expectation around doing tasks safely and the implications to him and his wellbeing if things go wrong.
I have also explained to Sean the implications to the business show he undertake a careless approach to health and safety.

Unsafe Act Scott Eustace 14/02/2025 at 2:12 pm 503
13/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Vehicle Incident Simon Ryder 13/02/2025 1.10pm

MPH Ford Ranger, driven by Simon Ryder, was Stationery in traffic and was rear-ended from behind at low speed. Vehicle was a rental 2005 Toyota Alphard registration JRJ737. Driven by a young Israeli couple. We pulled over shortly after and exchanged details.

05/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Showroom Injury Eliza Schurink 05/02/2025 15:20 Moderate

Jody had asked for a hand putting a new toilet on display.
We were lifting the toilet pan out of the box, but i was rushing and i wasn’t standing in front of the box, i was standing off to the side on a sort of diagonal since the box flap was in the way and there was the pod wall directly behind. i wasn’t able to get a very good grip before we started lifting and didn’t have a chance to bend my knees, right away i felt like i had pulled a muscle in my lower back. The pan then got a little stuck in the box and we had to hold it up for longer than anticipated until the box dropped off.
once the down on the ground after i stood up the pulled muscle pain didn’t stop and would twang everytime i tried to bend down or sit.

Eliza was helping to lift a toilet out of a box but due to space restrictions, when she lifted the pan with Jody it got stuck causing them to hold it longer than necessary.

A good reminder to slow down and make sure people are bending their knees when lifting goods. Eliza also knows she needs to ask for help if she needs it but also if she isnt able to lift then to say no. Eliza finished her shift but was in considerable pain. She had the Friday off as planned leave and on the Friday I checked in to see how she was and it was feeling better. Monday its still a bit sore but manageable with anti inflammatories.

Injury Eliza Schurink 10/02/2025 at 12:15 pm 503
05/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Loss Time Injury (LTI) Johnny Allen 07/01/2025 10.00am Moderate

Quinten Clark.
was tidying up the concrete bags area, which involved lifting and moving bags. He aggravated his lower back. There was instant pain which didn’t subside so went home at lunch time.

04/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Near Miss Scott Eustace 03/02/2025 8:05am Major

We loaded a delivery for CDCL here at Treffers road. the order consisted of a 1050×600 manhole and base, a CHCH concrete lid and a cast iron Korum.
We had the order complete sitting on a pallet with the lid and Korum sitting on the Manhole base. We loaded this onto Alvins truck with our forklift leaving the goods on the pallet. Alvin tied this down on his truck and transported to Glue place.
On arrival to the site, Dwayne used his 8 tonne digger and chain set and fixed the chains to 2 eyes in the concrete manhole. Dwayne then proceeded to lift the manhole with the lid and Korum on top off our truck and lower to the ground. while lowering the concrete the manhole flipped causing the lid and the Korum to fall off the manhole base.
All staff and customers where all standing away from the unload area and where not in danger at any point.
On further inspection of the Manhole we discovered that the lifting eyes on the manhole were not opposite each other which would have been the cause of the manhole not balancing. that being said the manhole could have been lifted off using 3 chains which would have prevented this issue.

We loaded the base, lid and Kourm here on a pallet to minimize the lifting risk. these items were transported to site on the pallet.
When we arrived at site the only way to unload the items was by CDCL using there digger and they used their own chains. CDCL unloaded the items complete and only attached the concrete at 2 points. This is a major contributor to the concrete tipping as if the load was fixed at 3 points it would not that had the opportunity to tip.
The MCG base also contributed to the tipping by not having the fixing points directly opposite each other.

We have supplied all of our trucks with lifting chains and all of these have 3 chains for 3 points of fixing. We have advised all our drivers to advise our customers to use our chains and fix at 3 points if their own chains only have 2 points of fixing.
We have phoned Ian at MCG and told him of the incident and discussed the concrete lifting points be placed more accurately.
Both CDCL and our truck drivers did do a great job of making sure all people were safely placed and away from any danger when these products were being unloaded.

Plant or Equipment Scott Eustace 14/02/2025 at 7:46 am 503
03/02/2025 Domestic Near Miss Watchful Stedfast 01/02/2025 10:30

I was taking a trip to the event at Shantytown and was not completely focused at the time as I had been discussing something with the passengers and was a little unsure of my location. When I came up to an intersection to turn left there was a car blocking my view to my right. Being distracted I pulled out not having adequately checked that the road was clear, as I did I almost clipped a car coming from my right.

03/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Tauranga Vehicle Incident Franco Diblasio 03/02/2025 10:50 Minor

Albert Brown was driving the TGA truck and when trying to leave the site, bumbed one of the surveyors UTE (Stationary) – minor damage to the rear left tail light – as per the attahced pics.
– JAN879 – Hilux – white – Company RPC Land Surveyors.
Driver – Max
Contact – 0273735443

This was a very tight driveway, which made it difficult to manuvre.
The other tradies had parked in a position which made it difficult for the truck to complete the delivery easily.

In future – if the driveway looks like it could be a difficult delivery, best to complete a walkthrough and ask for any parked vehicles to move.
Alternatively, park where it is safe and complkete the delivery with a trolley.

Near Miss Franco Diblasio 10/02/2025 at 12:26 pm 503
03/02/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 03/02/2025 8:15am Minor

George our delivery driver was delivering to Billy at Evenflow Drainage at 48 Nottingham Ave.
George pulled in front of Billy’s truck and unloaded the goods.
Billy was parked on the side of the road and George had to reverse past Billy’s truck as the road was coned off at the median strip to block off the area that Billy was working in.
As George reversed he turned to early and made contact with rear drivers side of Billy’s truck with the side of his delivery truck
Damage is minor on both vehicles and no people were involved in or around the incident
I have spoken to Billy and he is not concerned with the damage and at this stage wont be needing it repaired

I spoke to George and he apologized for the mishap and said he will be more careful going forward.
I also spoke to Billy from Evenflow and he was not concerned by the incident as the contact was very minor and it only left a small scratch on an already scratched up tipper truck.
Billy praised George for talking to the guys on site and taking ownership of the contact to their truck.

We discussed being aware of you surroundings and taking time to make sure you have the room to maneuver safely.

Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 14/02/2025 at 7:34 am 503
03/02/2025 Harrison Bloy – Hamilton Near Miss Russell Mecchia 03/02/2025 12:30 Negligible

Hung a small 400 vanity in showroom, all of the other surrounding walls are mdf panelling. The screws holding to wall have grabbed and was holding to the wall. Helen has leant on vanity and it has pulled away from the wall

400mm Vanity screwed into gib when it was thought to be MDF. Vanity was later rehung in the correct manor

Vanity was later rehung in the correct manor. With future planning for showroom refit all walls should be lined with MDF which will give better fixing for hanging showroom product.

Near Miss Russell Mecchia 25/02/2025 at 7:36 am 503
31/01/2025 Harrison Bloy – Hamilton Near Miss Helen Mitchell 31/01/2025 3.15pm Major

Someone installed a vanity in the showroom but only screwed it into the gib board.
Whilst I was installing a new tap into the vanity, it fell off the wall and grazed the end of my shoe.
It was terrifying and I’m concerned how many other vanities are about to fall on the unsuspecting staff member or customer.

Hung 1200mm vanity to wall into gib thinking the wall was MDF. Incorrect wall lining for fixing vanities to.

With future planning for showroom refit all walls should be lined with MDF which will give better fixing for hanging showroom product.

Near Miss Helen Mitchel 25/02/2025 at 7:40 am 503
31/01/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Injury Jacob Crampton 31/01/2025 11:30am Negligible

Was helping to move a large empty crate. nothing felt out of the ordinary while moving or dropping the crate.

-Has had same injury in the past,
-lifting heavy & long pallet 6m plywood

when moving any heavy pallets or stock we need to utilize the tools we have available
(pallet jack)
(sack barrow)
(heavy Trolly Dolly)

if there is something that we cant move with the tools we have we need to find a way to address the situation

Injury Jacob Crampton 12/02/2025 at 2:54 pm 503
30/01/2025 Abattoir Non Compliance Israel Pilgrim 30/01/2025 30/1/25

Tagging and testing needed at the Abattoir.

29/01/2025 Harrison Bloy – Hamilton Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Russell Mecchia 28/01/2025 12:30 Moderate

Maitland had an order for 5 lengths of 150 SN6 pipe. Russ was on the forklift at the time and in the process of clearing access to shift product that was in the way of the unopened crate of pipe. Maitland in the meantime had attached a sling over the socket of one of the lengths of pipe and attempted to pull the pipe from the crate. There was another crate of pipe on top of the crate he was trying to access, putting extra downwards pressure on the crate below. The sling has slipped off the end of the socket, causing Maitland to fall backwards, twisting as he fell, putting his arms out to brace his fall, jarring his left shoulder, causing a dislocation to his left shoulder.

Trying to pull the length of pipe out of a complete bundle which was jammed with a full crate on top wasn’t good practice. While puling on the length of pipe trying to release it free. Maitland’s hands then slipped free from the pipe socket, he lost his balance and fell backward which caused the injury. For the future? recognizing the potential of an injury and then take steps you move pipe crates via the use of a forklift to get safer access to the pipe needed.

In the future? recognizing the potential of an injury and then take steps you move pipe crates via the use of a forklift to get safer access to the pipe needed.

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Russell Mecchia 13/02/2025 at 12:17 pm 503
28/01/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Showroom Near Miss Virginia Morrison 25/01/2025 1:20pm Moderate

I had a customer looking around the showroom and tripped on the corner of the display plinth, the customer didn’t fall over just tripped, could of been a lot worse if she had of fell and hit her head.
We have moved the stands on the plinth to the corners so now it’s noticeable to everyone

In the showroom we have 2 display plinths each raised 150mm off the floor. The surrounding edge is painted black to make it more noticeable. If customers are engaged in looking at products then it is possible they may not notice these, which could cause a tripping hazard. I have talked to the showroom team to see how often this happens. They say its reasonably often (maybe once a fortnight / month) that someone will kick or trip on the plinths.

For the plinth they customer tripped on we moved two display stands to the outside edges so that it defines the plinth more. The second one is set on an angle and the feedback is that if this is straightened and centered then it will remove some of the trip risk.

Environmental Virginia Morrison 29/01/2025 at 9:05 am 503
24/01/2025 Harrison Bloy Head Office – Christchurch Near Miss Ingrid Craig 23/01/2025 Approx

I (Ingrid) was rushing out the door to go to lunch. When I exited the office, I Suddenly came to meet a Forklift rushing toward me on the designated path way
I wasn’t really expecting anything like that to be on the pathway so wasn’t being cautious. After I let out a ohhh! Awatea quickly reversed a little, said sorry, then came back to finish the task of picking up some drain covers from the back of the parked truck.
The barrier provided wasn’t being used so I took it and extended it over the path. I waited to get the go ahead and then walked out.

23/01/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Vehicle Incident Jack Reed 23/01/2025 12.00pm Moderate

driving on milns road trying to stay in lane and clipped the wing mirror of a parked van

“driving along milns road spotted a truck ahead Moved over to try stay in Left Lane truck turned off up ahead I attempted to Stay in the left lane and clipped the wing mirror of the stationary Van”

-Narrow road
-oncoming traffic

more training
we need to make sure the drivers are empowered to slow down when the road is narrow and there is other traffic.
make sure drivers are rested and ready to drive

Environmental Jack Reed 12/02/2025 at 2:43 pm 503
22/01/2025 Alpine Health Plant or Equipment Trust Helpful 22/01/2025 8pm

Found the middle west door isn’t catching the latch properly, if you give the door a good thump the door will pop open.

22/01/2025 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Near Miss Johnny Allen 22/01/2025 3:45pm

Driver is off work
Johnny was taking a load of 20 x 100100 pipe to a customer in Winton. Nic had loaded the pipe ready for Johnny to go on the white delivery ute.
Once on the open road. A combination of higher speed(open road), wind and pipe not loaded as well as it could be caused middle pipe to lift and the load to become unsecure.
Johnny was able to safely pull off the side of the road without losing any pipe and resecure the load.

21/01/2025 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Vehicle Incident Ryan McCleary 21/01/2025 2:32pm Moderate

White Kia in front of me proceeded to turn left into the left lane on a double lane road, So I went forward checked if it was clear to my right, slowly went forward into the intersection turning left, there were cars turning into the second lane from the opposite road, the white Kia froze and put his breaks on in the middle of the lane.

Ryan, had been on a long drive to Kaikoura and back,

we need to make sure drivers are taking appropriate breaks for the length of time they are driving.

Environmental Ryan McCleary 18/02/2025 at 3:46 pm 503
13/01/2025 Harrison Bloy – Hamilton Near Miss Troy DeSilva-Sayer 13/01/2025 12:45PM Minor

I was leaving the Ngāruawāhia new world car park onto great south road, I checked for people on the foot path, and no one was there and then I continued to scan for traffic, and I was stopped by then. Then, a few seconds later I hear someone slam into the left-hand side of the work van, the rear sliding door, and it was someone riding an E-scooter that hit the vehicle. Then the Guy apologized, gave me his contact information and then proceeded back to work.

No action needed to be taken as it would appear Troy wasn’t in the wrong. All details on Vero Claim.

Vero Claim form has been completed and sent off to Levi & Ben to be completed.

Vehicle Incident Troy DeSilva-Sayer 15/01/2025 at 7:37 am 503
01/01/2025 Value Proteins Vehicle Incident Nathanael Constant 01/01/2025 1300hrs

The Hyundai forklift was inadvertently tipped over sideways by an experienced operator attempting to lower a long cylindrical stainless steel vessel back down to the ground. The forklift and vessel had been left in a somewhat precarious position by another operator who had left to get help and had himself experienced a near miss of tipping the forklift over whilst attempting to lower it to the ground. The vessel had been left almost but not quite hanging vertically; the lower end still in contact with the ground. Evidently the tynes of the Hyundai forklift were not able to be raised high enough to lift the vessel free of the ground. Notwithstanding even if the forklift tynes could have been raised high enough to suspend the load freely;the subsequent intended cartage on uneven unsealed shingle road would have been a hazardous procedure requiring utmost care. This was unknown to the operator who actually experienced the tip over who despite taking the utmost care and skill he possessed tipped the forklift over on its side. The incident was known to the SSC the moment it had occurred,an investigation is underway.

23/12/2024 Value Proteins Near Miss Titus Disciple 23/12/2024 1200 Major

Using a small angle grinder to grind a weld. As I was grinding the grinder kicked back and flew out of my hands.

Work was being carried out on a boiler that needed repairs. The grinder was being used to grind out a narrow gap and had an oversized grinding blade on it to be able to carry out the task. The worker felt he was aware enough of what he was doing to be able to carry out the task safely.

After the grinder kicked back the worker changed tools and used a die grinder instead which was slower but still able to do the job with out kicking back and possibly causing harm.

Near Miss Titus Disciple 24/02/2025 at 6:30 pm 441
21/12/2024 Brunner Station Injury Josiah Benjamin 11/12/2024 8:30 pm

We were making silage and the tractor and silage wagon got stuck. We had 2 tractors hooked up pulling it out and one chain broke and smashed the back tractor window and hit the driver in the shoulder.

21/12/2024 Domestic Notifiable Event Salem Temple 21/12/2024 0100 Catastrophic

Lady driving home from Chch with 3 of her children, went to sleep and rolled the vehicle.

Left too late in the afternoon.
Too tired

Ring someone and ask them to come and drive

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Salem Temple 10/02/2025 at 4:24 pm 441
21/12/2024 Domestic Notifiable Event Salem Temple 21/12/2024 12:30am approx Catastrophic

Lady driving home from Chch with 3 of her children, went to sleep and rolled the vehicle.

Too tired. Previous nights lack of sleep. Leaving too late in the afternoon.

Ring for another driver when too tired, or stop for a sleep.

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Salem Temple 10/02/2025 at 4:37 pm 441
16/12/2024 Joinery and Transport Injury Job Hopeful 16/12/2024 3:00pm

Silvanus was using a sharp chisel at the shed and was cutting toward his left hand and slipped and cut his hand requiring first aid to dress the cut.

16/12/2024 Canaan Farming Dairy Plant or Equipment Titus Disciple 16/12/2024 1530 Moderate

Motor terminal box coming loose. Could come completely loose and bare wires would be able to be touched.

Gate was dropped while sitting back on the rail. Striking the switch board box.
The reason the gate was off its rails was trying to move the gate forward while one side of the yard was full of cows so the gate tried to drive forward on an angle and jumped the rail

Fix switch board box. Train workers/ remind workers

Near Miss Titus Disciple 12/03/2025 at 9:53 pm 441
13/12/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Injury Jack Reed 13/12/2024 10.21 Moderate

100×6 pvc pipe came off the side of the rucks racks falling onto my back.

Jack: was untying the pipe and the customer came over to help bu pulling the pipe down, he was bent over dealing with the strops when the pipe fell from the pipe rack.

Plumber Name unknown: was pulling the pipe off from one end letting it roll from the front, this caused the pipe to roll of and hit jack in the back. jack has said the plumber was trying to help but needed to wait for jack to help.

when delivering anything especially large and heavy items the drivers need to control the area around the vehicle and the items coming off, we will make this a focus of a monthly meeting and can arrange training on how to deal with different scenarios

Injury Jack Reed 07/01/2025 at 7:29 am 503
13/12/2024 Domestic Notifiable Event Salem Temple 30/11/2024 11:00

Van driven too fast onto the bridge front LH wheel went of the side of the bridge and broke through barrier.

12/12/2024 A1 Wrap Ltd Near Miss Philip Falamoe 11/12/2024 1230 Major

Not wearing harness working above 3m


Whilst the PPE was provided and was being used correctly prior to this near Miss incident – Climbing
helmets were being worn during periods of work, and the Harness/Lanyard and an anchor point was established and in use. The A1 Staff member chose to remove his PPE prior to descending the roof to complete the final part of the task off a ladder. Therefore, not following a safe correct process and increasing the risk factor of a fall from a 3m height – Staff Complacency around process, not wearing provided PPE

Our JSA, and SSSP were provided on the morning of the job, and a Toolbox talk was held and provided to Demoworx, however the staff hadn’t signed onto the A1 Wrap JSA prior to starting works in the morning. Was this reviewed? The near miss occurred during a period of the A1 Wrap Manager, stepping away for a brief meeting from site, leaving remaining A1 staff on site unsupervised briefly. During this time the transport contractors had arrived and required access to the roof A1 were working on, it was at this time that the A1 Staff member was identified as being unsafe, and works were stopped. -Supervision of staff still required?

Upon review of the supplied A1 Wrap paperwork and PPE, corrective actions were taken; anchor points were established, Climbing Helmets and Harness and Lanyards were worn, and a new site briefing was held – works continued

Near Miss lodged in A1 Wrap system.

A1 Wrap Management to review;
Unsupervised staff training/Competency levels – is extra training required prior to leaving staff unsupervised?
Review of JSA process and toolbox discussions – Whilst paperwork is in place are tasks being correctly followed? Signing to these processes

Team Health & Safety meeting follow up required to discuss Findings

Near Miss Philip Falamoe 13/12/2024 at 11:38 am 289
12/12/2024 A1 Wrap Ltd Near Miss Philip Falamoe 11/12/2024 1230pm Major

No harness warn above 3m height.


Whilst the PPE was provided and was being used correctly prior to this near Miss incident – Climbing helmets were being worn, and the Harness/Lanyard and an anchor point was established and in use. The A1 Staff member chose to remove his PPE prior to descending the roof to complete the final part of the task off a ladder. Therefore, not following a safe correct process and increasing the risk factor of a fall from a 3m height – Staff Complacency

Our JSA, Toolbox and SSSP were provided on the morning of the job, however the staff hadn’t signed onto the JSA prior to starting works in the morning.

The near miss occurred during a period of the A1 Wrap Manager, stepping away for a brief meeting from site, leaving A1 staff on site unsupervised briefly. During this time the transport contractors had arrived and required access to the roof A1 were working on, It was at this time that the A1 Staff member removed his PPE prior to leaving the roof.

Works stopped at this point when the Near Miss action was addressed. A further toolbox was submitted and JSA signed by staff, further site briefings were held anchor points were established and works continued. Near Miss lodged in A1 Wrap system.

A1 Wrap Management to review unsupervised staff training/Competency levels – is extra training required?
Team Health & Safety meeting follow up required

Near Miss Philip Falamoe 13/12/2024 at 11:01 am 289
11/12/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Belfast Vehicle Incident Karen Hewison 10/12/2024 10 30 am Negligible

turning around using a driveway,, other car said he thought he could make it past me, i did not see him. but he saw me. he hit my right rear corner.

11/12/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Near Miss Michaela Buitendag 11/12/2024 4:30 Moderate

When I looked over at the walk behind, I saw a pallet sitting in the air on the forks.
I’m assuming someone was in the process of putting the pallet on the racks and got side tracked.

after looking in to this i can see that Jacob had been moving the pallet and got distracted and left the job unfinished.

we are going to arrange some training for the team around using the forklift in the store, this is something that comes up every year so i am going to roll it in to monthly meetings .

Near Miss Michaela Buitendag 11/12/2024 at 11:01 am 503
11/12/2024 Harrison Bloy Timaru Injury Peter Boyes 11/12/2024 09:30am Moderate

Strained my back while delivering toilets to building site. Narrow steps up to deck under construction.

Lifting heavy toilet pans onto deck using very narrow step. Client had not advised us of them still working on the deck.

Leave heavy items on truck to deliver at more suitable time, or ask for help.

Injury Peter Boyes 10/02/2025 at 3:01 pm 503
10/12/2024 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Injury Bryan Kane 09/12/2024 9:30 Moderate

I was lifting a heavy bath off the truck and into a property with the help of a couple builders and one of our counter staff, I must have twisted slightly when putting the bath down and caused the muscles in my lower back to strain/sprain. Went to hospital to check it wasn’t anything too serious, have been put on light duties for a week/depending how it goes and referred to physio.

It was a heavy bath being lifted by 4 people over uneven ground. The uneven ground contributed to the incident.

The bath should have been machine lifted as it was when it was loaded but there was not any equipment available onsite.

There could have been better communication before delivering the bath to ensure that there were enough people on site to lift the bath off without exceeding work safe limits.

Communicate with customers regarding what is being delivered and whether or not there is suitable equipment/man power available on site to prevent anyone getting injured.

Injury Bryan Kane 19/12/2024 at 4:32 pm 503
09/12/2024 Gloriavale Farm Plant or Equipment Victorious Standfast 09/12/2024 10pm

Using water overheating

03/12/2024 Canaan Farming Dairy Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Joseph Hope 02/12/2024 10:00am Moderate

I was cutting the water pipe to fix a leak and the knife slipped and cut my hand

Joseph had done dairy that morning so was likely not in the sharpest of minds, also the correct tool to use would have been the hacksaw which was not in a designated place for hacksaws thus making it difficult to find. Leather gloves would have prevented the knife from cutting him but he wasn’t wearing them.

When cutting pipes we will use a hacksaw and leather gloves to prevent further knife related injuries, also we make sure we have a designated place for the hacksaw and that the hacksaw is returned to that place when not in use.

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Joseph Hope 06/12/2024 at 8:18 am 441
02/12/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Plant or Equipment Scott Eustace 02/12/2024 7:00am Major

Nick was completing the vehicle check on our Ranger delivery truck PUQ339 (Fitted with ComTruck Tray roof rack) and did an outstanding job of noticing that the 2 front mounting brackets as they fit to the bar that is placed directly behind the drivers cab had both cracked completely through at the point they are fixed to the bar of the deck. Photos of the cracked mounting brackets below.
We contacted Ford who put us onto Fully Equipped where the the ComTruck tray decking was installed. Fully Equipped gave us additional brackets (now 2 per side)

The front mounting bracket takes the load of the over hang of the ComTruck tray racking. This bracket not only deals with the weight loading but also flex of the racking when the vehicle is travelling. This could be the wind loading or vibration caused by uneven road surfaces.

We have added an additional bracket to each side (2 brackets per side) of the front mounting bar and beefed up the fixing with square washers to spread the load as the rack fixes to the ute.
We will continue to monitor the fixing to make sure that fix has worked.

Plant or Equipment Scott Eustace 02/12/2024 at 9:47 am 503
30/11/2024 Brunner Station Vehicle Incident Josiah Benjamin 30/11/2024 11:40 am

Bithiah was driving the van with her family on their way up to the orchard. She thought she needed more speed to get up the incline, there was a slight bump at the start of the bridge and the next thing she knew Malachi was yelling to stop.
She was driving in second gear.

28/11/2024 Alpine Health Injury John Helpful 28/11/2024 0900

Put caustic soda into cold water then started to heat the jacket tank, the tank heated up and David saw a lump of caustic soda on the bottom of the tank undissolved, got the mixer and started to mix the tank to dissolve caustic, as soon as he stirred the lump it reacted with the hot water and suddenly and violently boiled over the top of the tank( the tank is about waste height and can hold 90l). David was wearing ppe however some caustic solution got on his boot which had a hole in, and he got a small caustic burn on his foot.

27/11/2024 Alpine Health Injury John Helpful 27/11/2024 16:30 Minor

Cutting a piece of PVC pipe shorter that was attached to the wall (I could not take off wall). I put my finger behind the pipe and the hand saw slipped of as i was cutting and cut my finger.

I was rushing trying to get the job done so I could turn the freezer back on and did not think about the best way to do the job.
The saw was not appropriate for the job.

Discuss at next toolbox meeting.
A better technique would have solved the problem from the outset.

Injury John Helpful 27/11/2024 at 12:18 pm 441
26/11/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Unsafe Condition Gemma Lines 26/11/2024 1pm Moderate

Pallet of heavy toilets have arrived stacked @ 2m high
Top boxes have been damaged.

The pallet arrived on transfer from HB CHF. We felt that the pallet had been stacked one row too high for the staff to be able to unload it without risk of injury or breakage if dropped. Potentially the same may be said for the loading of the pallet at the CHF end. Not an issue for a box of PVC fittings, but the combination of height and weight maybe?

Please consider the safe unloading of pallets when transferring.
Leaving this open for discussion at H & S meeting and team thoughts please.

Unsafe Condition Gemma Lines 28/11/2024 at 1:21 pm 503
25/11/2024 Painting and Boilers Near Miss Michael Trust 25/11/2024 9:00am

Connecting coal boiler steam line back in secondary shut off valve started leaking when steam turned on. Tried to tighten the valve leaking got worse turned steam off replaced the valve.

21/11/2024 Value Proteins Vehicle Incident Nathanael Constant 18/11/2024 1030hrs

A forklift that was stuck rolled over on its side as it was being towed through a shallow storm water drain beside the road with the huff loader.

20/11/2024 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Injury Bryan Kane 20/11/2024 10:20 Moderate

Eric was packing an order for a delivery that was urgent and while walking round the aisle he threw a tub of wipes from seven meters away towards Bryan. The wipes slipped thru Bryan’s hands and hit another staff member on the side of the head.

Item was thrown across the shop instead of walking over with it and placing it on the table.

Thomas returned to work after 2 days off with mild concussion, he is fine and back working. This happened because a staff member decided to through a product instead of walking over with it and placing it on the table for collection.

Unsafe Act Bryan Kane 04/12/2024 at 4:54 pm 503
12/11/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Near Miss Jah-Nay Houkamau 12/11/2024 4:00pm Moderate

Lifting hot water cylinder off the back of the truck, lifted it weird and took the full weight on my arm which resulted in my arm swelling and vein stick out.

Quinton is the driver and would normally be unloading the cylinder, he was standing beside Jah-nay, but has a sore back at the moment himself.(I will discuss this further with Stef) Where possible we should be asking for help to lift, particularly if its a heavy cylinder. Jah-nay under estimated the weight of the squat cylinder and when lowering it, took the load with her arm to support the cylinder to the ground. No cylinder damage at all, as it was lowered as normal, just with Jay-nays arm taking the stress.

We discussed briefly and will use this as good opportunity for a toolbox talk, regarding assessing the task and asking for help where needed.
Jah-nays arm bruised and was swollen immediately. We iced and reduced the swelling a little. Over night it was sore but showed signs of improvement.
Jah-nay will keep a close eye on it, and take care not to further damage over the next couple of days.

Injury Jah-Nay Houkamau 13/11/2024 at 8:04 am 503
11/11/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Near Miss Ryan McCleary 06/11/2024 10:15am Negligible

Jack did not see there was a 30km sign / red light / 15+ Parked cars coming down Shands Road all stopped at a red light, if we had crashed it would have been a fatal car accident most likely killing Both Jack and I, and the driver in front and piling into 15+ parked cars. The only reason we stopped is because I said ” STOP STOP STOP “

i have reviewed the video footage form the truck, and gone for a ride along with Jacob,
the vehicle in question is HUQ744 (the P wagon)
when traveling in the the p wagon it can feel that you are going faster than you are especially as a passenger, it also has a driving position that sits over the front wheels this can make vehicles infron of you feel very close,
Jack has demonstrated a good understanding of the vehicle and i am very confident in jacks ability.

i want to make sure all the drivers are confident and comfortable with the equipment they have i will arrange to go for ride along with the rest of the team so i can get a better understanding of what the might require to do there job

Near Miss Ryan McCleary 11/12/2024 at 3:46 pm 503
06/11/2024 TeamTurf Near Miss Dan O Connell 06/11/2024 11:30 Major

Tutils Truck loaded with 15 rolls bulging against curtain and not far enough forward on the truck.
Driver was nearly hit by falling roll, had he been hit it could have been serious .

Tutills Truck and Driver loaded at CFR Line Panmure .!5 rolls loaded with 2 major issues – rolls not far enough forward so support bar becomes an issue ( even the position of this support bar and its fixed location on the truck is not the best and is an issue when rolls are loaded against it. When having 15 rolls the stack becomes higher obviously and generally becomes wider at the top during loading as they tend to push out and press against the Curtain Sider.

01/11/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Unsafe Condition Bobby Ronayne 01/10/2024 8:33am Minor

a member of staff from Swarm has come over complaining to customers and staff about parking on the footpath,
his main concern is that the plumbers have to reverse in to there drive way in order to leave the footpath and this is a risk to his team leaving there car park.
This has been a long time issue and i am raising an incident report so we can discuss as a group if there is a sensible solution to the problem.

we will have a internal meeting


Environmental Bobby Ronayne 22/11/2024 at 11:53 am 503
31/10/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Injury Diligent Stedfast 31/10/2024 11.45 Moderate

Fervent was using a Hard cutter in a vehicle, making alterations to the Dash and somehow slipped and cut his Left index finger quite seriously.

Fervent hadn’t considered all the possible outcomes or whether there was a better way to be doing the job

Need to discuss more about proper use of sharp hand tools, need to wear gloves when doing this sort of job

Injury Diligent Stedfast 25/12/2024 at 7:47 am 441
29/10/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Vehicle Incident Tim Knowles 29/10/2024 12:40am Moderate

we were both reversing out at the same time and we didn’t see each other utill we hit each other

“at the time the road was quiet, the weather was clear visibility was not hindered, about 5 minutes before getting to the delivery frosty called to ask what was taking so long, we had another deliver after the current one that was calling asking how far away it was, ( have asked at this point if this phone call made him rush to get the delivery done) we were driving up the road to the property and went past the delivery address so I pulled in to the property next door and backed out to turnaround cam to a stop, the car at the house opposite was reversing out and while we were idle in the road about to go forward the car has bumped in to us.
we got out to check on the other driver and check for damage, the truck was fine the other car had scratches and a broken tail light. in the moment I forgot about the card with the process for dealing with accidents that frosty gave me. after getting photos and giving details we went to deliver the bath but the site was empty and we could not deliver so had to carry on

“we were driving along looking for the property and went past it so pulled in to the property next door to turn around, when we stopped to pull forward there was a bump tim got out to check, we had been hit by another car backing out of there driveway”.

“I called them to find out what was taking so long and told them on to it were getting impatient,
the delivery had left the yard at 9:30am and it was now 12pm i was getting a little frustrated with the time it was taking and when i found out the bath they tried to deliver was not required we had just wasted all that time”

Exit yard 9:37
Arrive clearlite 9:41 for 65 Conway st
Exit clearlite 10:03
Enter Fire 10:06 for 65 Conway st
Exit Fire 10:15
Enter Vulcan 10:19 for 65 Conway st, 15 Godley dr, 72 Orbel st
Exit Vulcan 10:55
Motor off 65 Conway st 11:05 BRE1006 CHC0278542
Motor on 65 Conwayst 11:30
Motor off 12 Selwyn st 12:01 10R2 CHC0285469
Motor on 12 Selwyn st 12:07
Arrive 15 Godley dr 12:30 10R2 CHC0283039 Non delivery Where accident happened
Left 15 Godley dr 12:44
Motor off 72/2 Orbell st 1:12 ONT1001 ChC0273894
Motor on 72/2 Orbell st 1:27
Enter yard 1:39


Conditions were perfect,


The truck was running fine


the deliver being done at the time was not ready, we should communicate with our customers to insure we are utilizing the drivers and equipment efficiently

1. Drivers need to remember to follow the process when in an accident

2. Tim needs to make use of Deakon for navigation so he can focus on driving

3. frosty needs to priorities urgent delivery’s

4. team need to communicate with customers verify that sites are ready for delivery

5. communication with dispatch and suppliers to insure pickups are ready and minimize time collecting pickups.

Vehicle Incident Tim Knowles 08/11/2024 at 7:03 am 503
28/10/2024 Canaan Farming Dairy Injury Disciple Faithful 28/10/2024 10:45

While making a wall of tyres I accidentally stepped on a nail.

23/10/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Distribution Vehicle Incident Dean Lysaght 23/10/2024 2.00pm Negligible

Brydie parked in front of the CHD warehouse roller door, parallel to some inward goods pallets on the passengers side of the van.
After loading her collection Brydie reversed to the drivers side (right hand down) when starting to move forward & left, the HiAce van wheels connected with the pallet.

Carpark was quite full with stock from the warehouse which greatly reduced the parking area available for our vehicles when collecting deliveries.

The pallet was low with only the mirror laying flat on it which made less obvious/impossible to see from the drivers seat.

The new HiAce vans have a bonnet on them which reduces vison immediately in front, when compared to previous models where the driver sat over the engine and the van had a flatter front. This blind spot is increased for “vertically challenged” drivers.

Pallet was in position prior to Brydie parking there.

While not ideal, placing pallets in the carpark is necessary for conducting work at CHD due to the amount of stock and accessibility for picking orders.

Drivers must be aware of their surroundings when re-entering vehicles after stopping. A quick look down in the blind spots before entering van would have likely prevented this incident.
In this case the pallet was in position prior to parking there but there is always the possibility on sites that someone places items in proximity to the delivery vehicles while delivery is being completed.

Dean will ask Frosty to remind all drivers, at next meeting, to check surrounding when re-entering vehicles after deliveries/pick-ups.

Vehicle Incident Dean Lysaght 24/10/2024 at 2:19 pm 503
23/10/2024 Plumbing Injury Ready Standtrue 11/10/2024 3:45 Moderate

Using someone else’s battery drill to drill holes through toe spaces for 22mm water pipes. At first used someone else’s speed bore spade bits but they were too blunt and swapped to an auger drill bit to do the job… In the process of changing bits I didn’t change my position to accomodate for the greater kick back force.

Environment: It was nearing the end of the afternoon so allowed time pressure to affect the decision to just get into the job…
Equipment: I (Ready) should have used taken the time to get my own Battery Drill for the job as I knew it’s capabilities and settings…
Processes: Have been through the VPL’s Electric Drill SOP and discussed correct procedures…

The Correct procedure for drilling in a situation like this would have been to change positions and to braise the drill against my feet drilling away from me (instead what I did… with of alms reached out drilling towards me)…

Have done Training and discussed with the Plumbing Team.

22/10/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Vehicle Incident Johnny Allen 22/10/2024 9.30AM

Rear Glass Screen Broke in MHB508 Mitsubishi Triton

I was driving on the open road at 100kph, and heard a loud bang which sounded like a stone chip on the roof of my vehicle, somewhere behind the drivers seat. I stopped 5 minutes later in Wallacetown to buy a smoko shout for Riverton plumbing. When I closed my driver door, the rear glass screen shattered.
I have emailed Smith & Smith Glass with the attached photos for ordering correct replacement and I have asked them for a quote. I have also asked Mitsubishi for a quote to remove and re attach the canopy, assuming that Custom fleet wont cover this and that it will be an insurance claim. Custom fleet have been made aware and have approved work on the vehicle to be carried out.

18/10/2024 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Vehicle Incident Bryan Kane 18/10/2024 8:40 Major

1 x 40mm pvc pipe slid of the roof of delivery vehicle PAJ399.

The driver of the vehicle presumed pipe was safely stropped to the vehicle, but after about 5km into the delivery the pipe became lose and slipped of the roof.

After a discussion with all the delivery drivers and the Branch Manager a thorough inspection of all pipes on the roofs of vehicles needs to be carried out before leaving the premises. Thorough Inspection must be carried out by the individual who stropped the pipes to the vehicle and can be checked by other drivers/staff members to re assure it is safe to deliver.

Vehicle Incident Bryan Kane 08/11/2024 at 10:11 am 503
16/10/2024 Gloriavale Farm Injury Willing Disciple 16/10/2024 10:30am Moderate

Was holding the calf but it moved slightly and the person with the dehorner slipped and grazed my hand with it.

This was a task that has not been done for a number of years.
One of the people did have some experience but had not done the task for quite a few years.
There was no training and safety analysis done before the task was started.
The appropriate PPE had not been thought about.
We did not have an SOP specific for disbudding using a gas burner as we had previously used Hornex paste.
Calves had gotten older than the ideal age so were bigger and harder to control.

We discussed the accident in our health and safety meeting with the farm team.
We found that the SOP for disbudding needs to be updated from using paste to using a gas burner.

Training needs to be carried out for this task.

Calves need to be disbudded as young as possible, so they are easier to control ideally in the first week. In the event this doesnt happen we will need a head halter to restrain the calf while disbudding.

PPE needs to be worn.

Injury Willing Disciple 05/12/2024 at 5:15 pm 441
15/10/2024 Electrical Near Miss Silas Helpful 15/10/2024 4:25

Adjusting the position of a smoke detector. Small flake of gib/ceiling dust fell into eye.

15/10/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Near Miss Nick Tutini 15/10/2024 7.25AM Moderate

At 7.15AM, the NZ Courier van driver opened the roller door approx 1.8mtrs high and not high enough for the parked ute to reverse without hitting the door.
Customer services Rep Raj and Jah-Nay were present and saw the driver enter the main doors into the warehouse, this has been a normal routine of the driver.
At 7.18am, driver Quinton entered the UTE to start up and reverse, he did not see that the roller door was not raised high enough to clear the vehicles roof racks.
At 7.20am, Nick Tutini was on the outside of the building and saw the reverse lights of the ute and the roller door that was not fully clear of the truck, I then ran and screamed out for Quinton to stop. The door was missed being hit by millimeters.

Courier Delivering before branch opening hours
Driver opening the roller door only high enough to walk under with his delivery goods.
No issues with Light or weather conditions etc.
When quinton got into the ute to reverse it out he failed to check the environment properly and made an assumption that the roller door was fully open.

Likely damage would have been to the roller door, not the tray rack of the ute, Really good that Nick was watching and had the confidence to shout out for Quinton to stop. Discussion had with Quinton to double check his surroundings when operating a vehicle.
Johnny to talk with Graeme, the courier driver to let him know that we had a near miss and that we need him to open the roller door to the higher opening if he is here early and door isn’t opened by staff yet.

As a branch we are all aware that the roller door is either open or shut, not somewhere in between.

Near Miss Nick Tutini 16/10/2024 at 8:28 am 503
10/10/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Vehicle Incident Craig McCauley 10/10/2024 8.30am Minor

Alvin slid a length of pipe on racks and shot forward off scraping bonnet.

Alvin had never loaded pipe onto the Rangers before and didn’t take enough care when sliding the pipe forward.
With the Rangers the pipe doesn’t touch the front rack when sliding pipe from the back of the truck giving less resistance to the pipe over the 2 back racks.
Pipe should be loaded on to the Rangers from the side to protect the pipe from falling on to the mirrors and causing an expensive repair.

We discussed loading the pipe onto the Rangers from the side to protect the mirrors.
We need to take care when loading to ensure that we are always in control of what we are loading.
If needed ask for help to control the load until it is secured. this applies to loading and unloading

Near Miss Craig McCauley 18/10/2024 at 7:39 am 503
09/10/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Near Miss Tabitha Ravenwood 05/10/2024 3:30pm Moderate

It was a two lane turn and driver on inner lane came into my lane and tapped the back of my vehicle as we were turning.

Tabitha was not at fault in this incident as the other driver crossed lanes into Tabitha lane.
Tabitha could not have done anything different as the other vehicle crossed lanes and hit her truck.

Tabitha did everything correctly with this incident by obtaining photos of both Vehicles, the other drivers registration, photos of the drivers license and photos of the driver as well.
This was a no damage incident and no damage was incurred on our work truck

Near Miss Tabitha Ravenwood 09/10/2024 at 10:32 am 503
08/10/2024 Canaan Farming Dairy Unsafe Act Endure Standtrue 16/09/2024 3:45 pm Moderate

A worker fired the bolt gun in an unsafe way without it being properly put together

Worker was tired and it was getting dark the worker was not thinking properly

the worker will not be using the bolt gun for the remainder of the season the firearm policy will be read an reviewed if it hasn’t been already

Unsafe Act Endure Standtrue 08/10/2024 at 8:13 pm 441
08/10/2024 Canaan Farming Dairy Unsafe Act Endure Standtrue 28/09/2024 11:30 Major

This is just an elaboration on a previous report about a worker using the bolt gun unsafely. I failed to mention that he actually fired the bolt out of the bolt gun, so it was quite serious

As it was said in the report the worker was in no condition to be using the bolt gun due to fatigue and also the bolt gun needed cleaning and oiling

as in the original report the corrective actions that were stated still stand but we also need to emphasise the importance of reporting to your manager when fatigued. we have read and reviewed the fatigue management policy

Unsafe Act Endure Standtrue 08/10/2024 at 8:03 pm 441
08/10/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Injury Alex McWhinnie 08/10/2024 7:50am Moderate

ducked down to avoid a bush well running and sent my shoulder into the side of the box truck sliding door handle

Deakon: has rushed to get back to the truck ducked under a bush hit his shoulder on the door of the truck, no time off needed to recover,

when moving threw a work site be aware of your surroundings, move briskly without running

Injury Alex McWhinnie 29/10/2024 at 11:36 am 503
07/10/2024 Bell View Farm Injury Thankful Christian 26/09/2024 3:45 pm Moderate

I was cutting the netting of a silage bale and was supporting myself off the bale with my arm in the path of the knife and as I got to the end of the bale because of the pressure I was applying to cut the bale it fired my arm toward the arm that was supporting my weight and I stabed my arm just below the rist.

It was rainy and Thankful had lots of feeding out to do so he would have felt a bit ruhsed

Thankful needs to be more careful when using his knife to open bales and needs to give himself more time to complete the task so that he can complete it safely

Injury Thankful Christian 08/10/2024 at 7:10 pm 441
07/10/2024 Harrison Bloy – Papamoa Near Miss David Pinnock 07/10/2024 10am Moderate

What did happen – Heavy breaking caused 8 lgths of Typhoon spouting to slide forward from the roof rack leaving scuff marks on the bonnet. No other vehicles impacted and no injury’s.

Spouting being a light flexible product means tie downs are not able to be super tight leading to the product moving inside it’s plastic packaging.

The load needs to be checked often and 100mm pvc sat inside the spouting cavity helps tighten the load.

Near Miss David Pinnock 15/10/2024 at 6:49 am 503
07/10/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Near Miss Diligent Stedfast 07/10/2024 3:00 pm Moderate

An axle came off the forklift as I was taking it out of the yard and it rolled down the road

Was driving forwards instead of in reverse and did not have the axle tied to the forklift

found that should have had the axle tied down or been driving in reverse.
We discussed it in our safety meeting and reminded everyone of policy

Near Miss Diligent Stedfast 24/11/2024 at 9:07 pm 441
30/09/2024 Harrison Bloy Tauranga Injury Franco Diblasio 30/09/2024 14:30 Moderate

Albert Brown – was completeing a delivery to the site.
A piece of warped wood was in the walk way and he tripped on it.
Albert fell over onto his arm and landed on raw gravel while carrying a length of 150mm pipe.
Albert had some scratches to his forearm.

Major contributer was that the site was messy and multiple loose peices of wood were cleared away after Albert had fallen.

Albert will take care when deliverying items to sites he is not used to and will also be sure to keep his eyes on the path.

Injury Franco Diblasio 30/09/2024 at 3:52 pm 503
28/09/2024 Bell View Farm Unsafe Act Endure Standtrue 25/09/2024 11:30 Major

one of the workers was using the bolt gun to put down some calves and when they when to reload it the end with bolt in came undone but instead of putting the bolt end back together first they they put a full activator in at the loading end and without thinking about potential consequences and fired it

The worker was tired and definitely fatigued, also the bolt gun needed cleaning and oiling so that the bolt end stays done up when undoing the loading end to load with an activator

The worker was fatigued and should have said so to the manager and been given a different task. the worker will not be using the bolt gun for the remainder of this season and the bolt gun will be cleaned and oiled regularly

Unsafe Act Endure Standtrue 28/09/2024 at 7:37 am 441
27/09/2024 Electrical Near Miss Silas Helpful 27/09/2024 3:35

Running a cable for a light. Cut the cable and it sparked.

27/09/2024 Canaan Farming Dairy Injury Endure Standtrue 27/09/2024 10:30 am Minor

Thankful standfast was pulling apart a segment of pipes and valves on the calf trailer and he broke a valve handle in his hand when trying separate a coupling attachment which then punctured his hand quite badly and he had to go in to the Moana health clinic to get some stitches put in his hand.

Thankful couldn’t find the second pair of multi grips and felt like he just needed to knuckle down get the calf milk trailer fixed because it was leaking milk everywhere, but the plastic handle couldn’t handle the strain that was being put on it and gave way creating a sharp edge which cut into Thankfuls hand, also the weather was fair and Thankful had just taken his day off

Thankful should have put a bit more time and effort into contacting the manager and not been so quike to try and fix the leaking valve. At our next tool box meeting we will talk about putting tools in their appropriate places after use so that they can easily be found and used

Injury Endure Standtrue 27/09/2024 at 1:30 pm 441
23/09/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 21/09/2024 2pm Moderate

Awatea was reversing out of the Inwards goods door in the forklift and Foleys van was parked by the inwards door with the boot of the van open.
Awatea saw the van but didn’t see that the boot was open and accidently lightly hit the open boot with the roll cage of the forklift
No one was near the van so no people were involved.
We have contacted Foleys and they are letting us know what we need to do to repair the van. This will either be and insurance claim or a cost directly to us based on the repair cost.

The main contributing factor of this is the forklift driver not being 100% of their surroundings.
While the van was seen and Awatea made sure people were not in the area, not enough time was considered around the boot of the van being open and looking upwards to see it open.

This was a very slow speed incident and while care was taken in exiting the warehouse. Care wasn’t taken in being 100% aware of the total surroundings.
We have all discussed making sure that you look at not only where you are heading but what is above, below and to the side of were you are going.
We have filled out insurance paperwork on behalf of Foleys who have issued a claim to have their van fixed. No damage was incurred on our forklift.

Environmental Scott Eustace 09/10/2024 at 10:26 am 503
19/09/2024 Value Proteins Injury Steady Standfast 13/09/2024 1300 Moderate

I was going to unblock the discharge line from the cooker to the decanter and I presumed the line pump was turned off because the cooker was of, but as I was opening the line, the meal that was blocking it blew out me..

An interview with Steady conducted on 25/10/2024 disclosed:
1) The injury had healed well and was not going to leave permanent scarring,
2) No further lost time to Steady accrued other than
that which occurred on the day of the incident.
3) Once again Steady was not wearing the mandated PPE required when carrying out this task.
Nevertheless, video footage of the accident showed that Steady had wheeled around as he attempted to distance himself from the the plume of hot liquids discharging outwards towards him; the liquid hit him on his head and the back of his neck where the injury occurred. In this instance the facemask, apron & long gloves would not have prevented the scalding on the side and back of his neck.
Contributing factors:
1) The incident occurred at changeover of shift and there had been little or no communication
concerning the blockage problem from the
previous operator. The practice of a minimum 15 minute overlapping time period for principle operators to discuss current plant issues at shift changeover has been established but not formally documented as a rule in any of our SOP’s. Steady evidently was not aware of this common sense practice.
2) A reoccurring blockage problem necessitating breaking into lines containing hot liquids in the Plant ! This has been documented in previous incidents concerning venting of the cooker. Multiple modifications to the design of pipework have been carried out to reduce the number of blockages occurring but pipework containing hot solids and liquid blocking up between the cooker and decanter is still a reasonably common occurrence.

3) A lack of caution and impatience on Steady’s part to get the Plant up and running again inducing Steady to move too quickly to solve this problem than his level of experience would allow for him to do so safely.
4) The primary contributing factor to this accident was Steady’s failure to check the pump pressurizing the blocked pipework containing hot liquids prior to opening the system up. This was a dangerous oversight in a procedure Steady was reasonably familiar with. This incident may indicate a need of further training or greater supervision for Steady when this procedure is required.
5) People: Being the youngest of the operators it appears Steady is having difficulty internalising the need for care and careful thought when faced with this issue. This incident has helped him to recognize the need to consider hazards carefully and not to be in too big a hurry to solve the problem and get the plant moving again.
1) Incorporate into a Core SOP a rule that mandates Plant Operator’s must communicate adequately with with each at a shift changeover.
2) Further training to be given to Steady by the senior Principle Operator for Plant one with emphasis on safety and need to double check lines are not pressurized in anyway prior to opening them. It was reported by the Health and Safety representative that this has already occurred.
3) Require that Steady not be permitted to carry out this procedure alone for the next 5 blockages unless another operator is assisting him demonstrating safe procedures with full PPE.

Findings: see above.
1)Further training: Steady has received further training during the 10th and 11th month 2024 from an experienced operator and the SSC emphasizing the need for a careful systematic approach and clear thinking when required to perform this operation.
2) The SOP outlining our Safety Rules for all areas has been reviewed and amended to include a mandated requirement that Operators discuss plant issues and that the responsibility for running the plant is clearly acknowledged by both parties prior to the operator finishing shift leaving site.

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Steady Standfast 01/01/2025 at 4:17 pm 441
16/09/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Showroom Near Miss Shannon Taylor-Webb 14/09/2024 11:30am-ish Moderate

During the Sale, a customer Placed a Trolley from Inwards behind me, I didn’t know it was there and stepped back. When I stepped back I hit my ankle bone on the trolley and fell backwards, luckily ending up sitting on the wooden deck of the Trolley.

The sale was a very busy day with a lot of people in the showroom, we had pallets on the floor with gear to sell and as it was sold someone with a sack barrow or trolley moved the gear out. In this instance they had stopped and Shannon was obviously not away because she was busy so stepped back unknowingly and hurt her leg.

For future sales we need to be mindful of everyone and not leave trolleys where people can trip over them

Injury Shannon Taylor-Webb 06/10/2024 at 3:32 pm 503
16/09/2024 Electrical Near Miss Willing Stedfast 10/09/2024 12 pm

Installing a light fitting, at Brunner. Used a tester to prove power was off to the circuit (using prove/test/proove method), but when I touched the wire I got a shock. The issue was one of the wires (which was the live wire) was broken in the strip connector. When I tested the circuit for isolation the broken wire was not touching the others but when I moved the wires as I started to work on it, the wire connected, and gave me a shock.

15/09/2024 Value Proteins Plant or Equipment Welcome Stedfast 15/09/2024 About 12:00am Minor

I was loading the shredder. I was reversing out with the forklift and heard the bucket knock the railing. Not thinking much of it at the time. Later( about 30 minutes) when Zion CH and myself realized that the door lock had been damaged we were attempting to solve the problem and Titus came to the seen asking what had happened, he gave clear direction on the gravity and next steps that needed to be taken( another locking system) which while he was getting, Zion managed to get the lock that was on the guard unstuck and working.

1)Lack of experience using a forklift with an attachment that adds 1.3m to the swing Radius of the tynes.
2) Failure of the operator to be looking at the implement whilst turning with the bucket raised.

1) Use and implement alternative lock out system. Done on the day of the incident by H&S Rep.
2) Repair lock and reinstall. Completed 19/10/2024
3) Review and Amend SOP BPW43. Completed 09/12/2024

Unsafe Condition Welcome Stedfast 09/12/2024 at 7:11 pm 441
13/09/2024 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Unsafe Condition Bryan Kane 13/09/2024 15:00 Major

Delivery vehicle MLQ88 is having electrical problems, and causing issues with gear changes and engine function.
sometimes losing power when gears are changing.

This could Potentially have happened due to heavy usage of the vehicle. It has been driven consistently for a few years now and probably required a change of parts to keep it road worthy.

Vehicle was took off the road and not used until the garage had fixed the issue. Vehicle has now been repaired and back in use doing deliveries.

Unsafe Condition Bryan Kane 25/09/2024 at 11:41 am 503
11/09/2024 Harrison Bloy Timaru Injury Peter Boyes 10/09/2024 15:00

Keith Smith – While kneeling on floor doing stock count. Twisted knee as I stood up.

10/09/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Injury Bobby Ronayne 04/09/2024 3pm Major

when flyways was unloading the truck using the tail lift someone has pointed out that one of the cylinders had a dent the driver stopped to look crystal has moved forward to point it out and as she did the driver without looking pressed the button on the tail gate to lower it down.


At the time of the incident Crystal was standing next to the truck when the tail lift was being lowered, the driver has stopped the tail lift and brae and crystal have pointed out that one of the cylinders has been damaged, (when interviewing crystal about the event i have learnt that from where she was standing she believed that the tail lift was all the way down at this point ) crystal has moved closer to point out the damage and when she did the driver has pressed the button to continue lowering the tail lift and squashed crystals foot.

This is Braes account of what happened,
“I think the time was around 12 – 1:30 not 100 percent sure but it was midday. I was holding onto one of the cylinders to keep it balanced on the lift just holding on to it when it was coming down, then it stopped for a moment close to the ground which is when I took a step forward as I thought it was on the ground. That is when it started to go down again causing the accident. “

At the time of the event he was facing in to the store facing away from the truck and only noticed something happened when Crystal yelled out the raise the tail lift.

Mike Banks Transport Driver Chris:
I have talked to Chris and found out the following:
it was not his normal vehicle,
the tail lift on it lowers differently to the one he normally drives,
when lowering the tail lift he has to steady the cylinders so they do not fall while in motion,

The yard was clean and clear of obstacles
there were a few customers coming an going in and out the door

Crystal was wearing her steel cap boots unfortunately the Tail lift has impacted her foot on the ridge above the steel toe.
the truck was a loan vehicle and the tail lift moves differently that the one Chris normally uses.

never assume its safe to go under moving heavy equipment,
the fact that both brae and Crystal have had the same reaction to the tail lift coming down makes me think we need to educate around safety around vehicles and moving equipment

I am planing to make note of this in the next team meeting

We are going to have training “safety around loading equipment” this will include trucks tail lifts and forklifts.

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Bobby Ronayne 21/10/2024 at 4:22 pm 503
05/09/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Injury Nick Tutini 02/09/2024 16:00 Minor

Placing a bundle of x9 RP65 marley pipes on our mobile pipe trolley.

Just a bit of excessive haste

Have agreed a little more care to try to avoid if possible.
Was wearing gloves which is great.

Injury Nick Tutini 12/09/2024 at 4:09 pm 503
05/09/2024 Value Proteins Injury Silas Helpful 04/09/2024 7:40pm Moderate

Finished work heading to green hut. Turned my head just before the steps and hit my knee on the corner of the steps.

Patient was interviewed 8:30am 28/10/2024 about the incident and disclosed that he was in a hurry, walking quickly, looking behind as he approached the stairwell and that is was dark.He did not realise he had not approached the stairs straight on but at an approx. 45 degree angle. His intention was to go up onto the small platform on one step. Unfortunately, although his leading foot made it up to the top as he intended his trailing leg knee cap caught the corner of a steel plate making up the platform kick rail and top of the stair stringer.
Contributing factors.
1) It was dark. A night light that turns on and off on a manual switch had not been turned on.
2) Inattention.
3) In a hurry.

He suffered a rather nasty bruise on his left knee cap which had completely healed at the time of the interview.No time off work was required. The injury occurred owing to the strange angle he had mistakenly approached the stairwell intending to get up to the top in one step.
Corrective actions.
1) attach a rail to the stairs to ensure no all users approach the stairs straight on as they should.
2) Advised the worker to exercise a little more caution when navigating any stairs, especially in the dark!

Injury Silas Helpful 28/10/2024 at 4:17 pm 441
05/09/2024 SPECIALIST AUTO ELECTRIC Illness Grant Ramsden 05/09/2024 2:45 am Minor

Our dog had a continuous seizure, required vet care.



Illness Grant Ramsden 06/09/2024 at 8:39 am 482
03/09/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Injury Crystal Parish 02/09/2024 2.00pm Minor

Lifting a shower out of the back of the van at the job site.

after being on holiday for a few weeks crystal went back to the normal workload and wast quite ready for the heavy lifts and has strained her back

in the future we need to make sure if team are off for extended time that they are supported and able to preform there daily activities.

Injury Crystal Parish 10/09/2024 at 9:28 am 503
03/09/2024 Harrison Bloy Timaru Notifiable Event Peter Boyes 03/09/2024 16;00 Major

While lifting a bundle of 100mm pipe to clear rubbish bin and container the wet pipe slid off the forks and landed on the front guard and bonnet of the Ranger delivery truck, damaging both.

Lifting bundle of pipe too high.

Remove all vehicles and personnel fro the area.

Unsafe Condition Peter Boyes 10/02/2025 at 3:10 pm 503
02/09/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Belfast Injury Karen Hewison 02/09/2024 10:33 Negligible

While pulling pipe out of the rack with a strop the buckle slipped off the socket end under pressure this action caused Pirate to fly backwards and hit the ground landing on his back then rolling into his side. In doing this he has grazed his right elbow and the knuckle’s on his right hand also hitting his head on the drive.

Not taking time to correctly get the first length out of a crate. Pipe wet from rain

Explain how to take out first length by pushing from other end. Try not to compact to many crates on top of each other

Injury Karen Hewison 06/10/2024 at 3:39 pm 503
30/08/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Plant or Equipment Alex McWhinnie 30/08/2024 1038 Moderate

the HB sign has become loose at the end closest to the trade door. it is banging in the wind

the sign has come lose from general wear and tear

we need to get some more fastening put in to the singe

Environmental Alex McWhinnie 10/09/2024 at 9:18 am 503
28/08/2024 Canaan Farming Dairy Vehicle Incident Endure Standtrue 28/08/2024 5:30 Minor

As I was reversing the mule I clipped the calf trailer, no damage was done

The driver was participating in a conversation with a person in another vehicle and not driving in the correct direction.

The vehicle should have been stopped before the conversation was carried on. A driver must have full concentration on where they are headed.

Bring the vehicle to a complete stop before having a conversation with people exterior to the vehicle.

Vehicle Incident Endure Standtrue 29/08/2024 at 9:13 am 441
28/08/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Injury Quinten Clark 28/08/2024 8.45 Moderate

Loading delivery vehicle with hot water cylinders and stepped on edge of concrete in carpark which resulted in twisting my ankle

The ute was parked towards the road where the car park is boarded with a approx 100mm high curbing between the car park and the Road. The day was clear, fine weather etc. The Cylinder was already on the ute, helped on by another staff member. Quinten was securing the load and placed part of his foot on the curbing resulting in twisting. High safety boots may have contributed to where the ankle was affected. Quinten new instantly that he may have done some damage, carried on and delivered before suggesting it may need checked out as the pain did not subside. A & E was decided so that it would be looked at in reasonable time.

Quinten was assessed and thankfully there was no fracture. The lower leg has some ligament damage that will repair over time. They suggested time off to rest it but Quinten declined and returned to work the following day, he will self monitor and is currently not ino much discomfort and is able to carry on without pain killers etc. He will avoid heavy lifts without help from others.
We asked Quinten to let us know if he needs further help from us.

Normally the ute would be loaded closer to our dispatch area of the building. The carpark was very congested at this time of the morning. Where we would normally load there is no curb etc. We will discuss surroundings and taking time to check for potential hazards in our next team meeting tool box talk.

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Quinten Clark 29/08/2024 at 7:53 am 503
21/08/2024 Harrison Bloy – Papamoa Near Miss David Pinnock 21/08/2024 3.10PM Moderate

What Did Happen – one length of 150mm from a bundle of 4 slid forward when breaking to a stop landing on the road and resting on the Ute bonnet.
Driver Jordan Wells (trade staff) in his second week.
Training – Instructions on strapping pipe on the Ute racks day one here at HB Papamoa and training on strapping pipe day 2 at HB Tauriko.
No Injury’s, Scuff mark on the Ute Bonnet.

Training was provided so a contributing factor would be no double check of the strapped load and no re check during transit.

As this was a trade staff recruit I have had a chat with them recommending they request confirmation they are familiar with strapping pipe on a roof rack as I noticed most drivers come with knowledge on loading box trucks not Utes.

Near Miss David Pinnock 07/10/2024 at 11:49 am 503
14/08/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Near Miss Bobby Ronayne 14/08/2024 9am Moderate

debby was walking threw the trade yard around the delivery bays when she almost banged her head on some stainless drainage pipe that was stacked on top of the delivery bay

Debby was walking at her usual break neck speed and the pallet of pipe was sitting at head height, was a poor decision to leave it where it was.

we moved the stock immediately out of the way

Near Miss Bobby Ronayne 10/09/2024 at 9:25 am 503
13/08/2024 Building Unsafe Act Welcome Stedfast 04/08/2024 9:00 am Negligible

Prayer D drove between the log barrier on her E bike and as she came through on the Hostel side of the driveway her bike tipped over with her on it right next to the steep slope on the side of the road.

The need to put a solid barrier in to stop vehicle traffic speading through for the good and safety of perdestrians using the road.

The logs have been moved and a plans have been made for an other temporay barrier.

Near Miss Welcome Stedfast 27/08/2024 at 9:25 pm 441
09/08/2024 Harrison Bloy Tauranga Vehicle Incident Franco Diblasio 08/08/2024 16:30 Major

motorbike driving on the inside lane. Turned into car and hit motorbike

Driver of the motorbike was at fault and witnesses advised as much.
He completely did not follow the rules of the road.

Witnesses and Police contacted and advised of the neglect by the MB driver.
Insurance were too advised of this situation.
The Look again rule applies here still even though the MB driver was at fault.

Near Miss Franco Diblasio 19/08/2024 at 11:15 am 503
01/08/2024 Electrical Near Miss Silas Helpful 01/08/2024 10:30 Moderate

Willing was driving to Brunner with pallet of solar panels on trailer. Met van on a corner on the gravel road at Brunner. Swerved off road and got stuck at edge of bush/roadside.

Heavy Load on trailer (pallet of solar panels) 1100kg
Windy Road
Coming Down a hill
Narrow Road
Oncoming vehicle not hard left

Use Truck or 4wd Ute to carry pallets of solar panels to Brunner.

Near Miss Silas Helpful 02/08/2024 at 11:21 am 441
31/07/2024 Electrical Near Miss Silas Helpful 31/07/2024 4:15 Minor

Drilled into trunking and it split apart sending bits flying into face below eye.

Drilling Near the end of trunking with a large drill bit.

Pre-drill with a smaller bit first or use a multi tool.
Wear Safety Glasses.

Near Miss Silas Helpful 14/08/2024 at 4:57 pm 441
31/07/2024 Domestic Vehicle Incident Salem Temple 30/07/2024 8pm Moderate

Trees down across the road driver didn’t see the tree and drove into it puncturing the two RH tyres and driving off the road

Environment – extremely windy night, Late at night
Equipment – Van lights are not the best but ok
Process – Taking 5 and considering the possibilities
Organisation – Ready is busy

Ready had considered the potential hazards considering the wind. Ready had a problem to solve before leaving for home and had pushed his limits to close on leaving time.

Ready is doing a defensive driving course to help solidify good decision making wen planning trips and driving.
Also was told if late leaving ring those at the other end to notify the late arrival to remove time pressure.

Vehicle Incident Salem Temple 29/08/2024 at 1:18 pm 441
26/07/2024 Value Proteins Near Miss Nathanael Constant 10/07/2024 6100hrs Major

An operator maneuvering a forklift in very close quarters to the discharge end of an active dryer accidently knocked and broke off a half inch condensate line adjacent to the rotary union of the TST 60B disk dryer. The rotary union and approximately 16 inches of pipe blew off with a loud bang and instantaneous massive release of steam at 350Kpa discharging out of the broken end of the pipe from the the dryer 18 inches away from the operator seated on the forklift. Fortunately the operator who was now also enveloped in a thick white cloud of steam vapour giving him only two feet of visibility remained calm realising what what had happened and more importantly that he was not in any way harmed at this point. He froze in place not moving to take stock of the situation. He noted that the white thick cloud of condensated steam vapour surrounding him, whilst blinding and frightening was actually harmless; the deafening roar of the released steam at 350kpa was, so long as it was not sustained was also harmless, however the operator was very well aware that the fascinating clear stream of invisible true steam blasting across before him 18 inches away (it’s direction and boundaries made clear and definite by the opaque water vapour) was extremely injurious and possibly lethal. The operator slid sideways on the seat his left calmly and carefully keeping as far away from the stream of steam as possible, got off the forklift and moved away from the danger zone of releasing steam.

1) limited space to store and manoeuver a 6.5m long forklift attachment used for bulk loading containers. The combined length of the forklift with the auger attached is 8.5m. It is parked alongside a partition wall adjacent to the end of the two dryers in p2 facing the door where containers are parked. The auger has been parked in this location to keep the manoeuvering required with the extension attached to an irreducible minimum when loading a container. The extension is simply attached, driven forward to load then reversed and disconnected when loading is finished. Unfortunately the downside to this is the concomitant and necessary manoeuvering required with a forklift in a very confined space between a TUP panel wall, protruding I beam and control panel on the north with gearbox,steam pipes, rotary unions etc … attached to the end of the driers on the south. To complicate matters further some forklifts will belly out when traversing a small concrete mound eastward from this area dividing the wet processing side from the dry. The dings on the guard of the TSTB drier and the fact that this fitting has been broken before is evidence of the care required taking forklift into this area.
2) The bulk auger had not been used for almost a year, the operator was perhaps a little rusty with this procedure.
3) Time pressure- the operator was anxious to finish and get home .

Discussions with the General Manager, Operator concerned, Plant 2 Operator, and Chief engineer were held to find a means of eliminating the possibility of this recurring. A simple cheap way put forward to eliminate the hazard of having to manoevour a forklift in close proximity to pressurized steam pipes and fittings was to reverse the direction of the auger in storage. This requires that the augur, once attached to the forklift , would have to be end for ended. Trials were carried out to see if this could be done inside but this proved very difficult and hazardous. Nevertheless this can be done quite easily in a couple of minutes by reversing out backwards via the load out roller door, turning around outside, and reversing back in. Measurements taken showed the closest any part of the forklift approached to any pipes or fittings at the end of either dryer was 3.0m or more. This simple procedure carried out first thing prior to placement of the container and at the finish after loading for will add 8 minutes to the bulk loading procedure. This operator concerned believes this a small price to pay to eliminate the hazard of manoeuvring a forklift mm away from pressurized pipes; a hazard that has been with us a long time.
Corrective Actions:
1) Amend Bulk loading Container SOP to document this
procedure. Completed 27/07/2024.
2) Bolt a piece of steel to stop the dog leg of pipe attached
to the rotary union from rotating. This will also provide
some protection to the pipe should it ever take another knock.

Near Miss Nathanael Constant 27/07/2024 at 4:05 pm 441
26/07/2024 Value Proteins Vehicle Incident Nathanael Constant 16/07/2024 Late at night, possibly early morning 17/07/2024

The south entrance gate to the BPW43 rendering site was was found dislodged off its the rails lying on the ground at a strange angle the morning of the 17/07/2024 . Please see pics. It would weigh somewhere between 200 to 300kgs. About 300mm of weak weld had been pulled apart at the east end of the gate by the impact. Some minor damage was sustained to the notched rail at the west end. Fortunately the damage was not serious and appeared readily repairable. A vehicle was damaged and a driver could have been hurt.

25/07/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Vehicle Incident Johnny Allen 25/07/2024 7.45am Minor

I was parked in my truck on the side of the road before going to call on a customer. The Wasteco truck Pulled in towards the front right of my vehicle to position his rubbish bin side lifter. He was too close and softly connected to the RH bumper join. He continued to empty the bin and put it down, then drove off pulling my bumper half off as he drove away, blissfully unaware that he had done it. Because I am an athlete I managed to exit my vehicle and sprint down the footpath to wave him down and break to him the bad news.

I was parked in my truck on the side of the road before going to call on a customer. The Wasteco truck Pulled in towards the front right of my vehicle to position his rubbish bin side lifter. He was too close and softly connected to the RH bumper join. He continued to empty the bin and put it down, then drove off pulling my bumper half off as he drove away, blissfully unaware that he had done it. Because I am an athlete I managed to exit my vehicle and sprint down the footpath to wave him down and break to him the bad news.

Insurance Claim underway no Excess to HB.
GWD have ordered the parts, waiting for them to schedule repair job.

Notifiable Event Johnny Allen 08/08/2024 at 4:56 pm 503
19/07/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Loss Time Injury (LTI) Debby Woods 16/07/2024 9:30am Negligible

when going to put a delivery label on a pallet I stepped on the pallet Infront of the one I was going to and twisted my ankle and twisted my back.



this was a case where our team member Debby was rushing to get a job done for a customer and instead of walking around an obstacle she has gone over it and twisted her ankle,

as a team we want to serve our costumers as best as we can, we just need to remember to put the safety of the team customers and ourselves before this.

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Debby Woods 01/11/2024 at 9:49 am 503
18/07/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Belfast Vehicle Incident Karen Hewison 16/07/2024 11:29am Minor

during delivery i Got stuck in ballast in entrance way to site. a 4wd had a short rope to pull me out backwards onto the rd.
as i was nearly out, the 4wd had to brake sharp to avoid a braindead driver who gave no room to the 4wd.
I braked sharp as well but not quick enough. the tail door of my van made contact with the left rear corner of the 1992 Toyota Hilux.
No damage at all to the Hilux.
But i got panel damage. the door now sticks and is difficult to use. A gap is now visible in the corner and this is allowing exhaust fumes to be sucked into the cabin. Another of our drivers has been stuck in the same site.



Vehicle Incident Karen Hewison 27/08/2024 at 2:18 pm 503
18/07/2024 Painting and Boilers Unsafe Condition Michael Trust 13/06/2024 10:30am Major

De-ashed the boiler, came back a few minutes later and a bird’s nest was smoldering on the ground in front of the boiler it had been made behind the building paper and the hot air from the boiler furnace caught the nest on fire.

Birds nest in between iron and the roofing paper.
when breaking up clinker in boiler furnace hot gases and fire escaped out he front Door,
which is not uncommon (PPE is used)
boiler had not been used for several months so ideal conditions for bird nesting

Removed building paper to stop nesting.
Ensure extraction fans are running
Ensure coal is burnt down sufficiently to reduce flash back
should check periodically for nesting in the boiler sheds

Near Miss Michael Trust 26/07/2024 at 3:37 pm 441
16/07/2024 Offices Near Miss Jordan Brown 16/07/2024 3.20pm Moderate

tripped over box

Untidy walkway

Keep things tidy

Near Miss Jordan Brown 16/07/2024 at 5:19 pm 573
16/07/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Unsafe Act Scott Eustace 16/07/2024 8:30am Major

Awatea picked up 2 packs of 150mm pipe on the forklift to put them away after they had been delivered by the transport company.
Craig and Henry were both helping Smart Contracting with some small concrete product that is located by our head office.
Awatea went towards the guys and Nick shouted out to the guys to watch out for the load, the 3 guys didn’t hear Nick and moved to the other side of Smart contracting’s ute directly under the pipe that was being moved.
This situation is extremely dangerous as if the pipe had fallen the 3 guys would have been in a very dangerous position.

Main factors that caused this incident were the lack of forethought of a possible bad outcome.
Awatea as the forklift driver needed to control the situation and stop the forklift itself and should have shouted out to the 3 people who stepped out to stop.
The 2 staff and the customer are also responsible to control their environment and should have shouted out to Awatea to stop. They should have also been aware not to move in front of the ute into the path of the forklift.
Nick as a bystander should have been more forceful in having people stop.

We have discussed this in length at the time of the incident and at our staff meeting.
We are all responsible for each others safety. Everybody involved with this situation had the ability to stop a possible major incident.
This has been a great learning for us collectively as so many of our staff were involved.

Unsafe Act Scott Eustace 31/07/2024 at 7:40 am 503
16/07/2024 Value Proteins Unsafe Act Faithful Christian 11/07/2024 6pm Major

Young fellows doing spins, causing sustained loss of traction and reckless use of forklifts.
Nathanael: Unfortunately this not the first time this reckless and irresponsible behavior has been observed. Same thing was sighted at night the week before by the SSC. A warning was given at the last toolbox meeting that the leadership would take a very dim view of this behavior and had in time pass disqualified a young man from from using a forklift for 6 months at the meal plant. Surprised this was done in broad daylight.
(6:30 pm)

People – 2 young men together finished the offal input and ready to clean up and one fellow skidded the forklift so the other had a turn. And on it went. Young and into thrills
Environment – At night Manager was in plant room unaware. Fat on the concrete creating a slippery surface for sliding
Process – young fellows were aware of the rules about driving but ignored or thought they could get away with it.
organisation – Hopes and wishes for better but was taken advantage of

When discovered this had occurred young fellows were talked to and dangers reiterated during a tool box talk. Due to the seriousness of the matter young men were issued a formal warning outlining the outcomes if further offending occurs. Care is also taken to put an older person and a younger together now. Organisation understands the responsibility to protect young people from their impulsive drive for fun.

Non Compliance Faithful Christian 29/08/2024 at 2:02 pm 441
16/07/2024 Domestic Vehicle Incident Diligent Stedfast 13/07/2024 8:30 Major

Sitting in our room and saw DSJ131 Meal plant ute heading down the road on its own with no one in it, after running out to stop it found it wasn’t in gear and the hand brake wasn’t on, there was at the same time 3 children sitting on an E Bike roughly 4 meters from the path of the vehicle, one of them was 13 years old I would hope that he would have had enough sense to move if needed but that would only bee if he had seen it in time, but potentially could have cleaned them up.

The event was simply a matter of pressure. Gabriel drove up to the front of the walkway to his hostel turned the ute off and ran inside to get something “quickly”.
The reason for the pressure was he had noticed on the cameras at the meal plant that the transport truck was soon leaving and he needed to get there quick to tell them to take more blood pods.
All safe procedures were missed due to the pressure of the moment.

Vehicle had not been stopped according to correct procedure
Man motivated and driven by the pressure of the situation

This is a recognised and acknowledged as a very hazardous state to be in when driving
Gabriel has chosen to not park in that area again as it is a dangerous place to park.
But in addition knowing his nature I have asked him to complete a defensive driving course.

Vehicle Incident Diligent Stedfast 30/08/2024 at 1:52 pm 441
07/07/2024 Domestic Unsafe Act Salem Temple 01/07/2024 9:30 am Catastrophic

I (Shadrach) was driving into Greymouth (in the car with me was Ruth C and Mary T) An oncoming vehicle was on the wrong side of the road. I had to pull off road and take evasive action. The vehicle veered back onto the right side of the road about 30m away, driver was distracted with phone.

I was (Ready) in the Plumbing van was driving from GM towards GV… with his oldest son. Had been feeling overwhelmed, struggling to keeping up with work and family issues over the last few months… my son was listening to an audio story… It was an cloudy/sunny morning I looked ahead on the straight road just before passing the Deep Creek Road turn off decided to give myself the excuse to use the phone briefly to catch up on some of my 300 unread emails… the phone was in the windscreen holder but turned it Landscape to read the text… While focusing on the phone screen, van had drifted across the center line, looked past the phone to see a white car coming the other way when it was about 40m away and quickly corrected the van path back to the correct side of the road.

This incident should not have happened, the cost off saving a few minutes, at the price of causing a crash or loss of life!

Driving during the last 6mths, while serving a 10mth sentence, has been a big challenge to say the least… balancing work and family; trying to manage plumbing work needs and pressures, often problem-solving issues remotely… Also keeping family and wife emotions in balance has also been a huge challenge; my wife homeschooling all the children at the start of this year with me away all the time and not being able to spend nights or most weekends with them… This has taken its toll on the whole family and very behind on plumbing work.
My probation officer Trevor has been helping me through these pressures but often the feeling of the ‘buck stopped with me’ would get the better of me.
Needed to have a checking in with someone on the ‘Policy-Safe-Driving-October-2023’ at the start of this year and a GV mentor to help me reduce the negative pressures…

– Have gone through ‘Policy-Safe-Driving-October-2023’ and reviewed the weak and fail points.
– A hands-free phone Kit in the Plumbing van would be very welcome.
– Have Booked a 9hr ‘Defensive Driving Course’ with “West Coast Driver Services” in GM
– Completed theory session 1 (of 4) last night on the 31/7/2024 with course instructor Shelley Evans. Couse is due to finish in 4weeks (with a 1hr dive to follow and book in whenever it suits)

Vehicle Incident Salem Temple 01/08/2024 at 8:14 am 441
01/07/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Injury Owen Gallagher 27/06/2024 15:00 Moderate

Awkward lift and placement of wide shower panels in narrow garage around customer car .

Owen (delivery driver) has a lot of experience doing delivery’s

moving large shower panel through tight garage around obstacles

no lifting equipment possible to use in this space

there was no other way to move the product threw the garage

need to look in to back braces for heavy lifts
1 will people wear them
2 will the actually help

Every environment we deliver to is different and the drivers need to let frosty know when something is not safe or not possible.

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Owen Gallagher 05/08/2024 at 8:22 am 503
01/07/2024 Bell View Farm Vehicle Incident Faithful Christian 08/06/2024 4pm Moderate

Endure lent over to pick up a fence tester in the Mule and ran it off the race and broke a post. Endure had been doing long hours and was tired.

Endure was the only one in the vehicle. Endure was tired from doing long hours and a weekly roster hadn’t been created yet because we had only just taken over the Bell Hill farm. It was a fine day. Endure was not under pressure to get the job done super fast or in a certain time frame.

Endure was to tired to think properly. A weekly roster has been implemented so that we are all getting enough days off/sleep in mornings. The Bell Hill dairy team will read the Fatigue management guideline to understand each others responsibility to ensure that the work is done safely

Near Miss Faithful Christian 01/08/2024 at 3:29 pm 441
27/06/2024 SPECIALIST AUTO ELECTRIC Illness Grant Ramsden 27/06/2024 Every second Minor

Bert’s bug continues

As previously – Don’t come to work when sick

As previously mentioned

Illness Grant Ramsden 01/07/2024 at 1:30 pm 482
26/06/2024 SPECIALIST AUTO ELECTRIC Illness Grant Ramsden 26/06/2024 All day Minor

Robert’s bug.

Staff to stay at home when sick.

At next tool box meeting advise staff to stay at home when sick

Illness Grant Ramsden 27/06/2024 at 3:38 pm 482
25/06/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Near Miss Samuel Loyal 25/06/2024 11:25 Major

The person was using an angle grinder and they were not aware of where the sparks were going and their overalls caught on fire, a bystander saw the fire and alerted the person,

The operator was not considering were the sparks were flying and possibly was not even aware that it could be a problem

Although the person had been trained to use the grinder he wasn’t paying enough attention to where the spray of sparks was going.
So in the toolbox meeting following the incident we reviewed the correct operation for a 9″ Grinder and then concentrated also on the hazard of not directing or controlling the spray

Near Miss Samuel Loyal 25/12/2024 at 7:56 am 441
24/06/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Loss Time Injury (LTI) Salem Temple 12/06/2024 6:50 Minor

Lifting washing machines and dryers by myself, injured back off work for 3 days.

Working by himself with limited options for help with the task
Awkward lifts
Procedure for manual handling not followed
weak support system in place for procuring extra resources at times

Help not readily available so went at it alone

Corrective action – Please review Guideline – Manual Handling

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Salem Temple 30/08/2024 at 2:40 pm 441
22/06/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Unsafe Condition Nathanael Constant 21/06/2024 0845hrs Major

Driving the tripper with a load of mulch to a customer in Dunolle. Had 5 passengers… young men to be dropped off at a course in Greymouth. A few km before Nghere I began to hear and feel a regular clunking noise coming from the general vicinity of the right front wheel . It worsened considerably with braking, even very gentle braking. To my shame I pushed on to Greymouth not wanting to be late getting the young to the course driving very steadily and using as little breaking as I could. However the clunking noise and vibrations steadily worsened and I stopped at Dobson to check out the right front wheel. I pushed the top of the wheel as hard as I could with my right foot but could not discern any movement or play in the wheel itself. I was vaguely suspicious this test might not be telling me much because of the weight that was on the vehicle. I looked underneath to check the steering linkages and suspension for signs of slop or play. I had just about given up but took one last hard look at the wheel nuts to check for what, to me, could be a likely cause of the clonking sounds (LOOSE WHEEL NUTS) and found to my horror that I was able to rotate two of the spring washers of the wheel nuts with my fingers despite looking secure and tight at a glance. Mystery solved. The Tripper had a socket set and we set too tightening all the nuts of the right front wheel ( as we tightened the two most loose nuts 3 other nuts became loose and required tightening) After checking all the nuts on the other wheels we found 4 others that did not seem to be very secure. We continued to Greymouth with no more noise or clunking issues.

Procedures for fitting wheels had been followed but the unusual nuance that showed up was that the wheel hub was a tight fit over the hub. This allowed the rim to bind on the hub and even when wheel nuts were torqued up they were still actually not seated fully.

CFE has discussed the issue in a meeting and have chosen to take the vehicles for a drive down the airstrip and back and re torque wheel nuts to ensure proper seating has occurred

Near Miss Nathanael Constant 30/08/2024 at 2:50 pm 441
20/06/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Distribution Plant or Equipment Dean Lysaght 20/06/2024 1.30pm Catastrophic

Dean was lifting a shower pallet down from racking approx. 2.2mtrs high. Aisle space was tight. When clear of racking and starting to lower forks, the load/pallet shifted due to loose plastic wrap getting caught on racking/pallet behind pallet where it could not be seen. Pallet design does not include a bottom deck which helps prevent tipping on forks. Pallet size is approximately 2.4mtrs x 1mtr. Pallet was also unbalanced as tray was loaded to one side although this was not visible initially.

Load shifting on the pallet caused the pallet to tip sideways on the forks which in turn cause the load (crest shower x1) to slip off the pallet from approx. 1.5 mtrs high.
Load fell against another pallet damaging 2x liners.
Nobody was in vicinity, or hurt, just product damage.

Future prevention:
An evenly loaded pallet or a pallet with a bottom deck/board would have prevented this incident.
In future, all shower pallets without a bottom board should be racked at eyelevel or lower.

Tight aisle space.
Unevenly loaded pallet….(loaded by supplier.)
Pallet load could not be seen when in racking due to profile of the product.
Pallet did not have bottom board to “capture” the forklift forks.
Loose end of plastic pallet wrap at back of pallet.

Pallets without bottom boards to be stored in racking at eyelevel or lower where possible.
Ensure plastic wrap is not hanging loose to get snagged when loading/unloading.
Continue to ensure people are not in the forklift zone when operating a forklift.

Plant or Equipment Dean Lysaght 03/07/2024 at 7:29 am 503
19/06/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Near Miss Stefan Haig 19/06/2024 9:10am Major

Hayden was putting pallet back in corner of store. I was going to collect a hot water cylinder beyond where he was placing the pallet. I was walking up behind, however to the side of the forklift when Hayden started to reverse. I hadn’t made him aware I was there, and I caught him by surprise.

We have a a busy warehouse with constraints around space, we are often juggling stock to get to other stock. The cylinders are housed down the bottom left corner of the warehouse. We have high racks all around and from time to time the forklift will operate in this space. The forklift driver(Hayden) on this occasion reversed away from the pallet he has just placed down. Stefan was heading for the cylinders and although on a path that would avoid being hit by the forklift, it gave both Stefan and Hayden enough of a fright to discuss this as a near miss incident.

This may have be a fantastic example where the illuminated working zone around the forklift would work well, that said –
The Forklift driver must be aware of their surroundings and the safety of the area that they are working in.
Equally, anyone approaching the working area of a forklift should make themselves none to the driver before proceeding.
We will discuss this as a team at our next toolbox talk.

Near Miss Stefan Haig 15/07/2024 at 8:26 am 503
17/06/2024 TeamTurf Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Dan O Connell 17/06/2024 12:45pm Minor

Nico was trimming the turf with his knife , during this sand and or rubber flicked up into his eye causing major pain and instant irritation.

Nico and Dan
Poor unclear instructions and not understanding the possible risk before starting the task.not taking a moment to wear all required PPE.

Pause take a minute , be sure of the instructions given and if required stop and make sure all required PPE is worn to complete the task.

Injury 30/06/2024 at 5:17 pm 920
13/06/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Near Miss Jah-Nay Houkamau 13/06/2024 12:00PM Moderate

Forklift had repairs, which left some grease on the floor.
The spill wasn’t cleaned or notified to us by the repair Man so that we could clean it straight away.
Hard to see on the concrete floor, looked just like a drip from rain water.
Spill kit was used to rectify and Area was coned off (1M x 1M)

Forklift had repairs, which left some grease on the floor.
The spill wasn’t cleaned or notified to us by the repair Man so that we could clean it straight away.
Hard to see on the concrete floor, looked just like a drip from rain water.

Spill kit was used to rectify and Area was coned off (1M x 1M).
Forklift will be put outside for maintenance in future and repair person made aware we have had to clean up after their service etc.

Hazard Jah-Nay Houkamau 14/06/2024 at 8:38 am 503
13/06/2024 Harrison Bloy Tauranga Unsafe Act Franco Diblasio 16/06/2024 10: 42 am Major

One of Mainfreight drivers came through to our site on the 28th May 2024.

Around 2 tons of strut was loaded on the mezzanine level of the truck – first issue.
The driver then opened the curtain and a bundle of the strut almost fell on top of him
He was completely reckless and did not listen to the teams instruction in trying to avoid serious injury.

Driver from Trucking company did not listen or follow instructiuons
He was advised to move away so mwe could resolve the issues

Details raised with trucking company
Corrective actions taken and drived dismissed from company

Injury Franco Diblasio 05/08/2024 at 9:06 am 503
12/06/2024 Joinery and Transport Near Miss Job Hopeful 15/05/2024 1:45 PM Moderate

Operator was attempting to cut a piece of Nylon rod on the Mitre saw whithout having it appropriately clamped down when it was grabbed by the saw blade and pulled up into the antikick back arms violently, breaking them off. Saw has been locked out, waiting on replacement parts.

Lack of knowledge about the product being cut and correct saw/saw blade needed for cutting nylon in particular.

Further training needed for operator before he uses machine again.
Saw is locked out waiting on replacement parts to arrive.

Plant or Equipment Job Hopeful 21/07/2024 at 8:56 pm 441
09/06/2024 Plumbing Near Miss Ready Standtrue 30/04/2024 2:00pm Major

Young worker changing a magnesium anode on a Hot water storage cylinder… Thought he had turned off and released all the water pressure in the tank… (As he had turned off the inlet and outlet but there was a second outlet putting back pressure on the system). While loosening anode (around head height) no water was leaking but after unwinding a few more turns it suddenly came free and shot past him and hit the wall… Hot Water around 55 -60.c coming out splashed on to his arm. He ran some cold water over it and was fine after cooling it for 5 mins

Could have been worse if it was hotter or in his face.

Contributing factors…
– Worker misunderstood and was doing this job on a different cylinder that he was supposed to.
– Had been supervisored doing this prior on the smaller cylinder with only one outlet which was a simpler task that the larger one.

Not enough training and supervision.

Supervision needed until trainnee is deamed compitent to undertake task on his own. There needs to be an SOP written for the Hot Water Heat exchangers, Cylinders, valving and controls.
The cylinders need a bleed valve at and pressure gauge installed so the pressure can be checked before work starts.

Near Miss Ready Standtrue 16/07/2024 at 3:55 pm 441
07/06/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Distribution Unsafe Condition Dean Lysaght 07/06/2024 10.00am Moderate

Cam found 1x orange mobile stock picking step to be badly cracked on one side.
Cam immediately made Dean aware of the situation and was instructed to put the bin in the skip immediately.

Crack potentially looks to be caused from stool being dropped on corner.

picking stool appears to have been dropped on corner. They are quite sturdy so this cracking wouldn’t be common.

Stool was disposed of & a replacement will be sourced.
Staff made aware of potential damage from dropping stool.

Plant or Equipment Dean Lysaght 03/07/2024 at 7:19 am 503
07/06/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Injury Scott Eustace 07/06/2024 7:35am Moderate

Alvin our truck driver was assisting Nick and George our other 2 drivers to secure a load of pipe onto the racks of Georges truck.
Alvin secured the ratchet strap to the far side of the truck and then climbed onto the deck of the truck and proceeded to pull down the rachet strap to create tension to tie down the pipe.
Alvin did not realize that the rachet strap had come unfastened on the far side and and as he pulled down it came loose and this caused Alvin to loose his balance and fall from the deck of the truck.
Alvin landed on his hip on the concrete
Nick went straight to Alvin’s aid and helped him to his feet
We supplied Alvin with an Ice pack and Ibuprofen and Panadol
Alvin is a registered nurse so he was comfortable that he was ok after the fall

Alvin climbed onto the back of the deck.
The tiedown was secured on the far side of the deck, so the guys couldn’t see that it became detached, so that when weight was applied it became loose.

This is a case of Alvin climbing on the back of the truck to tie down a load. in the 1st instance we have purchased ladders and boxes to prevent the guys needing to climb on the trucks decks.
Alvin and Nick were working together to load this truck so we will carry out staff training to make sure the guys know to use the ladders.
We have advised the drivers to try to tie the loads on the same side as they are securing down as with Alvin’s case he latched the tiedown on the far side of the truck and could/didn’t see that it came loose, so when he put pressure on the tiedown it became free causing him to lose his balance and fall.

Injury Scott Eustace 26/06/2024 at 8:23 am 503
04/06/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Loss Time Injury (LTI) Quinten Clark 29/05/2024 10am Moderate

Delivering water tank (160kg) to site on flat deck trailer. 2 staff members (including myself) and an elderly home owner onsite to unload. Strained my back when unloading. I was unaware of the weight of the tank before unloading (forklifted onto the trailer)

Hayden and Quinton were sent to Riverton to deliver this water tank. There was miss communication between HB staff organising the delivery and the Plumber in terms of timing. Consequently there was no help on site and this was unloaded by just Hayden and Quinton. The site was restrictive in where the tank could be off loaded. The tank was big and heavy at 160kg and had to be lied down flat on a hired trailer. The day was very gusty and the tank would not have travelled well in an upright position. The ute also has its restrictions with the pipe cradle above the deck. Once onsite the guys decided to off load by themselves as there was no one on site to help. Un aware of the full weight of the tank, (as it was loaded on with a forklift), Quinton felt a strain on his back

We discussed and actioned a plan as below at our Branch meeting 06/06/24
– Know your loads, question if there is help at delivery point.
– Plan delivery at time of order
– can it be delivered direct to site?
– Not to leave HB until off load plan is agreed with customer/receiver

Quintons Back Strain
– Off work Thursday 30th May and Friday 31st May
– Appointment made with GP, this is 2 weeks away so may not need it
– Chiropractor appointment this week. NB has prior back issues and often uses Chiropractor for relief.

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Quinten Clark 09/06/2024 at 6:38 pm 503
31/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Unsafe Condition Hayden McLaren 30/05/2024 2pm Major

Strops for delivery Ute in poor condition with damaged edges and stiff mechanisms.

Wear on Strops due to Time, Use, weather on strops and storage

Assessment of Strops on all vehicles. Any non fit for purpose to be replaced and disposed of.

Unsafe Condition Hayden McLaren 04/06/2024 at 9:11 am 503
31/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Near Miss Hayden McLaren 29/05/2024 10am Moderate

2 staff members sent to deliver water tank weighing 160kgs, only assistance on site to remove from trailer was elderly owner of the property.

Hayden and Quinton were sent to Riverton to deliver this water tank. There was miss communication between HB staff organising the delivery and the Plumber in terms of timing. Consequently there was no help on site and this was unloaded by just Hayden and Quinton. The site was restrictive in where the tank could be off loaded. The tank was big and heavy at 160kg and had to be lied down flat on a hired trailer. The day was very gusty and the tank would not have travelled well in an upright position. The ute also has its restrictions with the pipe cradle above the deck. Once onsite the guys decided to off load by themselves as there was no one on site to help.

We discussed and actioned a plan as below at our Branch meeting 06/06/24
– Know your loads, question if there is help at delivery point.
– Plan delivery at time of order
– can it be delivered direct to site?
– Not to leave HB until off load plan is agreed with customer/receiver

Unsafe Act Hayden McLaren 07/06/2024 at 9:23 am 503
31/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Near Miss Hayden McLaren 31/05/2024 2pm Major

Placing pallet on top of racking, pallet was not adequate and was close to falling backwards off top of racking, strops were used to pull pallet back to a position the forklift could lift and was then placed back on floor.

Hayden was on the forklift in our HB Invercargill warehouse. He was lifting a pallet of Enya toilets to a spot up high on the racking. During the lift the load was not placed securely onto the racking as the pallet was inadequate and the load was close to falling backwards. The movement stopped until the load could be manually secured in its position on the top rack. Another staff member assisted in the securing of the load with strops. This was then able to be safely brought back down to the ground. They are now in a location on the floor.

We discussed in branch meeting
– check load and type of pallet before stowing
– Pallet was not adequate for lifting to high racking
– will store heavy loads lower to the ground where possible

Near Miss Hayden McLaren 07/06/2024 at 9:33 am 503
30/05/2024 Value Proteins Injury Michael Trust 30/05/2024 10:30am Moderate

The water valve to the cooker was blocked. Which in turn blocked the liquid process. I turned off the liquid process and opened and closed the drain valve, but was still blocked so I started to remove the first lead trap and hot meal came out. Got out of the way but still got some on my overalls. This is a learning experience as this is the first time it’s happening to me.

An interview by the SSC with Michael was conducted at 1230hrs on the 28/06/2024. A positive and informative discussion about the mishap and the means to avoid a reoccurrence took place at this time. The injury was examined and found to be a minor scald in the instep of the left foot about 20mm across that was almost completely healed at the time of the interview. Michael had cooled the injury thoroughly as per his first aid training.
Enquiries about the training he had been given regarding how to carry out the procedure of dismantling the pipework when it was blocked revealed that Michael was very familiar with the process and had done it many times on his own without any issues. However when shown the Notification Sign (that he would walk past a dozen times a day when operating P1) mandating FULL PPE when working on plant or pipework containing hot liquids or solids (please see photo) he admitted that he this had not been drawn to his attention or emphasized during any of his training. Michael had forgotten to reopen a drain valve that may have dissipated some of the head in the first lead trap depending on where exactly the blockage was. This was put forward as the main cause of the incident. However a detailed examination of exactly what had happened revealed that Michael had been a little hasty opening the first lead trap up. More experienced operators have learnt to simply crack the join loose, then carefully observe the the extent and form of leakage coming out of the loosened join. This simple check gives a clear indication of pressurization of the contents. Patience at this juncture is required to become aware of pressure and then allow time for pressure to dissipate. Michael agreed this was the case. However it was also agreed that an apron which he should have been wearing would have prevented the injury.
Contributing Factors:
1) Michael is a part timer only working one day a week and al is still relatively new and inexperienced with this reasonably involved procedure.
2) This was the fourth blockage he had to deal with on this day alone. Having to disassemble and reassemble these lines three times over in one day may have been becoming a little wearisome to a relative newcomer. Michael agreed this may have been the case.
3) Lack of a mixing auger in P1 feed hopper; It is universally agreed by all the operators that the number of blockages has increased markedly since the main Augur Hopper feeding plant one was replaced with a new stainless steel one. The Augur Hopper that was replaced had two augers, the main augur feeding material into the plant and an additional augur situated above the main auger called the MIXING AUGER. This secondary auger could rotate in both directions and, as its name suggests, had a mixing action on the offal placed in the hopper. It is accepted that well mixed offal has a major impact in reducing the number blockages that occur.
4) Weakness in training regarding use of necessary and mandated PPE
1) Install additional mixing auger in new hopper.
2) Advise those training Plant Operators that instruction regarding appropriate PPE when working on Plant containing hot liquids/solids become an integral part of the programme.

Corrective Actions:
1)Michael has received further training regarding the Hazards of working on plant containing hot liquids/solids with an emphasis on safety and use of correct PPE. Completed June 2024.
2) Michael was shown existing provision within process control documentation to report all blockages.

Injury Michael Trust 15/07/2024 at 6:05 pm 441
29/05/2024 Domestic Near Miss Joseph Standtrue 01/08/2024 2pm Moderate

Joseph had a misunderstanding what direction they were going and when a passenger questioned why he was turning instead of going straight he turned around to talk and at the same time he swerved of the road and hit a fence. To children were trapped between the bike and the deer fence. Children sustained bruising

The 2 children wanted to sit up the front of the bike. The driver didn’t follow process for age and number of people on the front seat.
Driver was not fully aware of best practice for E-Bike operation.
This highlighted a gap in training also a lack in managing who is competent to use the bike. Bikes have been put into the parents control but parents did not have a operators manual

Driver was not aware of best practice for seating on an e-bike
Driver allowed himself to be distracted
No current operators manual readily available for parents.

More oversite at an organisation level to ensure safe competent operation of e-bikes and have operator guideline available and taught

Near Miss Joseph Standtrue 01/08/2024 at 2:39 pm 441
28/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Timaru Near Miss Peter Boyes 24/05/2024 11:40am Major

Traveling from Christchurch (to Timaru) I had a 2000 litre submersible tank stropped to the trailer. One of the strops broke and the tank flew off the trailer and onto the road. The traffic was rather heavy at the time and thankfully everyone managed to avoid hitting it or any other vehicle. The driver following behind and another that was traveling north stopped and helped load the tank back onto the trailer. I restropped it and continued onto Timaru.

The main contributing factor was the tie down strap snapped. The strap had no wear or tear and wasn’t rubbing on anything sharp where it snapped. strap snapped where the strap was going over the top of the tank.

The highway was reasonable busy and very lucky not to cause futher accident with other travelers.

We have agreed now to apply an extra strap as a back up for if this is to ever happen again. all straps have been inspected in all delivery utes and found 1 frayed which has been thrown out.

Potential Major Incident Peter Boyes 09/06/2024 at 6:19 pm 503
27/05/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Near Miss Diligent Stedfast 11/04/2024 3:00 pm Major

Could have caused very serious burns

Bench was mostly clear and tidy but the can of paint I was using was on the bench an obviously too close to the welding

Best to put the paint on another bench when using it and welding at the same time

Near Miss Diligent Stedfast 25/12/2024 at 8:10 am 441
24/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Near Miss Alex McWhinnie 17/05/2024 7:15am Minor

Traffic Light didn’t change to green so i braked

Frosty (Alex McWhinnie)
was to relaxed and trying to anticipate the change of the traffic light from red to green, then the light didn’t change as he expected has had to break harshly.

Frosty (Alex McWhinnie) was driving a little to casually and anticipating the light changes, we have asked that he watches his speed and not try and anticipate the lights from now on.

Incident Alex McWhinnie 14/06/2024 at 3:34 pm 503
23/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Injury Quinten Clark 20/05/2024 7.45am Moderate

Unloading Diesel Heater at branch after refueling at petrol station. I had a plastic pallet on the forklift level with the ute deck. (heater and Pallet together is too high for the ute, so wouldn’t fit) Heater slipped as I was moving it from the deck to the pallet. I partially stabilised it as it fell to the ground and strained my lower back.

This was an avoidable incident. Caused by a lack of safe process in place. The Heater was being transferred on a ute to the service station, to be filled up at the pump with diesel. This has been done before using two people to lift it from the ute deck to the ground. On this occasion Quintin did not ask for help and attempted to use the forklift to lift the heater from the ute. Because there is a tray for transporting pipe above the ute, was unable to strap the heater to a pallet for safe loading and unloading, instead trying to push the heater onto the pallet on the forks at deck level.(unstrapped)
The day was cold and wet which contributed to the unsafe maneuver. The heater started to slip and quinton did his best to catch it! It did fall to the ground and fortunately was not damaged.

Two x 20 litre containers and funnel have now been purchased. These will be filled at the service station and the heater will be filled by these.
We will discuss this process at our next toolbox.

Injury Quinten Clark 16/06/2024 at 5:57 pm 503
19/05/2024 Value Proteins Near Miss Nathanael Constant 19/05/2024 1410hrs Moderate

Clearing out a blocked tallow pipeline feeding the tallow bulk tanks using high pressure steam. A hazardous and difficult job at best. A serious effort was made on this occasion to contain the explosive discharge of the sausage of solid tallow with the concomitant discharge of molten tallow and condensate into a 2.0 cube offal bin. Under time pressure to find the correct length and and diameter size pipe to feed the discharge (200 to 300mm required) from the 2 inch steel pipe into the bin. A six inch flexible hose was selected. The young man selected to hot hose the section of pipe closest to the discharge point was fully instructed as to the potential force of the discharge, to be prepared to take evasive action if required, to remain behind the direction of the discharge, and as far away as possible commensurate with hosing the tallow pipe. Unfortunately at the time of discharge the sausage of solid tallow filled the six inch pipe and liquid began to come out the input end. This forewarned the young man and he quickly moved westwards along the walkway as the explosive phase of discharge began erupting upwards to the roof two meters up spraying condensate and molten tallow onto the roof and wall creating the usual mess. Other than a fright he was alright. (nothing will prepare anyone for the first bang of a tallow line no matter how much prewarning you get.)

1) Time pressure. The procedure of blowing out tallow lines is dependent on warming the entire section pipe which is most successful done in the hottest part of the day. Especially the sections outside of the buildings. A lot of time that morning was spent arranging to get hot water to work with. The following day rain was forecast. Two attempts on the outside lines had already failed due to lack of labor, general lack of interest, hot water to cold, and cool weather. Evidently someone had filled the hot water tank with cold water a few days back and the water was still too cold even after two days of running the plant.
2) Lack of good planning. A piece of 300mm pipe the right length should not have been used as planned but was not easy to find. 150mm pipe was too small a diameter as this incident revealed

1) Use an alternative method using sparging steam on one section of line is feasible and effective. This will lesson the overall hazards.
2) Mandatory use of min. 300mm PVC pipe on next trial at containment strongly recommended.

Near Miss Nathanael Constant 20/05/2024 at 4:01 pm 441
17/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Tauranga Unsafe Act Curtis Mungavin 15/05/2024 12pm Major

Have had the Hamilton truck here today to pick up cesspits 650.400.900.
Once loaded truck was bottomed out had 1 ½ fingers clearance between the tire and the truck deck.
This could be a potential health and safety issue in future as Hamilton is doing more civil.
Please look into this maybe find alternative asap.

load to heavy for the vehicle

use Les Harrison Tspt

Unsafe Condition Curtis Mungavin 20/08/2024 at 2:42 pm 503
16/05/2024 Harrison Bloy – Zip Plumbing Plus Hamilton Injury Russell Mecchia 16/06/2024 9:30 am Moderate

“Gabriel was doing a delivery of 2x 1.80mtr x 1mtr slate shower trays, 85kg each
We were unaware of the conditions of the job site and had not checked with the Builder as to whether there would be any one on site to assist him
We did have a hand trolley to use, but due to access and a slippery dirt driveway Gabriel’s feet have slipped causing him to fall backwards and hit his head, with the tray coming down on top of him. He was uninjured and has said numerous times that he is feeling ok

We were unaware of the conditions of the job site and had not checked with the Builder as to whether there would be any one on site to assist him
We did have a hand trolley to use, but due to access and a slippery dirt driveway this did not work.

Ensure the condition of the job site is ascertained before delivery – ease of access
Check also with the Builder as to whether there would be anyone on site to assist with the unloading.

Injury Russell Mecchia 20/08/2024 at 12:14 pm 503
15/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Injury Larissa Clarke 15/05/2024 11:00 Minor

I grabbed a VCBC sample board and the stand attached fell off and fell on my foot.

The sample stands provided have a back on them, they are quite awkward to lift so the samples dont fall off and would require two hands to stop the samples falling. The backs are attached but not well. I dont believe Larissa was at any way at fault, however sensible footwear may have lessened the bruising?

The stand parts have been removed from all boards to avoid any further instances of harm.

Minor Incident Larissa Clarke 16/05/2024 at 7:31 am 503
15/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Unsafe Condition Gemma Lines 16/06/2024 10 am Moderate

We had a forklift mechanic in doing repairs on our Forklift. He was fixing the handbrake using CRC in a dispenser, he accidentally sprayed this several times on our floor unaware that he had done this.

Lack of Care from the Forklift Mechanic

Forklift mechanic should have used something to catch any spill that may occur during servicing
Asked them to exercise more care
A spill kit has been purchased and used by HB staff to Clean and uplift the spill.

Unsafe Condition Gemma Lines 16/06/2024 at 5:26 pm 503
15/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Unsafe Condition Hayden McLaren 01/05/2024 8am Moderate

Overhead light flashing


Have forwarded to the branch manager to arrange for the Electrician to come and fix the bulb.

Unsafe Condition Hayden McLaren 16/06/2024 at 5:14 pm 503
14/05/2024 Value Proteins Near Miss Steady Standfast 10/05/2024 1230 Major

Outlet from the cooker discharge pump was blocked and the cooker outlet chute filled up with product and began to over flow. The newly installed overflow bypass had also blocked so the product overflowed out the top trapdoor.

A very brief investigation conducted by the the SSC with the relatively new operator involved in this incident and another experienced retired operator disclosed 1)near misses of this nature are and have been a reoccurring problem for many years that all Plant 1 Operators both current and retired are very familiar with.
2) this is a problem that all senior staff including the SSC and many junior staff are familiar with.
3) heated fluids ejecting out of the cooker is caused by blockages that form in 50mm RJS pipework after the cooker and prior to the decanter. (please note that the out put of cooker is a rectangular box section that is tapered down to a 100mm SS line which has to be tapered down further to 50mm before its entry into the decanter; an unfortunate but necessary aspect of design.) Too much meat and bone passing though the system is believed to exacerbate the blockage problem. Once this pipework has blocked, material discharging from the cooker slows down or stops altogether and the cooker overfills. This can occur in a short period of time. This results in hot elevated liquids spewing out any open orifices in the cooker. The exit temperature is maintained at 90.0 degrees C. Two of the most serious injuries in the history of the company have involved elevated heated liquids and poor design. Too much meat and bone coming in and overloading the system is one the root causes of the blocking problem; the reasons and circumstances that cause this would take to much time and space to document here but have been discussed more than once.
4) This problem is multifaceted and not easy to remedy and will required a combined unified team effort to solve.
5) The number of blockages that have occurred is not is not known for sure because of lack of reporting but 2 blockages in a day (and even three?) have happened on occasions. The SSC believes it may be a surprise to many if this figure was known for sure.
6) A basic inertia of Senior staff ( including three different managers over the years) to believe that this problem could potentially cause a very serious injury given a worst case scenario. i.e. blockage occurring, live steam and jacket heating overheating on a over full cooker blocked cooker for a lengthy time period, bone chip blockage breaking out releasing a good volume of 90 degree liquid ejecting all over the head and face of an operator too tired to be as wary and alert as the one who raised this notification!

Findings: please see above contributing factors.
Corrective actions. This problem has and is currently being address but, not as yet, addressed effectively. Valiant is about to trial another bypass pipe to safely vent hot liquids from the cooker without compromising the safety of the plant operators in any way.
Update: 16/07/24
A second venting pipe has been in trial for over six weeks and has prove ,thus far, to be very successful. The pipe has been welded to
a curved
section of SS plate, that was bolted and sealed over the the hole where the hatch door was. (please see extra pics) This modification has effectively eliminated the hazard of hot liquids ejecting outwards towards operators . The vent pipe does not leak during normal operating but does discharge safely to the ground giving operators a timely warning that the pipework has become blocked and remedial action is required.

Near Miss Steady Standfast 16/07/2024 at 9:27 pm 441
14/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Injury Alex McWhinnie 14/05/2024 10:00ish Minor

delivering gear to wolfbrook site. when delivering HWC was trying to weave between scaffolding slipped on a brick or block of wood. I fell backward hitting mid back on the scaffolding HWC then onto ground. HWC got stuck standing up as it hit scaffolding.

Frosty (Alex McWhinnie)
9 years working deliveries and inwards good has had training and has trained other drivers.
Health is a little porley with a chest cold,
Fitness is low but still capable of doing the job,

Was not nearby when frosty fell but the only other driver on site,
Didn’t see it happen

The site was a mess with rubbish scattered around the scaffolding,

All equipment necessary to carryout the work was on site,

Delivery process were followed and frosty was able to recover and carry on

Every delivery site is different and drivers have to think on there feet in order to adapt to the conditions on site,

We checked to make sure he had no injuries and offered support to keep working,
In the future we recommend doing a ground check when doing delivery’s making sure there is a clear path.

Environmental Alex McWhinnie 20/05/2024 at 5:41 pm 503
07/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Distribution Injury Dean Lysaght 07/05/2024 8 am Minor

Cam was booking in couriered inward goods. Picked up a A4 sized courier bag. bag contained glass shelves. When Cam picked up the package he found one glass shelf shattered with glass throughout the courier bag & starting to cut through bag.

Not Entered

Reminded courier company of packaging requirements

Injury Dean Lysaght 16/06/2024 at 5:07 pm 503
04/05/2024 Alpine Health & Forest Gold Honey Injury John Helpful 03/05/2024 5.00pm Major

Chute got blocked while emptying machine, unblocked it with a metal pipe, then set the machine to close. At the time I was thinking about another machine that had broken down and how to fix it. Without thinking I put my finger into the open chute, and it shut, then I realized I had just set it to close (takes about 3 seconds to close), I then reopened the chute door and freed my finger.

Injury John Helpful 26/09/2024 at 11:48 am 441
02/05/2024 Domestic Incident Salem Temple 02/05/2024 9:00 Major

Truck parked on the lawn up by the laundry with a tank of water on the back, rolled down across the lawn toward the road and Hostel 1 and by the grace of God slowed down enough in the drain to stop before reaching the Hostel. Truck was found to be in neutral and the park brake off.

Truck was parked at the top of the lawn where it is more level the night before. The gear was most likely left in reverse and I cannot be certain the hand brake was applied as it was off after the rollaway. It was not chocked and had extra weight with the water tank on the back. Not sure if it was used the next morning but it is unlikely as vehicle was flat and needed jump starting.

Vehicle should not have been left in that area but parked in the car park when finished with.
A double check by driver of vehicle when parking on an incline to ensure park brake is applied and vehicle in gear and wheels turned to curb when there is one. Reminders needed.
Chock should have been used that is adequate in size for the the vehicle wheel.
I will manufacture some chocks to be distributed out.

Vehicle Incident Salem Temple 02/05/2024 at 10:58 am 441
01/05/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Belfast Unsafe Condition Karen Hewison 01/05/2024 2:00pm Moderate

Three Gas Canisters have been left in the rubbish bin. This could become a hazard, if they are not empty and are in the bin with other combustible material if the bin heats up they can explode and cause a fire. We have removed them and taken to the local recycling center in accordance with local and regional

Not given

We have removed them and taken to the local recycling center in accordance with local and regional 1/5/24 Completed

Unsafe Condition Karen Hewison 16/06/2024 at 4:47 pm 503
30/04/2024 TeamTurf Near Miss Mike Smith 30/04/2024 3pm Minor

hit head on playground and twisted right shoulder

stay low when walking through play equipment with overhead obstacles

29/04/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Injury Hayden McLaren 29/04/2024 2pm Minor

Loading pipe into rack and caught finger between end of pipe and rack.

Excessive Haste, pushing pipe in too close to close to the racks.

Just a small blood blister/Bruise. Hayden had his gloves on but caught his finger between the Pipe and Rack. Will take a little more time to avoid injury.

Injury Hayden McLaren 19/05/2024 at 11:18 am 503
29/04/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Near Miss Terry VanDerSchaaf 29/04/2024 afternoon? Minor

Walking out of inwards, almost got run over by Pipelines forklift driver. We made eye contact and he saw me walk behind him. With Tim or any other driver, the driver pauses and watches behind him. This guy didnt.

unfortunately terry has not been able to give specific details about this event, the driver involved and the time and date, making doing a complete investigation impossible

i have had a conversation and followed up with EMAIL to Scott from Fire, to have a chat with his drivers
1 to see if the remember this happening
2 just to reinforce the rules around driving forklifts in our yard they must comply with our forklift operating procedures.

Hazard Terry VanDerSchaaf 20/05/2024 at 5:48 pm 503
29/04/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Near Miss Terry VanDerSchaaf 29/04/2024 9:00am Moderate

Climbed on racking to get fittings

Terry Vanderschaaf
works in the office, but has spent substantial time in the trade yard, and on work sites.
Training around safety and use of appropriate equipment was lacking,
Is physically capable of carrying out the work.
Health was fine at the time.
Was under the normal amount of stress and fatigue.

A ladder was used to get as high as possible then terry continued to climb from the ladder up the racking to reach the pallet, A more appropriate tool for this job would have been the WAVE or having a forklift operator remove the pallet to work on it from the ground.

There were several pallets in front of the racking,

Safe work procedures were not used,
Appropriate equipment was available to do this job safely (forklift, walk behind, WAVE).
They were not used (forklift, walk behind, WAVE).

Safety rules around not climbing racking have been communicated in the past, they will be reinforced in the next team meeting.
As soon as the team member was seen acting unsafely he was stopped.
Future training has been made available.

Terry was trying to put his customer first.
Among the team there is an attitude that we do anything to get what the customer wants, we are re learning some built in attitudes to put safety first.

Incident Terry VanDerSchaaf 13/05/2024 at 3:37 pm 503
26/04/2024 Papatoetoe West School Near Miss Phil Lewis 26/04/2024 10am Moderate

Lifted pallet of shockpad from the 900mm end and the pallet snapped in half. Landing on the end of the trolley and propelling it forward into Gonzalo’s leg

Phil and Gonzalo ,
Again pause take a moment and discuss what potential hazards could arise from such activity – once discussed either change your approach to the task or put controls in place to protect staff.

Should we load pallets from the 900mm wide end, we must use fork extensions to support past the middle of the pallet to prevent these from snapping.

Near Miss 30/06/2024 at 5:21 pm 920
25/04/2024 TeamTurf Injury Dan O Connell 08/04/2024 Crushed Finger Moderate

I jammed – crushed my right index finger while loading the skip bin

Too heavy to lift rubbish into the bin for one person.

Take extra care to keep hands and fingers away from the edge of the bin when loading it.

Injury 11/11/2024 at 12:23 pm 920
25/04/2024 TeamTurf Injury Dan O Connell 25/04/2024 10am Minor

cut finger on line cutter blade while changing blades

Use plyers to remove blades from line cutter

25/04/2024 Value Proteins Injury Michael Trust 24/04/2024 2:30pm Major

Pipe to the decanter was blocked. Was by the cooker and hot water came out the cooker door

Please see near miss raised by Steady Standfast and closed by BPW43 SSC. Same issue

Please see near miss raised by Steady Standfast and closed by BPW43 SSC. Same issue.

Incident Michael Trust 19/05/2024 at 9:25 pm 441
23/04/2024 Warehouse 3 Injury Josh Saunders 28/02/2024 9:30am Moderate

Zyon was putting spacer bar into the racking in warehouse 3 and had angled his wrist incorrectly.
causing a sprain/pain on his wrist

Angled wrist incorrectly
Restricted working area

Zyon did not seek medical advice. Event closed by H&S Committee

Injury Josh Saunders 16/06/2024 at 7:01 pm 70
23/04/2024 Warehouse 1 Injury Josh Saunders 15/04/2024 11:45am Moderate

Liza was cutting down cardboard boxes. as she was throwing them into the bin she had her knife in hand but still had
the blade out and sliced her thumb. she called for first aid and Quiton came and covered it up before going to
the medical center.

Unsafe act

Followed up with Liza, thumb is fine. NOTE: Closed by H&S Committee on 17/05/2024

Injury Josh Saunders 16/06/2024 at 6:53 pm 70
23/04/2024 Warehouse 1 Injury Josh Saunders 18/04/2024 9:00-9:30am

Josh was loading the putty machine and was throwing bags of Snowcal from the back of the pallet to the front as he could not reach the back on the platform. As he was doing so hurt his shoulder causing him to stop working and report.

23/04/2024 Warehouse 2 Unsafe Condition Josh Saunders 22/04/2024 8AM Moderate

Perez noticed a hose caught in the top right of the glass machine and had been ripped out.

Rectified by engineers by set position. Closed by H&S Committee 17/05/2024

Unsafe Condition Josh Saunders 16/06/2024 at 6:57 pm 70
23/04/2024 Warehouse 3 Unsafe Condition Josh Saunders 23/04/2024 12 noon Major

Keiran was picking an order when he tried to get a pallet that he noticed had collapsed into the racking,
He tried removing it himself but was unable to. Keiren stopped and got Quinton, JP and Shaun to help remove the pallet.

upon investigation the reason it had collapsed was due to having no extra support wood in the runners of the pallet.

Extra blocks of wood is required to keep sturdy.
JP spoke to everyone involved in this activity.
H&S Committee satisfied that corrective actions are in place

Unsafe Condition Josh Saunders 16/06/2024 at 7:06 pm 70
23/04/2024 Warehouse 1 Unsafe Act Josh Saunders 18/04/2024 2.45pm Moderate

when there is not enough sealant in the pot the air pressure can cause bursts through the pressure pot resulting in splashing of the small joint sealer outwards of the container. this caused Kelvins clothes to be covered in sealant.

People – Inadequate training and supervision
Equipment – PPE not available

For the decanting of the small joint sealer from the pressure pot into small 500ml containers incident, gloves have been ordered and white pvc apron is in place. As the filters for the respirator lasts only 3 months, these will be purchased as required. Committee agreed to close this incident.

Unsafe Act Josh Saunders 29/07/2024 at 12:48 pm 70
17/04/2024 Painting and Boilers Injury Michael Trust 16/04/2024 2:30pm Minor

Was removing welding slag and a piece of hot slag got in my leather glove. Was wearing all appropriate ppe.

Hot slag when in to leather gloves

Longer sleeve glove may of helped prevent it from happening.

Injury Michael Trust 23/04/2024 at 3:21 pm 441
17/04/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Vehicle Incident Alex McWhinnie 17/04/2024 7:01 Negligible

Ryan was reversing the box truck. the rear hatch of the van was open. He clipped it with tail swing of the truck. hHe was unaware that it had happened and bent the bottom corner of the rear door.

the driver (Ryan)
has only been driving large vehicles for a few months.
Has had basic training
Can physically do the job
Is in good health
Is not tired or under stress

The reversing camera was not able to see the van door as it sits at a height of 2.1m and the backing camera only sees about 1.5m up directly behind it.

Weather was clear.
There was a lot of other vehicles in the car part at the time.

The van was parked in the door being loaded for its next delivery as car parks were full with customers and other delivery vehicles.

The team is aware of how busy the car park is and the need to be aware of customers and team pedestrians and vehicles

the team has done a good job in letting me know of the incident and has created a good amount of communication around how we operate in the car park.

Incident Alex McWhinnie 29/04/2024 at 2:47 pm 503
16/04/2024 Value Proteins Non Compliance Nathanael Constant 16/04/2024 0730 Major

A senior worker was seen exposing himself to a fall of 3.2 meters by climbing over and around the northwest corner of recently erected safety railing to access a blocked shredder. The shredder was isolated and locked out at the circuit breaker, a method of lockout only permitted to be done by an electrician. The lockout was verified by the Health and Safety representative (another person as required) after he had accessed the hopper. A double lockout is required for high hazard machinery which was readily achievable as the main power lead has a lockable socket. This was not carried out. Documentation for high hazard a lockout was only done days after the event. He was advised of a more appropriate and safer means to access and clear the hopper which he willingly complied with. A brief investigation and discussion of this event at a recent toolbox meeting disclosed a lot of contributing factors; to many detail at this stage.

The usual; work pressure combined with unexpected delays causing frustration leading to cutting corners regarding safety. Key Factors :
1) Miscommunication about who was working up the
back and when he was supposed to start. First
delay. The operator was obliged to load the Offal
into the plant and attempt to run the plant at the
same time.
2) Second delay: Bin tipper not working.
3) The key to the $2000.00 combined gate lock and
isolation switch was itself locked up by the General
Manager who was away that day. Further delay or
stopped altogether until someone with access to
the safe could be found
. 4) Shredder bridged.
5) This particular worker is inclined to cut corners
regarding safety. Nevertheless when reminded he
did proceed to use the forklift cage after he was
seen climbing on the rail exposing himself to a
fall of nearly 3.20 meters.

See above. The incident was discussed at the Toolbox meeting on on the 15/04/2024. The worker was reminded of the rule documented in the BPW43 Safety Unit : Safety Rules For all Areas ” Fall restraint or an approved working platform must be used when working above a height of 2.0 meters (measured from feet to floor).”

Non Compliance Nathanael Constant 19/05/2024 at 9:12 pm 441
16/04/2024 Value Proteins and Value Energy Minor Incident Nathanael Constant 16/04/2024 1500hrs Moderate

A senior, experienced and capable forklift driver was backing the hired electric forklift slowly but very closely past a forklift attachment that allows offal bins to be rotated and tipped upside down to empty. Unfortunately he failed to note a horizontal hook canter levered out slightly beyond the general line of the attachment he was moving close to. I believe he may have turned a little prematurely around the unit as the horizontal hook came about 50-100mm inside the roll cage of his forklift embedding itself into the electronic console of the forklift he was driving. Despite what appears to be a serious puncture the forklift is still operable. Please see pictures.

Forklift operator in a wee bit of a hurry in a situation that required more care than was actually given.

A bit of a trap that almost anybody could have fallen into. Incident will be discussed and a warning given to all forklift operators working at meal plant.

Incident Nathanael Constant 17/04/2024 at 4:58 pm 441
16/04/2024 Value Proteins Incident Nathanael Constant 08/04/2024 1030hrs Negligible

A bit of sloppy forklift driving in a relatively restricted and cramped environment by an experienced driver. The forklift reversed and gently nudged a small, mobile but very unstable auger hopper. The auger motor tipped downwards onto the motor in an instant. The round section of the gearbox landed on the auger hopper’s electric cord severing it cleanly as if it had been cut with a knife. Please see pictures.

1)Fatigue, incident occurred at the end of a long day, and the worker had been doing some reasonably arduous work earlier cleaning out a bulk hopper to maintain species purity of end product.
2) A top heavy unstable unit that has been tipped over many times just pushing it around by hand.
This issue has been raised multiple times over many years with nothing being done about it.
3) A bit of lackadaisical overconfidence on the part of the forklift operator doing a job he is very familiar with a wee bit too fast in a confined space.

Severed cord and plug given to electrician. Electrician advised not to repair it until some engineering work is done to rectify the instability issue of the auger hopper.(this item of plant has been decommissioned) Gearbox may be able to be mounted at base of hopper? Could a slab of steel could be tacked to the back end of the hopper to create a counter weight? SSC is open to suggestions to improve the safety of this item of plant.

Incident Nathanael Constant 17/04/2024 at 4:50 pm 441
15/04/2024 Electrical Near Miss Willing Stedfast 10/04/2024 Afternoon Major

Got a call out to come and fix the metal roller at the Engineering Workshop, was stated that the motor was probably burnt out. Started pulling the cover of the motor to test, and bumped the motor wire. There was a large flash as the motor wire had actually been pulled out and was sitting live with the ends uncovered.

The Machine had been moved with a forklift so that the forklift could get past to to access another machine with the forklift, the Electrical lead to the machine caught and pulled tight causing it to come out of the connector and left sitting bare while still alive.
So the forklift operator didn’t think to consider the that the Lead to the machine could be damaged and as he was using a forklift he would not be able to feel if the Electrical lead was pulled tight which is what appeared to happen.

Discussed the incident at the Toolbox meeting and decided before the machine is moved at any time it needs to be Unplugged and the lead rolled up on the machine so this can not happen again.
Due to the nature of the Machine it does need to be moved depending on the job being done and due to the size of the machine it can only be done with a forklift so precautions need to be taken when doing so

Notifiable Event Willing Stedfast 16/07/2024 at 10:34 am 441
12/04/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Incident Brydie Bonniface 12/04/2024 7:30 ish Minor

Squeezing through the side of the gate/fence to get out and slipped and landed on my hand/wrist
Site fence fell onto the front of the van, minor scratch/scrape

Is slightly inexperienced at delivery work.
Has had training with frosty and other drivers.
Is physically capable to do the work.
Health has been up and down.

All Equipment is operational and in good condition.

The site was a little messy but nothing out of the ordinary.

Communication from customer needs to be relayed to the drivers,
Needs to take better care when assessing access to a site,

Brydie, needs to make sure she looks after her own health and well being when on site, this includes knowing when she cant do something.

Minor Incident Brydie Bonniface 13/05/2024 at 2:53 pm 503
12/04/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Incident Tim Firth 11/04/2024 8:30 Negligible

On 11th of April while moving a pallet of Buteline Pipe from Inwards to Trade.
It fell off just inside the gate, as l was lowering it from a height of 2 meters.
The reason being that there hadn’t been enough plastic bundle wrap used to tie the pipe to the pallet, l added to what had been done by tying both ends of the pipe, before moving it, to ensure it stayed together which helped when the pipe did fall, keeping it together. But ultimately didn’t work.
A recommendation to shut done any similar issues is to ensure that pipe coming from Inwards that’s moving via F/L, must have a ratchet strap on it.
The other issue that arose was the forklift getting stuck.
This occurred due to the line of driving that must be done, to avoid the pothole on the footpath. In this case there was a lack of stones and the Forklift lost grip under the right wheel. Callum helped get it unstuck in this case.
A recommendation to remedy this, now limited issue, would be to fill the front areas with more stone as the opposite side is digging a significant hole as well..

Regards Tim

Tim Firth (forklift Driver)
Has been driving the forklift for harrisonbloy for years
Has had forklift training at crown forklifts.
Is physicaly fit and able to do the job.

The forklift has been serviced and is checked before use
PPE was used

The only way to get the forklift between the two yards is via the footpath or the road.
Weather was not a factor

Tim has done everything he could to minimise the danger to people in the area.
Tim has reported this incident as soon as it occurred.

We have had a meeting with tim to highlight the safety rules.
Tim has been given a copy of our forklift SOP.
I (bobby) actively enforce the safety rules.
Tim has had forklift training threw Crown.
This has been a problem in the past
We are working on a solution so we don’t have to drive around the foot path.

There has been a real increase in reporting these incidents and its helping to highlight areas where we can make improvements.

we have found a complacency in how we do some jobs, its all of our responsibility’s to recognize and break these habits to create a safer work environment for everyone.

Minor Incident Tim Firth 03/05/2024 at 8:54 am 503
09/04/2024 Laundry Unsafe Condition Prudent Stedfast 09/04/2024 mid afternoon Catastrophic

A mother walked into the laundry and saw one of the big dryers (the one nearest the south wall) running with the door fully open. A single girl was looking in to determine if the tea towels were dry or not and had a small child that was also looking in and standing directly beside the open dryer door. There were six driers at the time of the incident. The person was seen to open a drier while holding the child in front of them and reach in to retrieve items from the drier. The drier was still turning under power due to the automatic emergency stop not activating when door opened. Two driers were malfunctioning in this manner;

Faulty Dryer not being reported and isolated. Lack of appropriate signage. Failure on operators part to follow proper procedure and guidelines when using the Dryer. Child in Laundry.

Two driers were malfunctioning in this manner; one has been repaired and the other disabled (locked out). Signage has been put up at each entrance reminding people that the Laundry is a “No Child Zone”. All entrance doors have been fitted with locks. The door handle on the main entrance has been raised to child safe height. A Covered playpen in a safe zone is currently under construction to support care of children while care givers are at laundry.

Near Miss Prudent Stedfast 11/07/2024 at 2:31 pm 441
08/04/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Injury Johnny Allen 08/04/2024 3.30pm Minor

Jah- Nay was unloading pipe, and got a small cut in her finger

No Gloves used
Excessive haste

New staff have been supplied Gloves.

Injury Johnny Allen 19/05/2024 at 11:11 am 503
05/04/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Near Miss Bobby Ronayne 27/03/2024 12.32 Negligible

at mid day Wednesday Tim driving the forklift put a pallet down at the roller door in the trade yard, it was raining at the time and when Tim turned the forklift around he accelerated a bit fast and lost traction then the he got to the gate and lost traction a second time.

harsh acceleration in the wet

an attitude of complacency and urgency has led to rushing to get things done,
bobby has had a meeting with tim and have made a point to put safety over speed and reduce speed when travling in the wet

Near Miss Bobby Ronayne 19/05/2024 at 11:08 am 503
29/03/2024 Value Proteins Incident Nathanael Constant 22/03/2024 11.00am Moderate

A variable spray nozzle was connected to a hot water hose without the cam lock sealing washer in place. A beginner trainee operator tried to used it and had some water spray on him. Fortunately the water was not hot enough to scald or hurt him.

1)Some nozzles had worn out and become unusable. Some of the hoses were being used without a nozzle. This leads to the washer in the female cam lock being wash out by the action water passing through it. It takes a very astute and observant person to see this happening when it happens.
2)A recent tallow spill which blocked multiple lines had occurred and a lot of the nozzles were removed so the hoses could be pushed into drainage lines. The hose situation become a little chaotic at that time and had not quite got back into order.
3) The operator concerned was a relative newcomer and was not able to “feel” the general looseness of the nozzle on the end of the hose which is a clear indication that the washer is not there to an experienced operator.
4) Whoever fitted the nozzle on to the end of the hose was likely a newcomer and had not been specifically trained to check that the nylon washer was in place before fitting the nozzle or feel that the male and female union is snug.

1)The General Manager has approved the purchase of new nozzles and appointed personal to fix hoses with missing fittings, etc. The hose situation is now back in order.
2) The operator has been informed of this potential hazard and will now be checking the union connecting the nozzle to the hose is snug before pulling the trigger.
3) All operators will receive this Notification and will now be aware of the requirement to check the cam lock union is snug before use.

Minor Incident Nathanael Constant 30/03/2024 at 12:05 pm 441
29/03/2024 Value Proteins Incident Nathanael Constant 21/03/2024 11.00am Moderate

A bin of offal put into the PB3 Bin tipper was accidentally dropped as the operator was backing out.

A young recently inducted operator showing some initiative began lifting the bins up to the tippers. He had not carried out this operation on this particular tipper and was unaware how tricky getting out could be due to a lifting action of the forklift tynes on the bin caused by a slight downhill slope of the concrete surface approaching the tipper. Experienced operators compensate for this by a very slight incremental lowering of the tynes as the forklift pulls back after placing a full bin in the tipper frame. This misshape does occur on very odd occasions with experience operators on the other tippers ; usually the cause is the operator being in too big a hurry.

1) Miscommunication between the the new operator and his Supervisor. He had not performed
this operation on this tipper yet and his Supervisor was not wanting him to do this until he
had been informed of the idiosyncrasies of this tipper. However he had been specifically told
2) Inexperience. The operator is now performing this procedure carefully and successfully.
3) The slope of the concrete. A proposal to cut out the concrete approaching the tipper and replacing with it new concrete with no slope was considered. However this temporary modification would complicate drainage and runoff issues when hosing the area clean. Planned modifications which involve shifting the bin tipper southwards will eliminate this problem as the concrete surface southwards has no slope.

Incident Nathanael Constant 30/03/2024 at 2:17 pm 441
29/03/2024 Value Proteins Injury Nathanael Constant 12/03/2024 2.00pm Moderate

A worker was attempting to rotate a bale of silage wrap on a trailer strapped to a pallet. He was trying to turn it 90 degrees so the pallet was on the bottom. He pulled as hard as he could on the pallet . Unfortunately the straps tying the bale to the pallet broke . He fell over backwards off the trailer on to one leg and hand. (the other foot remained jammed between the side of the trailer and the pallet ). Fortunately his jammed foot pulled out of the elastic safety boot he was wearing and he was able to regain his balance. His hand suffered a minor sprain.

A difficult one to access. A one off operation not likely to be repeated. The operator is a capable quick active thinking person that likes to get things done efficiently and very rarely makes a mistake of this nature. He simply had not considered that the straps could break which very quickly lead to the sticky predicament he found himself in. It appears his characteristic speed and agility got him out of it relatively unscathed on this occasion. He emphasized how fortunate he was that his jammed foot had slipped out of the gator safety footwear he was wearing. Perhaps, if he had done a very brief mental take five, before he had carried out this procedure he may have considered that the strapping could break and what could happen if it did?

Hopefully this experience will have the operator giving a bit of thought and observation as to what could go wrong before doing something of this nature.

Minor Incident Nathanael Constant 30/03/2024 at 1:18 pm 441
27/03/2024 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Injury Kristy Unahi 22/03/2024 12:30pm Minor

I was lifting a basin, it slipped out of my hand and as I caught it I think it either pushed my fingers back to far or landed on them.


Be more careful

Injury Kristy Unahi 19/05/2024 at 11:06 am 503
27/03/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Potential Major Incident Tim Firth 27/03/2024 4.15 Moderate

Taking off a bundle of pipe off H/B truck, the pipe was in a wooden bracket but was not a full one.
when i lifted the bundle up and started taking off the bundle, it rolled forward and slid off the forks

Tim, forklift driver
Nick, Truck driver
Crystal, Jordon, Luke, Brydie, Craig, Bystanders

Uneven concrete slab
Sump Grate sunk in to the ground 25mm

pedestrians were out of the way
Forklift (condition Good all checks are current)

Driver was standing away from the load,
the Pipe being unloaded was unsecured

there is a slight attitude of complacency that has lead to this happening

Callum Chambers has requested a quote for leveling the sump grate.
bobby and callum have had a meeting with tim around how we unload trucks and how we expect the forklift to be used in the yard, including checking that loads are secure before unloading, and reducing speed on the forklift.

Potential Major Incident Tim Firth 22/04/2024 at 6:35 pm 503
23/03/2024 Forest Gold Honey Near Miss Endure Standtrue 23/03/2024 12:00 Minor

I saw a mouse in the extraction room and gave chase, but before I caught it I grazed my arm slightly on the spinner.

The organization has a no mouse policy. Endure chasing mouse in narrow gap and grazed his arm on the side of the spinner.

Equipment and spinner have been checked for sharp edges and none were found.

Near Miss Endure Standtrue 26/06/2024 at 11:17 am 441
18/03/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 04/03/2024 7:50am Minor

Nick our driver was delivering to Dynamic Drainage and Dynamic was parked in the driveway of the location.
Nick asked for the Dynamic truck to be moved and they then pulled out of the driveway moving forward and ahead of Nick
Nick then followed the Dynamic truck to reverse into the Driveway to deliver the goods.
Dynamic didn’t see Nick as he followed their truck and started to reverse to park better on the side of the road
Nick got on the horn but unfortunately Dynamic backed directly into Nicks cab, braking the windscreen and pushing the front panel and dashboard backwards.
This incident has been lodged with our insurance company ant the damage has removed our truck from service until it is repaired. No damage was caused to the Dynamic truck
No persons were injured in this incident.

Two things caused this incident:
1) the Dynamic driver didn’t look when he was reversing
2) Nick perhaps shouldn’t have followed the Dynamic Truck and should have waited until the had parked before moving forward.

This incident was preventable and shows that we need to show patience when moving vehicles. We need to think ahead a think of the possible outcomes.
We should have waited until the Dynamic truck had parked fully. While Dynamic were at fault for reversing into us we need to ensure that we take reasonable action to be aware of our surroundings and possible outcomes of these.

Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 18/03/2024 at 12:00 pm 503
18/03/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Vehicle Incident Welcome Stedfast 18/03/2024 3/03/2024 Minor

I was coming up to a red light and moved something that was getting in the way of the gear stick. I turned around and put it back in the middle. I hadn’t come to a complete stop before bumping the vehicle in front of me.

Clutter in the gear stick area.

Keep gear stick area clear of clutter. Turn around and sort out clutter to the back at a safe location when stopped.

Incident Welcome Stedfast 13/05/2024 at 2:36 pm 441
16/03/2024 Joinery and Transport Unsafe Act Job Hopeful 16/03/2024 1:50 pm Moderate

Jedidiah and Cornelius planned and carried out a staple/brad gun battle in the woodwork shed for about 6 minutes. Pneumatic guns were taken from the zipperlock which was left unlocked and they went to the woodwork shed and plugged in at either end of shed and fired at each other using up probably a number of cards of Staples or Brads

Jed and Cornelius were not supervised appropriately at this time and didn’t have the maturity to self govern

I have spoken to them about this and the potential for negative outcomes

Non Compliance Job Hopeful 30/03/2024 at 5:47 pm 441
15/03/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Minor Incident Alex McWhinnie 15/03/2024 10:38 Minor

Ryan. CHC0257769
Lifting a 200kg bath off the back of the truck, 2 guys were at one end I had the all the weight at my end, had to put it down and tweaked my upper shoulder and lower back.

not evenly distributing the weight

making sure the drivers take the corect lifting equipment

Minor Incident Alex McWhinnie 22/04/2024 at 6:29 pm 503
13/03/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Plant or Equipment Luke Small 08/03/2024 2pm Minor

putting pallet of stock upstairs hit the safety cord and broke the latch

not checking the height of the gate and the pallet that was being lifted

any one putting stock upstairs needs to make sure both gates are open

Plant or Equipment Luke Small 27/03/2024 at 9:14 am 503
13/03/2024 SPECIALIST AUTO ELECTRIC Plant or Equipment Savi Mishra 13/03/2024 8.54 Minor

Floor cleaner not empty after last use.
Pass on to everyone to empty cleaner after every use.


I will advise staff at next Health & Safety Meeting

Plant or Equipment Savi Mishra 13/03/2024 at 9:18 am 482
06/03/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Minor Incident Alex McWhinnie 06/03/2024 2:35pm Minor

Tried to drive between the wooden crate and a plumbers van when the wooden crate caught the left side of the van

Attention to surroundings

have requested that luke takes his time when driving threw the carpark

Minor Incident Alex McWhinnie 22/04/2024 at 6:38 pm 503
05/03/2024 TeamTurf Minor Incident Dave Casey 04/03/2024 11.:30am Moderate

Jarrod intentially broke his blade on his craft knife to maintain a sharp point however his finger slipped onto the blade causing a minor cut

Blade unexpectedly jumped up on breaking

Use your free hand to cover the blades when breaking off to prevent this from happening again

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) 08/03/2024 at 2:02 pm 920
05/03/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Unsafe Condition Diligent Stedfast 05/03/2024 10:45 Major

Lights on the Forklift aren’t working, dangerous when trying to use at night

wires were broken but machine was not decommissioned so the no-one was pressured to get it fixed .

lights repaired and now working, next time the Machine must be put out of commission until safe for operation

Unsafe Condition Diligent Stedfast 14/05/2024 at 1:29 pm 441
02/03/2024 Alpine Health & Forest Gold Honey Plant or Equipment David Stedfast 23/12/2023 4pm Moderate

The air compressor filter was burning in my whole honey shed smell. Compressor was turned off but needs to be fixed, as we don’t have a reliable back up compressor. Can you fix it?

Machine is old and had multiple fixups but was still often breaking down.
Filter got too hot and ignited from machine not functioning properly.
Not enough money/priority to get a new/properly functioning one.

Machine has been decommissioned.

Plant or Equipment David Stedfast 08/11/2024 at 3:50 pm 441
01/03/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Incident Sam Burnell 29/02/2024 4.30pm Moderate

I walked between the two trade counters to say goodbye on my way out/home. A customer had laid a length of 20mm grey plastic pipe pipe on the ground (same colour as the ground), I stood on it and rolled my foot on it and fell to the ground

customer put pipe on the floor right Infront of a walkway

i have asked the team to up there customer service when a customer comes in with pipe to record it and offer to load it on the the customers vehicle, and at the least move it away from walkways.

Minor Incident Sam Burnell 13/03/2024 at 10:34 am 503
28/02/2024 Painting and Boilers Unsafe Condition Michael Hope 28/02/2024 5:30pm Major

I think the pellets are stacked too high

Too many pellets, maybe take them away more often?
It was a bit messy so it was possibly easier to do one stack?

Tidied up and made three smaller stacks.
As there are different people who clean the unloading bay this needs to go out somehow in a notification.

Hazard Michael Hope 25/03/2024 at 12:18 pm 441
27/02/2024 Gloriavale Farm Near Miss Victorious Standfast 27/02/2024 6.00pm Major

I was driving along hayshed drive i drifted over to right hand side of the road because i was planning to turn down race at the corner
I didnt indicate or check for oncoming traffic
A vehicle came around the corner and had to go to their right i went to my right

Not following road rules
Talking and being distracted while driving

Discussed with staff in safety meeting the need to follow road rules on farm roads and be aware when crossing the path of traffic on unmarked roads

Near Miss Victorious Standfast 13/03/2024 at 11:06 am 441
27/02/2024 Value Proteins Non Compliance Gabriel Hopeful 27/02/2024 8 Negligible

Doors missing and broken in numerous areas around plant and boiler areas.

Shortage of Skilled Labor

Three doors, handles, and latches replaced in boiler room. 4 exit signs in place.
Finances for repair of other doors is available to continue with upgrade.

Non Compliance Gabriel Hopeful 20/05/2024 at 3:47 pm 441
27/02/2024 Painting and Boilers Near Miss Michael Trust 26/02/2024 3.00pm Major

Working on the compressor, it hadn’t been running for 6 months and thought there was no air in the receiver. Started to remove a fitting then realised that there was. The air was then relieved.

coming back to a job that had been sitting for a while.

Need to remember to take 5 assessment before commencing jobs that are out of the ordinary or have changed.

Near Miss Michael Trust 25/03/2024 at 11:59 am 441
22/02/2024 Painting and Boilers Unsafe Act Michael Trust 22/02/2024 3.00pm Major

Two boys were playing on the coal, when told that they were not allowed there they say their mother said they could go there. One of the boys had been there a few days before and had been told that he wasn’t allowed there.

unsupervised children.
parents not thinking about the hazards

This was talked about publicly at the breakfast table.
more signage will be put up.

Should this go in a newsletter or notification, maybe the pinboard? as not everyone was at the meal table.

Unsafe Act Michael Trust 27/03/2024 at 6:44 pm 441
20/02/2024 Value Proteins Non Compliance Nathanael Constant 19/02/2024 1030hrs Major

SSC noticed forklift safety cage has no means of attachment to forklift.

Unknown, box did have a chain but it was not attached and disappeared.

Chains and D shackles welded to frame.

Unsafe Condition Nathanael Constant 28/02/2024 at 10:04 am 441
20/02/2024 Value Proteins Plant or Equipment Nathanael Constant 19/02/2024 1030hrs Minor

Report of a weld giving way on the bucket attachment reported to GM by offal yard operator. GM raised the issue at toolbox meeting 19/02/2024.

Accumulation of wear and tear.

Weld inspected by GM, Chief engineer & SCC. Weld failure not considered a hazard. Job of fixing the fracture noted by the chief Engineer on maintenance register.

Minor Incident Nathanael Constant 28/02/2024 at 10:17 am 441
20/02/2024 Value Proteins Unsafe Condition Nathanael Constant 10/02/2024 1410hrs Major

Child proof gate on boundary fence left wide open while children playing in enclosure. Spring for gate has dropped off.

Gate never had a spring. Somebody had gone through it and left it open.

Closure springs attached. Please see attached photo.

Unsafe Condition Nathanael Constant 28/02/2024 at 10:12 am 441
20/02/2024 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Vehicle Incident Bryan Kane 20/02/2024 14.00 Minor

Driver was reversing out of the way of a moving vehicle and hit a parked car.

Driver not paying attention when reversing.

Driver needs to be more cautious and careful when reversing.

Minor Incident Bryan Kane 20/05/2024 at 2:54 pm 503
19/02/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Incident Tim Firth 19/02/2024 11;00 Moderate

Moving 2 bundles of copper pipe, out of the way so a delivery truck could drop off cylinders.
Couldn’t see where the end of the fork was, pushed it through the window at the Projects dept.

not being able to see the forks,
moving stock around the yard to make room for flyways truck.

we need to make sure when stock comes in we are clearing it from the doors as fast as possible, We don’t want to be rushing to move stock with the forklift,
we have asked that Tim & frosty make clearing pipe from the yard a top priority,
have made it clear that stock is not to be put in front of doors,
the forklift should not be driven any faster than a brisk walking pace.

Hazard Tim Firth 26/02/2024 at 1:15 pm 503
19/02/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire First Aid Scott Eustace 19/02/2024 2:30pm Minor

I was taking to Gerard Ryan while I was unloading a inwards goods order.
One of the 150x100mm PVC bushes that were part of the order fell off an opened box and the sharp plastic edge of the fitting hit Gerard on the shin causing a small cut.
I took Gerard to the 1st aid cabinet and he cleaned the cut and applied a band aid.

The falling fitting fell off a box only approx 20cm, it was the angle that the fitting hit his leg that caused the small cut.

Basic 1st aid was applied and all that was needed.

First Aid Scott Eustace 19/02/2024 at 10:53 am 503
19/02/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Scott Eustace 12/02/2024 2pm Catastrophic

Craig arrived back at base from doing customer visits and walked behind the trade counter. Craig then mentioned he has feeling chest pain.
We sat him down and Craig took some of his heart spray that he uses as he has stents from a previous heart attack.
I offered to take him to hospital and as I was getting my truck he requested an Ambulance, that then Tab phoned straight away.
While waiting for the ambulance we made sure he was comfortable but it seemed like the spray that he took started to take effect as he said he was starting to feel better.
When the ambulance arrived, Craig was much better and the ambulance took him to hospital for check ups.

This was not a incident that was caused by our work environment but a separate medical incident

We handled this with the seriousness it deserved and we phoned the ambulance as quickly as possible. Henry had completed this 1st aid course the Friday previous and was proactive in making sure that the ambulance found us as easily as possible by waving them down on the street and making sure they arrived as quickly as possible to the correct roller door

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Scott Eustace 19/02/2024 at 10:13 am 503
19/02/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Scott Eustace 09/02/2024 6:45am Catastrophic

Tabitha started work at 6:30am and John arrived at 6:45am.
On arrival John complained of shortness of breath and the went really pail. Tab had him sit down and rubbed Johns back as he was making burping sounds.
John mentioned that we felt a lot of pressure on his chest.
I arrived a 6:55 and when I turned the corner to the trade counter I saw Tab attending to John. asking what was happening we then decided to call an ambulance immediately.
The ambulance arrived 10mins later during which time we monitored John and followed the instructions given to us by the 111 operator.
The Ambulance staff work with John in our carpark for 15mins and then transferred him to Hospital.

This was not incident that was caused by our work place environment but a medical incident that happened in the work place

Our staff handled this incident extremely well and took all care to look after John and the decision to call the Ambulance quickly was the correct one. There was nothing that could have been done better in this situation

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Scott Eustace 19/02/2024 at 9:50 am 503
15/02/2024 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Environmental Rajeev Dhiman 14/02/2024 9.30am Minor

On sunny mornings the sun reflects very brightly through the front window and off the aluminum treadplate floor.


Quote sources for Roller blinds circa $200
submitted to branch manager for approval.

Environmental Rajeev Dhiman 15/02/2024 at 4:35 pm 503
14/02/2024 Value Proteins Unsafe Act Titus Disciple 14/02/2024 0800 Major

Worker seen standing on a railing to gain more height.

1) A bad design of platform and access way with the control lever and platform set too low to allow operators to sight and control amount of material entering the shredder hopper so they can prevent time consuming blockages.

1) Redesign platform and access way. This work has now been completed. Please see picture and notification posted regarded unsafe act accessing the hopper shredder whilst it was active.

Unsafe Act Titus Disciple 29/04/2024 at 6:20 pm 441
14/02/2024 Value Proteins Unsafe Act Titus Disciple 14/02/2024 0640 Catastrophic

The offal input operator started the boiler. He was told that it would be a “big day” of offal so he had decided to start early putting offal into the main hopper. He needed steam to heat the hydrolyser as part of the process so he had decided to start the boiler. I found the boiler running and asked him who started it. He told him that he had started it himself. I asked him what training he had had. He said a plant operator had showed him how to switch it on and off and open the main stop valve; also how to check the main pressure gauge.

1) A general drive and push to get things moving on the part of the operator.
2) A relatively new operator that had received some very basic instruction on how to start up and shut
down the boiler six to eight months back from the incident.
3) A fundamental ignorance and/or complacency on the part operator and the person giving the
instructions of external regulatory constraints and our own internal policy on who is and who is not
considered qualified to start and shut down the Boilers. All our experienced Principle operators have
their boiler tickets but this does not automatically qualify or approve these operators to start or shut
down the boilers. The issue of how current anyone is with specific issues at any given time that the
boilers may have must be considered. Our internal policy is that our Head Boiler man (Titus Disciple)
must vet and approve those that he considers are current with the many issues that the boilers can
have. Unless Titus has specifically approved someone to start up and shut down the boilers it is
mandatory that he be contacted regarding start up and shutdown of the boilers.

1) A meeting was held where the internal policy was once again clearly reiterated.
2) The operator concerned was spoken to by Titus and the internal policy clearly communicated.

Non Compliance Titus Disciple 29/04/2024 at 5:59 pm 441
13/02/2024 Domestic Non Compliance Stuart G McLean 13/02/2024 11:30 am Catastrophic

I went down to the swimming pool to check to see if the hole in the wall had been fixed (at this point it hadn’t). When I got to the swimming pool, the door was unlocked and 4 children were swimming in the small swimming pool. There was no parental supervision. I asked the oldest girl (in the swimming pool if she was supervising the children, and she said yes. I asked her age and she said 13. I left the swimming pool and went back to the office and asked Rebecca if she was aware of children being at the swimming pool. She said, there was a booking at 11:30 am, however, the keys hadn’t been collected from the office. She then went to the swimming pool, and on her return informed me, that the grandmother of the children in the pool had given them a key. Rebecca then rang the mother of the children, who said she would now go down to the swimming pool to supervise the children.

To many sets of keys around. Parents not really understanding or believing the dangers of water

All keys gathered in and Pool closed down till Parents agree to a swimming Guideline.

Non Compliance Stuart G McLean 21/02/2024 at 4:47 pm 441
13/02/2024 Gloriavale Farm Vehicle Incident Thankful Christian 13/02/2024 3:00pm Moderate

The locking mechanism wasn’t working properly on one side, so when I started driving down the bumpy road it fell off one side.

Potentially tiredness
Doing the task before properly trained
Faulty locking mechanism

More training by experienced person on putting on and removing loaders
Dont take off loaders unless specifically told to by management

Plant or Equipment Thankful Christian 13/03/2024 at 11:02 am 441
13/02/2024 Gloriavale Farm Vehicle Incident Thankful Christian 13/02/2024 2:30am Moderate

I was disconnecting the front end loader of the tractor and one side jamed on but the suddenly julted off and the pins out of the stands on one side came out resulting in chipping and scratching the bonnet.

Working late at night/ early morning
Not competent at task needed more practice and training under supervision
Lack of communication with management

No after hours work to be done without clear communication with management
No removing loaders without checking with management first

Plant or Equipment Thankful Christian 13/03/2024 at 11:11 am 441
13/02/2024 Gloriavale Farm Vehicle Incident Thankful Christian 13/02/2024 5:30am Moderate

I parked the ute without putting it in park and after I walked away it rolled back into a drain and got stuck


A bit more training

Vehicle Incident Thankful Christian 13/02/2024 at 1:48 pm 441
09/02/2024 Value Proteins Environmental Nathanael Constant 09/02/2024 1040hrs Minor

98% Sulphuric Acid pumping into a pod which was overflowing onto the concrete and down a drain.

Pulse rate too high for pump transferring into storage tank. Consumption of flocculent .less than expected. Insufficient monitoring, no engineered controls to detect when tank was full and cut off air supply ti pump.

The spill was not Sulfuric acid but a chemical flocculent with a much lower hazard rating. The misunderstanding as to the ID of the split substance was due to false and misleading labeling on second hand sulphuric acid containers used to store the flocculent. The SSC removed the wrong labels and replaced them correct ones. The drain outfall (where the spill occurred) flowed back into the wastewater storage ponds, so the spill was totally contained and would have had no environmental impact.

Minor Incident Nathanael Constant 04/03/2024 at 5:13 pm 441
08/02/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 07/02/2024 2pm Minor

Jim our truck driver was delivering to Fletcher Mechanical at Hornby pool.
Jim completed his delivery and went to reverse out and down the shingle driveway. Jim noticed a raised manhole on his left hand side and veered the ute to avoid this, in doing so he didn’t notice a second raised manhole and he beached the back of the ute on this manhole.
As the rear drive wheels where lifted off the ground the ute could not be driven off the manhole and a site digger was required to assist in lifting the ute from the tow bar to free it. No damage was caused to the ute

The raised manhole was not coned off on site and the dirt around it was no banked to prevent vehicles getting stuck.

Jim spoke to the site foreman and he stated that the area will be coned off and the manhole will be banked with soil to prevent this happening again

Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 08/02/2024 at 8:07 am 503
07/02/2024 Plumbing Injury Ready Standtrue 05/02/2024 11:15am Moderate

Removing a rubber tap jumper washer… But screw head holding it on was corroded, so need to cut off old washer so I could grip the screw with multi grips. Was using a hard cutter… Just broke off blade tip, so knife was sharp and slipped off rubber washer and made a small cut on my finger.

Time preasure.
Not thinking and breaking principle of not cutting towwards yourself or in a way that could slip towward body.

Incorect work method.

First Aid Ready Standtrue 28/02/2024 at 1:21 pm 441
07/02/2024 Gloriavale Farm Vehicle Incident Willing Disciple 06/02/2024 Early afternoon Major

I had pulled over to do some weed spraying and I looked around to watch an oncoming vehicle before I got out of the ute I was in.
I noticed the that the back wheel was wobbling around terribly and flagged them down. It only had three out of for wheel nuts and those three were very loose.

Potentially not tightened properly
Not Checked

Everyone reminded to do the vehicle prestart checks

Near Miss Willing Disciple 13/03/2024 at 11:13 am 441
07/02/2024 Gloriavale Farm Vehicle Incident Willing Disciple 25/01/2024 Late afternoon Moderate

I got out of the tractor to open a gate and did a quick walk around the tractor and I noticed that the wheel nuts were loose on one whole side of the tractor.

Prestart checks not standard practice
Wheel nuts not tightened properly at workshop

Discussed with the staff about doing prestart checks
Check in with mechanics about procedures on wheel nut tightening

Near Miss Willing Disciple 13/03/2024 at 11:16 am 441
05/02/2024 Painting and Boilers Near Miss Michael Hope 03/02/2024 9:30pm Moderate

I was blowing the boiler down and when I stood up I Sliped on some oily water out of the compressor in the V90 boiler room.
The compressor was on auto drain but had no been cleaned up.

Oily water from the compressor

Water was cleaned up and compressor valve was closed

Near Miss Michael Hope 13/02/2024 at 9:31 pm 441
05/02/2024 Harrison Bloy Timaru Loss Time Injury (LTI) Peter Boyes 05/02/2024 16:45 Moderate

Malcolm King walked into a low stacked pallet of grating that had been temporarily stored in the trade area and received a laceration to the side of his right calf. Requiring 8 stiches

sharp edge on vanity was stacked on the floor. no protection on corners.

Pallet has been moved up high out of way.

Minor Incident Peter Boyes 19/02/2024 at 11:45 am 503
03/02/2024 Canaan Farming Dairy Vehicle Incident Joshua Disciple 03/02/2024 2pm Major

Curtain Sider truck was parked by the dairy to enable access to jumpstart it later in the day.

2 hours after parking I received a call that the truck had rolled 20 metres backwards in to a ditch.
I was told by a temporary driver of the truck that the hand brake was not fully effective.
I had not left it in gear nor had I chocked the wheels so when the wind came up a few hours later it rocked the truck enough to set it rolling.

Vehicle handbrake not up to standard.

It was known by the normal driver that the handbrake was faulty and that the battery was not good. But the truck had not been taken to the workshop.

Truck was taken to the workshop and fixed immediately.
This highlights the need for an easy scheduling system.

Vehicle Incident Joshua Disciple 20/02/2024 at 7:05 pm 441
02/02/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Unsafe Act Diligent Stedfast 29/01/2024 9:00 Major

Shadrach was working on a mower that was held up only by the Tractor Hydraulics with no supports or suitable blocks

. Time pressure lack of reminders and management

. Discussion in safety meeting. Reminders around SOP

Unsafe Act Diligent Stedfast 16/02/2024 at 11:56 am 441
02/02/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Injury Diligent Stedfast 31/01/2024 11.30 Major

James Christian was removing a clip out of a CV with a pick and accidentally stabbed his wrist

Lack of proper equipment and use of proper equipment, lack of sleep and nutrition

Provide better vices discussion around better fatigue management

Injury Diligent Stedfast 16/02/2024 at 12:01 pm 441
31/01/2024 Kitchen Injury Sarita G McLean 30/01/2024 1.05pm Minor

Was measuring sink bench along by the dishwasher as part of my kitchen review when tape flicked back and cut my left index finger.

* Use of 3m measuring tape
* Poor quality tape measure?

First aid provided immediately. Finger taped, panadol given.
Visited nurse at medical centre on 31/01/2024, finger steri-taped, with follow up visits on 5th and 7th February. Cut is healing.

Injury Sarita G McLean 21/02/2024 at 11:08 am 441
31/01/2024 Harrison Bloy Timaru Injury Peter Boyes 30/01/2024 15:00 Moderate

Shoulder strain while loading stainless tube into top rack of container

lifting pipe into rack above head height

grab ladder to have pipe at more suitable height to load in rack.

Injury Peter Boyes 05/02/2024 at 11:49 am 503
30/01/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Near Miss Bobby Ronayne 30/01/2024 1:10pm Moderate

Michaela an Danni were having break outside, both resting their feet on a pallet when Tim came in between them on the Forklift and picked up another pallet. He did not ask them to move nor did he signal that he was there

not following best practice for driving around pedestrians.

I (Bobby) have talked to Tim about driving around people and obstacles, I have pointed out that when driving any where with the forklift we avoid driving close to people giving a 3m radius around the forklift, and in the future to request that people give him room to use the forklift when he needs to do a job.

Unsafe Condition Bobby Ronayne 16/02/2024 at 12:02 pm 503
30/01/2024 Domestic Near Miss Rebecca Temple 30/01/2024 9:30am Major

A small child walked onto the road from the hostel bridge as a vehicle was approaching. I managed to stop the child from going onto the road just as the vehicle was passing.



30/01/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Minor Incident Scott Eustace 30/01/2024 2.08pm Minor

Bailey was unloading and moving some 250mm PVC Pipe from a delivery container.
As he went to put the pipe down it caught some existing pipe on the side of the crate and slipped off the forks making a crashing sound.
Bailey had placed another crate in front of the bundle that slipped creating a barrier to anyone who may have been if front of the pipe he was moving.

Materials moving in transit

Staff are aware that item can move in transit and open the doors of the container with care

Minor Incident Scott Eustace 30/01/2024 at 10:54 am 503
30/01/2024 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Minor Incident Scott Eustace 30/01/2024 11.06am Minor

Awatea was opening the doors of the container of PVC fittings and as she opened the second door the 1st row of small boxes fell forward onto the ground.
All of our staff are aware that this can be an issue when opening the doors. They always take care when cracking the doors to make sure the shipment hasn’t moved during transport.
I this instance Awatea stood behind the doors when she was opening them and was clear should something had fallen.
While the boxes fell, we where in a safe and controlled space.
Nothing more could have been done as we wouldn’t have been able to contain the falling goods without standing in there path. the way Awatea handled this situation is more than acceptable

Care must be taken when moving items around the yard

Baily secured the area when moving the pipe but care must be taken of the surroundings when moving items

Minor Incident Scott Eustace 30/01/2024 at 10:56 am 503
23/01/2024 Forest Gold Honey Vehicle Incident Endure Standtrue 18/01/2024 5:00pm Major

I was driving the forklift, pulling a filled drum out of the drumming off room and I think I put my foot down to quickly on the accelerator pedal or the forklift jerked backwards because I am a bit light for the seat sensor and I hit the wall thus leaving a big dent in the wall

Normal night time before hand, not feeling tired, not feeling rushed to get home, has current forklift license
finished extraction for the day 4.45pm
Drumming of the honey 5.00pm
Taking drum of honey out of the room, looked and checked behind him, leaned to check the sides were clear of (about 1 metre away from wall) walls/pallets, “person” sensor came on(started beeping), foot still on accelerator but forklift not moving, sat back in the seat, forklift started moving back and hit the wall. AHM pallet of boxes to the right-hand side of forklift (these were there before he started drumming off), wax bins behind forklift to the left hand side  (in usual path of exit, this was put there after he started drumming off). In a tight gap where the forklift is functioning. Surrounding area viewed/checked by ES as he came out of the room on the forklift, wax was in usual forklift path but no rules that the wax should not have been there. Forklift speed was slow. (Eye witness Courage S.)

Hallway must be clear at all times when the forklift is operating in and out of the rooms. If however there are pallets/stuff in the general path of the forklift, the driver needs to shift them or ask someone to shift the pallets/stuff.
Leaning over the edge of the forklift is dangerous as we need to be inside the safety cage of the forklift while we are driving. The “person/seat” sensor is doing the right thing by stopping the forklift when he leaned out to check.
Talked about this incident at tool box meeting.
Suggest to go over the forklift driving SOP.

Vehicle Incident Endure Standtrue 26/06/2024 at 12:55 pm 441
15/01/2024 Value Proteins Unsafe Act Valiant Stedfast 15/01/2024 12/00 Major

Someone could have been shredded
They where inside the shredder Hopper while it was running unblocking it, then got out when the offal was moving through

1) The shredder had blocked three times that day. The operator was young and inexperienced at controlling the amount of material that was fed into the shredder hopper.
2) Frustration,stress and annoyance mounted to the point he resorted to an extremely dangerous means to clear the hopper blockage.
3) A woeful lack of training and understanding of the hazard he was exposing himself to.
4) Inadequate infrastructure regarding safe access (stairs and platform) to allow adequate monitoring of feed into the shredder hopper. This is essential to preventing blockages and bridging.
5) Inadequate instruction and guidance pertaining to a safe and effective means of clearing a blocked hopper.
6) Time and financial constraints for an overhaul of of existing infrastructure.

1)The contractor concerned has been removed from this job.
2) An investigation into all the circumstances that led up to this event is ongoing at the time of this notification feedback.
3) First notification warning of pending unilateral nullification and voiding of contract was issued to the contractor.
4) Contractor has been notified in writing that this action was a serious breech of his own Safety policy and VPL Safety systems which he has committed to abide by.
5) Contractor has been booked to attend a course administered by an provided external provider focusing on Safety at work.
6) Drawings have been written up to develop and improve the raise the platform and stairwell access way to the shredder so operators can safely observe and monitor the volume of material in the shredder hopper so bridging and blockages are less likely to occur. Integral to these improvements is the installation of a safety gate with a fail safe lockout mechanism and barricading to prevent operators climbing into the shredder whilst it is running. Work on these modifications has begun but far from complete.
7) An extended toolbox meeting was held on the 15/01/2024 and this issue was raised and discussed in depth. It was unanimously agreed that a decent stairwell and platform was required to operate the shredder properly and that some form of safety lockout was required prevent operators accessing the shredder hopper whilst it was active. Another meeting was held on the 07/03/2024 with all all part time contractors requested to be present.
The main discussion items centered around directives and recommendations from the Directors and the Management Committee of Christian Partners requesting that the shredder be put out of service until it and other requirements pertaining to safe operation of offal input machinery were met. All the part time contractors were present as requested.
A root cause of why blockages down line from the the PB3 were occurring was identified and remedial actions recommended. These actions were carried out same day.There was also a training session with all young contractors regarding correct procedures to deal with any blockages in the offal input machinery. Main Points stressed were that if any blockages occurred that:
1) a young contractor must not attempt to clear the blockage
himself but must contact a trained and approved supervisor to
oversight and assist.
2) Only trained and approved Senior staff are to apply necessary
3) The SSC informed the young contractors that the safety Unit
pertaining to lock out of High Hazard Machinery stipulated that a
minimum of two locks outs is to be applied.
Other points raised and discussed were: how to provide better and more training to newcomers to the job of Offal Input Operator, a recommendation that all the young contractors receive further training and become aware, at least, of what the correct procedures are for correct lockout are and when they should be applied was accepted.

Non Compliance Valiant Stedfast 06/03/2024 at 2:45 pm 441
15/01/2024 Domestic Injury Prudent Stedfast 11/01/2024 Midday approximately Major

Three children were playing on the trampolines. They were aged 4, 6 and 12 years old. The older sister was bounced too high and pung her 6 year old brother onto the side of the trampoline. He landed on his head, his face hitting the outside steel bar seemingly taking the full force of his landing. There was no protective Mary

Pads are not on trampolines.

Have disabled trampolines without covers where there are multiple families.
As budget allows, covers to be purchased and trampolines to be reabled.

Injury Prudent Stedfast 13/08/2024 at 10:47 am 441
12/01/2024 Brunner Station Vehicle Incident Joshua Disciple 12/01/2024 7:30 pm Wednesday 10/01/2024 Major

I had finished loading the wagon and on my way ferrying to the pit. Heading up a hill towing the wagon behind a tractor easily capable to handle the task. While heading up the hill almost at the top the wheels were slipping slightly and not wanting to rip up the road I chose to drop my power to avoid wheel slip.
The engine stalled and I lost control of the tractor and wagon both heading backwards down the hill for about 30 m before heading through a fence hitting a mound of dirt with a wheel on the wagon and flipping the wagon onto its side.
New to driving that particular tractor I did not use the safety defence for such a situation. I failed to rehearse such a possibility in my mind before starting the job. My normal automatic response was not fitting for that particular tractor.



Incident Joshua Disciple 24/03/2024 at 5:08 pm 441
12/01/2024 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Injury Bryan Kane 12/01/2024 11:10 Minor

Morgan banged her head on a shelf in the warehouse while putting stock away.

Not paying attention

Went home to rest

Minor Incident Bryan Kane 19/01/2024 at 3:02 pm 503
08/01/2024 Canaan Farming Engineering Vehicle Incident Salem Temple 07/01/2024 9pm Major

Tractor rolled onto it’s side off the side of a silage stack. Contributing factors working late, sides too steep, no water in uphill rear tyre.

Just on dark
No banks or sides

Need sides on all silage pits or change how we do them
This needs to be clear with all farmers and operators so there is no pressure to do things differently

Potential Major Incident Salem Temple 09/03/2024 at 3:45 pm 441
01/01/2024 Electrical Injury Willing Stedfast 26/12/2023 2:00 pm Minor

I was cutting small a piece of wood with a knife, and I slipped and cut my finger.

Not using knife correctly


First Aid Willing Stedfast 01/01/2024 at 10:25 am 441
23/12/2023 Electrical Plant or Equipment Silas Helpful 23/12/2023 4:55 Major

Air filter on air compressor was on fire.

Alpine health has a burst air tank. This causes the compressor to run constantly over-working the compressor. This causes it to over heat and combined with a dirty air filter caught fire.

Air tank for Alpine health is burst and needs replacing.

Plant or Equipment Silas Helpful 01/07/2024 at 11:49 am 441
22/12/2023 Value Proteins Injury Nathanael Constant 22/12/2023 1500hrs Moderate

An external Contractor from Spirax Sarco Ltd was carrying out routine monitoring and water testing on the number 2 boiler water softener system. Evidently, although not strictly necessary, access to two small valves required to take water samples can be facilitated by using a small step-ladder platform. The use of this ladder had become common. The day of the incident the plastic rail of the leaning rail of the ladder was broken on one side. Unfortunately Dean failed to notice this and when he leaned on the rail the rail gave way and he fell forward onto the ground from a height of 875mm.

A brief investigation would trace the primary root cause of this accident to a failure on the part of of VPL staff to report or do anything about and unsafe condition. A secondary cause could be the absence of regular and detailed Site Inspections at VPL.

1)Tag out and removal of the stepladder from service.
2) A reminder to all staff at the next Safety Meeting that any unsafe condition (especially those that are
tantamount to a booby trap) be reported

Injury Nathanael Constant 25/12/2023 at 10:04 am 441
21/12/2023 Harrison Bloy Tauranga Potential Major Incident Franco Diblasio 06/11/2023 14:08 Major

On the 6th of November 2023 at 2.09pm Andy B arrived at 141 Bethlehem Road to
complete a delivery. Andy B arrived without wearing the appropriate PPE gear required
for this site and she was seen by the site manager John to get out of the Harrison
Bloy truck with an unlit cigarette and then lit it and proceeded to walk around the site
while smoking. Andy B then requested that Plumbing Works team off-load the gear from
the vehicle due to an prior injury. John then asked Andy B to remove herself from
the site and return to her vehicle due to not having the correct gear and the site is
smoke free. Andy B then rang Curtis Mungavin, and he arrived on site at 2.23pm to
assist, so that the delivery could be completed. Curtis arrived with the required hard
hat and Hi-Vis gear and asked Andy B to complete another delivery located at Pukuatua
Street Rotorua so that he could complete the delivery at Bethlehem Road.

Laziness and lack of care.

Disciplinary action to be taken

Potential Major Incident Franco Diblasio 21/12/2023 at 8:13 am 503
15/12/2023 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Injury Bryan Kane 15/12/2023 7.50 am Minor

individual was running upstairs fell over and dislocated finger

Running upstairs

Don’t run

Injury Bryan Kane 08/01/2024 at 9:47 am 503
11/12/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing First Aid Bobby Ronayne 11/12/2023 3:20pm Moderate

David De Berri doing a delivery to Christchurch Central hospital, Parkside building, Dave was walking out the gates that were open, there is block that is bolted to the ground (same color as the ground) that the gates close against, Dave has not been able to see the block and has tripped over on to the ground causing 4 quite serious skin tears, 1on the knee 2 on the right hand 1 on the forearm, Dave has come back to the branch to receive first aid.
I have requested frosty to send a driver to the site to take some photos of the site.

the block in the ground was hard to see.

we have talked to our customer and they are looking at options to make the blocks more visible.

Injury Bobby Ronayne 20/12/2023 at 7:48 am 503
08/12/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Injury Scott Eustace 07/12/2023 2pm Moderate

Awatea was unloading the container of PVC fittings and has strained her Thoracic disc in her shoulder that has pinched a nerve causing her arm to be numb.
We have sent her to the Physio on Friday 8/12/23 and he has referred her to her doctor for further consultation.

Awatea should have requested a 2 person lift on a box that was to heavy, this has been discussed moving forward

All staff have been reminded that if something is heavy, to ask for assistance to prevent strain injuries

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Scott Eustace 22/01/2024 at 7:25 am 503
05/12/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Incident Alex McWhinnie 05/12/2023 11.40 Minor

I was siting at a red light going straight the right turning lane had a green arrow as the truck (waste management) went past he clipped the top of my roof racks.

driver of rubbish truck not lookin g where he was going

nothing we can do our end but to always bee alert while driving, everyone on the road can be a hazard.

Minor Incident Alex McWhinnie 17/01/2024 at 2:46 pm 503
04/12/2023 Domestic Unsafe Condition Michael Hope 01/12/2023 6:26pm Catastrophic

I was spraying weeds at the back of the swimming pool and I found the door to the small pool on the north west end was propped open with a rock.
the inside door was locked and nobody was there.
there were two young children looking at some rabbits approximately 20 metres away.
i closed and locked the door

A little alcove outside the children liked to paddle in and lay in the sun. When the family finished swimming they forgot the extra door.

Several meeting with the parents discussing the need for using the door and all agreed it was to big a risk so alcove was removed and door will not be used and leave it as a emergency exit only.

Hazard Michael Hope 12/01/2024 at 8:27 pm 441
30/11/2023 Domestic Injury Joshua Disciple 25/11/2023 8:30pm Moderate

Two young men play fighting. The older young man dropped the younger onto his bottom and fractured his back.

Fooling around

Police checking into incident

Injury Joshua Disciple 12/01/2024 at 8:21 pm 441
29/11/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Incident Alex McWhinnie 29/11/2023 10:05 Minor

picking up Mayer pipe off stack of pipe stepped back into pothole twisted right ankle and hit back quite hard on the ground.

pot hole, attention to environment,

we have filled the pot hole.

Environmental Alex McWhinnie 01/12/2023 at 6:05 pm 503
28/11/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Trade Injury Daniel Hill 28/11/2023 3.00pm Moderate

Was counting stock (Forza copper fittings) on the shelf, lifting the stock bins down and one was either too full or I picked it up on a weird angle/way.
Something went wrong in my upper right hand side of my back, near shoulder blade.

Dan has an old injury from before his days at harrisonbloy, this has resulted in muscle fatigue in his right shoulder,

dan is going to going to physio therapy and is working on a plan to rebuild his muscles. i have asked dan to avoid any lifting and reaching for items above his head. the team will need to help him when needed.

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Daniel Hill 12/12/2023 at 4:14 pm 503
22/11/2023 Harrison Bloy – Zip Plumbing Plus Hamilton Hazard Russell Mecchia 22/11/2023 9.30 Minor

Loose copper pipe laying on the floor and customer tripped over it

this incident was created as a training session

this incident was created as a training session

First Aid Russell Mecchia 11/01/2024 at 10:12 am 503
21/11/2023 Minor Incident Michele Hartley 16/11/2023 10am

Tajun Crosland was on the scaffold 2nd level edge protection, carrying rubbish from site, and misstepped and fell down a ladder access open bay.

13/11/2023 Value Proteins and Value Energy Unsafe Condition Joshua Disciple 13/11/2023 11/11/23 Moderate

Untrained member of the public enter and be at risk of harm

It seems it is a short cut route to other occupation.

Remind workers of the need to keep the gates shut

Unsafe Condition Joshua Disciple 09/02/2024 at 5:28 pm 441
06/11/2023 Value Energy Environmental Joshua Disciple 06/11/2023 7th morning 4th/11/23 Minor

Oil spill on the drive and entering the farm drains volume of oil unsure but appeared considerable.

Needing to dispose of oil containers economically

No SOP in place.
This has been actioned

Environmental Joshua Disciple 12/01/2024 at 6:36 pm 441
04/11/2023 Canaan Farming Dairy Vehicle Incident Thankful Christian 03/11/2023 3:00 pm Negligible

I was setting up for a herd on a slippery and wet race, and started to spend up butlost traction and then put the brakes on and lost control, ending up in a drain.

lack of knowledge around cow dung dried on concrete then slippery when wet.

more training around off road driving

Hazard Thankful Christian 12/01/2024 at 6:29 pm 441
27/10/2023 Harrison Bloy Tauranga Incident Franco Diblasio 26/10/2023 11:30 Major

I have just come back from delivery and found a truck driver and lance with 225 farm tuff pipe 5 6m lengths half hanging off the truck above head height to the point where I have had to take over and get forklift driver over from across the road to help me fix the situation. I’ve been out all day yesterday and all day so far on delivery’s. if I’m not here, no one is confident and skilled enough to drive that little forklift sort staff NOW! As this is going to result in injury.

Team members using the Forklift when they are not trained or competent to do so.

Ensure the team do not use the forklift if they are not competent to do so.
Train up more members of the team to enable them to carry out tasks on the forklift.

Incident Franco Diblasio 06/11/2023 at 10:29 am 503
24/10/2023 Gloriavale Farm Near Miss Ezekiel Stedfast 24/10/2023 22-10-23 1st day around 4:00pm Major

There were children in the area looking at the chickens, calfs and in that area, a tractor came through at top speed. Children had just been on that road and there is not good visibility.

Lack of awareness of the situation.

A need for signage. We are purchasing and erecting give way signs.

Hazard Ezekiel Stedfast 12/01/2024 at 6:23 pm 441
18/10/2023 Site Wide Unsafe Act Tom Brown 18/10/2023 now Minor


don’t know

don’t know

First Aid Tom Brown 18/10/2023 at 11:38 am 573
03/10/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Unsafe Act Scott Eustace 26/09/2023 10:30am Major

From Ben Bloy:
I noticed a team member loading a customer’s truck with a concrete manhole riser. The riser was suspended from chains and the customer was steadying the load. If one of the chains let go, the riser could have swung out and trapped the person steadying the load against their truck.

Our customer balanced the manhole to prevent it swinging and hitting his vehicle.

Effective from 3/10/23 where possible we will load the concrete products onto a wooden pallet and then load this onto the customers vehicle.
If not possible more time will be taken by the forklift operator to stabilize the manhole if swinging allowing the manhole settle from swing before approaching the customers vehicle. When we stop the forward momentum of the forklift the manhole stops swinging and this needs to be done before loading. This will remove the need for the manhole to be manually stabilised.
Staff have been told to keep anyone on the ground to keep a minimum of 2m away from a concrete product when being lifted.

Environmental Scott Eustace 03/10/2023 at 10:54 am 503
03/10/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Injury Scott Eustace 29/09/2023 11am Moderate

I suffered the back injury while carrying a large and quite heavy box of Allproof merchandise to give to our customers before golf last Friday.

I stumbled and reached out to catch the box and felt a twinge in my lower back. It felt like a short spasm and carried on for a few minutes.

I got some vultaren gel and rubber on my back and all seemed ok.
I played the 9 holes with little to no pain just a bit of discomfort bending down.

Saturday I went to golf and once again no pain and everything felt pretty much normal.
Saturday evening once I cooled down I started to notice the stiffness.

Sunday woke up and felt spasm and a constant discomfort. Rested for the day but still had the intense pain and spasm.

I managed to sleep ok and woke this morning to a similar sensation where I then called my doctor and got seen as a walk in

I am on a host of pain killers and feels ok at the moment. My biggest issue is sitting and the pain when getting up.

The doctor advised me most people will take 2 to 7 days. If all goes well with the physio tomorrow I am hoping to be back on Thursday.

Craig needed to be sure of his footing and limitations when trying to lift the box.
if unable to comfortably lift the box Craig should have asked for assistance

Staff have been reminded that if needed, ask for help with heavy items and to be mindful of there surroundings.

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Scott Eustace 17/10/2023 at 8:26 am 503
29/09/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Environmental Bobby Ronayne 29/09/2023 8:45am Minor

while holding a shower for a customer to look at, the weight of the showers in the bay has fallen on Debby hurting her back, Sam and Paul have helped pull them off her,

weight of items, the bay these showers are in is not purpose built,

we are reducing the amount of showers in this bay if we need we will have racks put in to separate

Environmental Bobby Ronayne 16/10/2023 at 10:03 am 503
26/09/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Loss Time Injury (LTI) Bobby Ronayne 28/08/2023 8:33am Moderate

when coming in to the trade yard Steve Bell has come up to Bobby Ronayne to give a friendly tap on the shoulder and has put all his weight on his right side, his leg broke and he fell to the ground.
The team reacted very quickly once realizing he was injured, Bobby has called for team to call an ambulance, Shane Hamilton & Bobby have supported Steve in place getting him as comfortable as they could without moving or putting any strain on the leg, Tim Yeoman has called the Ambulance and Alex McWhinnie has gone out to the road to direct the ambulances in to the yard.

Medical Condition


Loss Time Injury (LTI) Bobby Ronayne 26/09/2023 at 6:30 pm 503
22/09/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Near Miss Alex McWhinnie 22/09/2023 2:45PM Minor

I thought i double clicked the handbrake and came inside got a run and it was a pallet of gas water heater units i then got Tim to forklift it onto my truck, once it was on my truck about 5 seconds later it starts rolling i jump off the deck and go pull the handbrake to stop the truck and it stops. No one was hurt and nothing was damaged.

lack of attention when applying the hand break,

we have put big red signs in all vehicles saying apply hand break

Hazard Alex McWhinnie 06/10/2023 at 5:34 pm 503
21/09/2023 Retimix Incident Laurent Reti 21/09/2023 12:30pm

arrived to site , proceeded with security checks ,
advised to move to another area for security check , while driving in ,clipped a metal wall shroud which pushed the front left door in , broke indicator and while reversing away pull bumper off .

19/09/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Injury Alex McWhinnie 13/09/2023 1:00 AM Moderate

Luke Small. Moving vanities up two flights of stairs, even with two of us there was no way to carry them that didn’t involve bending my back and thus by the end of it causing massive strain to my back.

needing to lift heavy items up stairs. woolf brook required the items to be put up stairs As per Rep Junior

drivers are to avoid taking items up stairs if they can. if items need to be taken up stairs the reps need to come to site to assist.

Environmental Alex McWhinnie 16/10/2023 at 9:56 am 503
18/09/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Incident Alex McWhinnie 18/09/2023 7:20 Minor

Backing up driveway and clipped the fence on the left side of the van

Sun shining obscuring the view,

have made sure the drivers have sun glasses

Environmental Alex McWhinnie 16/10/2023 at 9:44 am 503
14/09/2023 Retimix Incident Laurent Reti 12/09/2023 12:30pm

arrived to site, had to do security checks ,which were very annoying ,then got told to move to another area for another security check and as the driver turned in clipped a metal barrier ,pushing the door in on the left front of vehicle , no major damage

13/09/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Minor Incident Scott Eustace 13/09/2023 10:45am Moderate

Nick our truck driver was doing a delivery to David Browne (DBC) at Lincoln Uni.
Nick was unloading pipe with the assistance of workers from DBC and accidently tripped into a hole that was covered with a piece of plywood.
Nick slightly grazed his knee and twisted his back
While Nick is ok and continued to work as normal during the day, it’s worth noting should his back cause him an issue moving forward. Nick says he feels ok and will be fine
Nick made note to DBC of the trip hazard and asked them to fix up the hole better to prevent something else happening in the future

Hand unloading pipe.
This could have been prevented if the truck was parked away from the hole and unloaded on a flat safe surface

While hand unloading is unavoidable, we need to make sure that our surroundings are safe and where we are lifting from and placing materials is safe and the risk of an incident is minimised

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Scott Eustace 14/09/2023 at 4:43 pm 503
12/09/2023 Value Proteins and Value Energy Unsafe Condition Nathanael Constant 12/09/2023 0930hrs Moderate

Covers removed and left off, for days on end, from two 1M x 1M square drainage sumps. This area is in a high forklift and people traffic zone. Furthermore the Genie Z-34/22 boom lifter has also been operating adjacent to these open sumps in recent times and will continue to so until the P2 roofing repair work is completed. This is the second occurrence of this in a fortnight. Covers were eventually replaced by Site Safety Co coordinator assisted by two different but helpful meal plant workers on each occasion.

Under developed safety culture (as of yet). We are working on it.

lids replaced and safe.

Unsafe Condition Nathanael Constant 18/09/2023 at 5:06 pm 441
12/09/2023 TeamTurf Minor Incident Michael Atkin 12/09/2023 10am Minor

Reached inside of a roll of turf to move it.
A staple was sticking through the inside of the core and caught my finger, causing a cut from the inside of the first knuckle to near the tip of the finger on my middle finger right hand.

Staples on core not secured

Pass on information to supplier

First Aid 12/09/2023 at 11:34 am 920
11/09/2023 Injury Louis Malcolm 11/09/2023 3:23pm Minor

Walking with cup of tea, spilt small amount on right leg.

louis was looking at his cup while walking and it was full to the brim.

i have talked to louis about paying aition to his surroundings while walking and making sure his environment is kept tidy

Environmental Louis Malcolm 12/09/2023 at 12:22 pm 503
11/09/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Incident Alex McWhinnie 11/09/2023 11 ish Minor

Brydie helping load toilets onto the hino; slipped and knee hit the concrete between the bits of wood on the pellet on the ground that the toilets were on

trying to load the truck has not planed the lift and has lifted with poor technique

have talked about lifting technique and to get help when lifting something outside of her ability.

Incident Alex McWhinnie 13/09/2023 at 3:15 pm 503
06/09/2023 Value Proteins and Value Energy Unsafe Act Nathanael Constant 02/08/2023 1400hrs Major

An experienced and trained Operator was seen walking quickly across the offal yard in a south north direction with a 20L bucket, approximately 1/3 full, of thick viscous translucent liquid which looked like 48% caustic solution with no eye protection, gloves or apron. The route he took involved stepping over a nib wall and going down a flight of steel stairs. The Site Safety coordinator made inquiries asking if he had been in actual fact been carting this hazardous chemical with inadequate PPE but was unable to get a reply to this question. The bucket had been emptied and was located near to the CIP caustic tank adjacent to the separator room. Unfortunately this is not the first time this operator has been seen transporting Class 6.0 & 8.0 chemicals in this non compliant and hazardous manner.

Stress,anxiety and time pressure. A further factor discussed was that the necessary and mandated PPE was often not readily available, and what was, was often generally in poor condition (i.e. scratched and dirty face-masks).

As above.

Unsafe Act Nathanael Constant 09/02/2024 at 5:24 pm 441
06/09/2023 Value Proteins Unsafe Condition Nathanael Constant 25/09/2023 N/A Major

Unguarded stay wires on a telegraph pole on the periphery of the compost area where a huff loader is operating on a regular basis. Please see pictures.

General lack of safety culture

Bollards and rails installed around stay wires at ground level.

Unsafe Condition Nathanael Constant 09/02/2024 at 5:25 pm 441
04/09/2023 Gloriavale – Domestic Vehicle Incident Joshua Disciple 01/09/2023 5 pm Catastrophic

Elderly lady lost control of her vehicle on a shingle road. Vehicle ended up on it’s roof


Comfort her in her shock.

Vehicle Incident Joshua Disciple 04/09/2023 at 9:15 pm 441
04/09/2023 Gloriavale – Domestic Vehicle Incident Joshua Disciple 02/09/2023 2pm Catastrophic

Driver went to sleep while travelling home and hit a bridge becoming airborne and came to a sudden stop hitting the bank on the opposite side of the creek. The driver and passenger in the front received aches and pains but the passenger in the rear seat sustained considerable chest injuries.

Tiredness not being aware of his state.

Police are involved and handling the matter

Vehicle Incident Joshua Disciple 04/09/2023 at 9:13 pm 441
04/09/2023 Kitchen Injury Joshua Disciple 29/08/2023 2pm Moderate

A girl going to put an empty blanching basket into the steam kettle. As she did so the kettle swung over emptying the contents of hot water onto the floor burning her feet. The kettle swing lock was not in place.

kettle swing/tip action was not securely locked before working with kettle.

Kettle removed from action till lock mechanism fixed.

Injury Joshua Disciple 09/02/2024 at 5:30 pm 441
02/09/2023 Electrical Near Miss Silas Helpful 02/09/2023 12:00 Moderate

Got a shock from starter I was working on.

The Isolating Switch that powered the appliance was not working. It didn’t disconnect the power when it was turned off.

Silas didn’t carry out the correct isolation and testing procedure when disconnecting the power from the appliance.

The faulty Isolation Switch has been replaced.
Follow prove test prove procedure

Near Miss Silas Helpful 13/02/2024 at 10:53 pm 441
31/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Showroom (Inwards) Incident Louis Malcolm 31/08/2023 Afternoon Minor

I was reversing back with a pallet on the forklift, the vanity on pallet swayed and the basin dropped to the ground and smashed

the vanity top was poorly stacked on the pallet and not warped in shrink wrap

have talked to the guys about house keeping, using correct packaging for pallets before moving on the forklift.

Notifiable Event Louis Malcolm 13/09/2023 at 3:07 pm 503
31/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Showroom (Inwards) Hazard Shane Hamilton 31/08/2023 7:30am Negligible

I went next door to pick an order for a basin and shroud, these were on the top shelf in the bay. The only ladders available next door do not have platform to stand on or to place the goods on.

Not having the correct equipment to complete a job

have put a platform in the trade bays for picking orders

Plant or Equipment Shane Hamilton 12/09/2023 at 11:57 am 503
28/08/2023 Gloriavale – Glenhopeful Farm Injury Timothy Trust 25/08/2023 4:45 Minor

A cow cicked the person in the face when putting on.

Upset cow newly calved.

Discussed what occurred with Fervent BC who was the person kicked. He knew the heifer that kicked him was prone to do this. He was standing back from her talking to someone else and while he was looking away she struck at him. Being an older dairy it has not got a full kick rail all around but just where people work. Reminders given to workers to keep well clear of kick zone when walking around the platform.

Near Miss Timothy Trust 04/09/2023 at 9:05 pm 441
25/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Tauranga Minor Incident Franco Diblasio 24/08/2023 10:30 Minor

Andy Bryan – TGA Driver – Slipped when completing a delivery and dropped some pipe onto her head.
This caused Andy to get a headache later on in the day.
This morning – 25/08/2023 – she has rung in and not able to attend work today due to a continued headache.

Possible incorrect footwear

Driver to use correct footwear

Minor Incident Franco Diblasio 01/09/2023 at 3:31 pm 503
24/08/2023 TeamTurf Incident Mike Smith 22/08/2023 1 30pm Negligible

Was brushing in sand with the power broom when I tripped over and fell on my bottom and twisted my knee.

Walking backwards

Be mindful of walking slowly and taking care

Minor Incident 30/08/2023 at 3:13 pm 920
23/08/2023 Value Proteins Non Compliance Titus Disciple 23/08/2023 1500hrs Moderate

A 14 year old school boy was being given forklift driving lessons by the safety officer.

The Site Safety Coordinator had given his word to give the young man some training and was reluctant to disappoint him. He was apparently very nearly fifteen and was looking very bored at the time he was called up. The factory was not running that day and the young man was under complete and direct supervision at every moment in a the center of an empty yard. Not withstanding this was a breach of VPL policy. Not engaging the the Parents was an oversight on the Coordinator had overlooked, an oversight for which he duly apologized for the same day. The apology was given sincerely and accepted graciously.

The following day an announcement was made reminding everybody that none one is to be given any training on any commercial site until they have been fully inducted and have signed up as a contractor permitted to be on site. The Co Coordinator will be particular not cut corners in the future and was glad to have the Christian Partners Policy clearly and unambiguously stated.

Non Compliance Titus Disciple 09/02/2024 at 5:31 pm 441
18/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Timaru Incident Peter Boyes 12/08/2023 11:30am Negligible

Chelsea was helping a customer collect a punch BTW toilet, as Chelsea went to lift the toilet pan she strained her right hip, this hip was the on that had the operation last year. Chelsea has lifted pans since surgery with out any complications, but due to a tight space she said she couldn’t lift as she would normally, thus caused pain, scans due to be done 28th August.

reaching over goods to lift pan. not in being able to use proper lifting technique

cleared pathway to pallet of toilets

Incident Peter Boyes 06/10/2023 at 12:34 pm 503
18/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Near Miss Scott Eustace 18/08/2023 2:34pm Moderate

Bailey went to load a 5000ltr plastic water tank that was located in front of the head office windows.
Bailey went to drive the forklift under the tank and in doing so the tank rolled forward and the riser part of the tank contacted the window cracking two panes of glass. the glass was laminated with a logoed plastic covering the prevented the glass from shattering.
This is a insurance claim to have the glass and logo replaced

Bailey should have asked for assistance with moving these tanks
With assistance this would have been a easy move. Bailey tried to do something he should have been helped with

I have spoken to Bailey and all of the staff on the correct way to move large items
I have reminded all staff to ask for help when needed

Near Miss Scott Eustace 21/08/2023 at 1:02 pm 503
18/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Incident Doug Anderson 18/08/2023 1330 Minor

The driver of the Mainfreight truck opened the slider and a pallet containing two baths fell off the truck, hitting the ground. I was about 10 meteres away from the truck when the incident happened. The incident was totally Mainfreights fault. I signed the drivers tablet as damaged.

Mainfreight had loaded their truck poorly at their depot.

Claim has been lodged with Mainfreight.

Caution advised when trucks are delivering.

Incident Doug Anderson 30/08/2023 at 4:48 pm 503
16/08/2023 Mitsi/Suzuki/Haval Injury Lara Hunt 02/08/2023 3.30pm Moderate

Keith F was shifting oil drum off pallet and tweaked his back

No absolute rule in place that oil drums must be removed from the pallets by 2 people. Keith tried to do it himself.

Was discussed in the team’s toolbox meeting, all team members are aware this must be a 2 person job.

Was also discussed in the H&S committee meeting. Sack barrows with lifters were mentioned as a potential option for getting the drums off the pallets. Paula has emailed the Service Managers for advice on this and for confirmation that their teams are using 2 people to remove oil drums from pallets.

Loss Time Injury (LTI) 27/09/2023 at 12:44 pm 542
15/08/2023 SouthTile – Christchurch Site Injury Jason Green 15/08/2023 11

Sprained ankle

15/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Vehicle Incident Scott Eustace 10/08/2023 8:45am Negligible

Tim was driving Nicks Truck doing a delivery to Ground Down.
Tim needed to back the truck into the site and moved the truck forward and up onto a grass verge on the opposite side of the road to the site. With the angle of the verge, Tim was unaware that the front bumper had dug into the grass of the verge and on reversing, the bumper gripped the verge and bent the passengers side of the bumper away from the cab of the truck.


To be more observant

Minor Incident Scott Eustace 05/09/2023 at 12:48 pm 503
12/08/2023 Electrical Injury Silas Helpful 12/08/2023 Now Minor

Picked up hot soldering iron and touched the tip.

Someone else plugged the soldering iron in and didn’t notify silas

Better communication.

Injury Silas Helpful 09/02/2024 at 5:37 pm 441
12/08/2023 Value Proteins Unsafe Act Andrew Courage 12/08/2023 4:30 Catastrophic

Driving through the meal plant compost area and saw a group of kids playing in the wood shaving and hiding down in them, aged between 6-10 year olds.

Evidently the back gate had been left open and the children could not resist the temptation to go and play in the wood shavings . Fortunately the factory was not running that day and the huff loader was not operating . The General Manager was informed of the presence of the children on site and went down to investigate but the children had left by this time.

The issue was discussed at the next VPL Toolbox meeting . It was concluded that the back gate being left open was a major contributing factor. This gate has been found open and subsequently closed a number of times by the Site Safety Coordinator. It was agreed that going forward the gate would be padlocked and those needing to use this entrance way will have to come in one of the other two entrances with automatic gates and ask for the key. The compost site can be readily accessed with very little time extra and travel via the other two entrance ways with automatic gates. The Site Safety Coordinator exhorted the fathers present that they teach and inform their children that all the area within the boundary fence enclosing the Composting site and Value Proteins factory is out of bounds for children. The VPL staff were grateful that this non compliance was reported promptly so follow up action could be taken.

Unsafe Act Andrew Courage 09/02/2024 at 5:33 pm 441
11/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Distribution Injury Dean Lysaght 11/08/2023 8am Moderate

Cameron was lifting an acrylic drop in bath above his head to move it, & the bath over balanced backwards.

Limited access – pallets of stock on the floor.

drop in Baths have been moved to improve access.
Ensure sufficient access prior to picking baths.
Baths are not heavy but lifter need to find correct balance when lifting this way.

Minor Incident Dean Lysaght 26/09/2023 at 3:35 pm 503
10/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Distribution Incident Dean Lysaght 10/08/2023 1.30pm Moderate

Brydie was moving a trolley with shower panels on it. When she changed direction, the wheels lock momentarily and when the trolly moved the panels tipped back and caught her hand between the end rail and the panels. She is unsure if the restraining bar was correctly in place but thinks it was possibly not.

Wheels binding on trolleys,
Possible lack of restraining bar
Inattention when moving trolley.

Retraining bars to be used where necessary.
New bigger and different wheels are being trialed on one of the trolleys…… results are very good and will replace other wheels with new style.
Employees need to pay attention to trolleys when using.

Minor Incident Dean Lysaght 26/09/2023 at 3:41 pm 503
07/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Vehicle Incident Bryan Kane 04/08/2023 10.51 Minor

Driver left the vehicle with handbrake on but the vehicle was parked and the gearbox was still in drive

Driver forgot to put gearbox in park.

Driver has been spoken to and more attention has to be taken when driver is parking and leaving the vehicle.

Vehicle Incident Bryan Kane 30/08/2023 at 4:40 pm 503
04/08/2023 Mitsi/Suzuki/Haval Incident Lara Hunt 03/08/2023 11am Moderate

Perrin was coming out of a very low vehicle and twisted his ankle

Very low vehicle

No corrective actions needed, employee taking care when getting out of very low vehicle – these are rare in our workshop.

Injury 29/12/2023 at 3:11 pm 542
03/08/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Near Miss Alex McWhinnie 03/08/2023 11:13am Major

i was driving in the left lane going around 86km/h a truck passes me in the right lane and changes into my lane and proceeds to break infront of me slowing myself and other traffic down so i decide to pass him to avoid an accident but as soon as i go into the other lane to pass him he speeds up and swerves in front of me cutting me off and almost hitting us and running us off the road i decide the safest place was behind him after that and so i carry on with my day after that

dangerious driving

called company in question

Vehicle Incident Alex McWhinnie 09/08/2023 at 3:49 pm 503
02/08/2023 Gloriavale – Canaan Farming Engineering Vehicle Incident Diligent Stedfast 11/07/2023 6:00pm Moderate

Lost control on the gravel road due to iresponsible driving, left the road and rolled into a ditch

Children in the vehicle distracting the driver by encouraging to chase a bunny

The driver realised how close this incident was to a catastrophe

Near Miss Diligent Stedfast 23/08/2023 at 8:57 pm 441
02/08/2023 Value Proteins Unsafe Condition Titus Disciple 12/07/2023 11:30 Negligible

HiPulling told it off the boiler furnace after cleaning. Pine of the tools was a small corded angle grinder with a quote brush attachment. The lead has been damaged unknown to me and as I was pulling it out I received an electric shock. I unplugged the grinder and cut the lead off completely so that it could not be used until the lead is replaced.

in a confined area

check electric equipment leads before using

Unsafe Condition Titus Disciple 09/02/2024 at 5:47 pm 441
02/08/2023 Gloriavale – Value Proteins Near Miss Titus Disciple 12/07/2023 11:30 Negligible

HiPulling told it off the boiler furnace after cleaning. Pine of the tools was a small corded angle grinder with a quote brush attachment. The lead has been damaged unknown to me and as I was pulling it out I received an electric shock. I unplugged the grinder and cut the lead off completely so that it could not be used until the lead is replaced.

working in a confined area. Angle grinder lead check not done before use

reinforce power cord checks done before use

Near Miss Titus Disciple 23/08/2023 at 8:31 pm 441
26/07/2023 Potential Major Incident Ashley Hofacher 26/07/2023 1200 Minor

Theres no spoons

None, it did not occur.

Potential Major Incident averted – New cutlery set has been brought and installed into the smoko room, you can now eat your soup with a spoon.

Minor Incident Ashley Hofacher 26/07/2023 at 3:36 pm 482
26/07/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Plant or Equipment Bobby Ronayne 25/07/2023 12:30pm Negligible

Using the Walk behind (forklift), Oliver grabbed down three empty pallets from upstairs. As they reached ground level he motored the machine ford, with his body behind the machine. Due to the speed Oliver lost control of it’s direction and anticipated impact with the instore display stand (Starret) so he took his finger off the trigger. The momentum it accumulated ultimately was enough to cause direct contact, and have a direct hit on the “Starretts” stands front left leg. Thankfully, the impact wasn’t enough to fully take out the structure, leaving it on a slant. It is now being held up with zip-ties against the wall sitting behind it.

incorrect operation, not paying attention, panicking,

have established new sop

Minor Incident Bobby Ronayne 22/09/2023 at 2:55 pm 503
25/07/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire Injury Scott Eustace 25/07/2023 12:41pm Minor

Bailey and a customer (Cash Sale) where loading a non rock CI lid into the back of the customers van. the customer tripped backwards, falling onto his back with the lid falling onto him. Customer injured his hand from the lid catching his hand during the fall and cutting his skin.
Bailey did 1st aid to stop the bleeding and the customer has left the yard to go to a medical centre to have the cut looked at.
Bailey will check on the customer later in the day.

Hand loading into a van by hand where we would normally use the forklift onto a truck. As this was a cash sale the vechile was not what our standard tradsemen use.
Wearing gloves when handling CI lids

Staff have been informed to wear gloves

First Aid Scott Eustace 14/09/2023 at 4:46 pm 503
25/07/2023 Glenhopeful Farm Notifiable Event Malachi Faithful 21/07/2023 2 p.m. Major

I borrowed a Tractor and Level bar from Gloriavale Dairy. I used it to level some ground at the base of the hill successfully. Then went up on top of the hill and continue to level the ground. I had not got out and checked the area up there for hazards but was looking behind the tractor at the implement. The front-end-loader bucket was blocking the view in front, and I did not see the stay wire on the power pole. When I struck the stay wire with the tractor bucket it pulled the concrete power pole down onto the tractor cab. Fortunately, the high voltage lines pung away from the tractor, and no-one was hurt. I contacted Joshua (etc) using the tractor radio. I remained in the tractor cab until the Electronet had checked and confirmed it was safe to leave the tractor.

Improper communication and no proper permissions received for undertaking the tasks

A lack of proper oversite and support into non commercial projects.

Action – Setting in place a “Outer Zone Work Activity Risk Management Process”
A structure to support and bless small initiatives around the community to avoid risk taking due to time stress.

Notifiable Event Malachi Faithful 09/02/2024 at 5:49 pm 441
20/07/2023 Offices Near Miss Tom Brown 20/07/2023 8.25 am Minor




Minor Incident 19/02/2024 at 12:40 pm 573
20/07/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Hazard Alex McWhinnie 19/07/2023 3:12 0

19-07-23 2:47-3:12pm

Ollie fell asleep on the way back from Lincoln after helping Tim with a delivery after complaining how tired he was.


team need to be honest about the physical and mental state and be able to preform the tasks given to them.

Incident Alex McWhinnie 03/08/2023 at 6:52 pm 503
19/07/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Distribution Quality Dean Lysaght 19/07/2023 2pm Minor

Luke was moving a 1800mm wide pallet with forklift to access other stock. He was travelling in reverse, looking in direction of travel. The Basin top was sitting on top of the cabinet on the pallet. One end of the basin top caught on another pallet and caused the top to dislodge and fall (approx. 700mm) from the top of the pallet to concrete floor.

congested aisles.

aisles have been cleared or rearranged for better access.

Quality Dean Lysaght 26/09/2023 at 3:46 pm 503
18/07/2023 Canaan Farming Engineering Injury Diligent Stedfast 17/07/2023 4.00 Moderate

Grinding with full PPE and a spark somehow to make it into Elisha Temple’s eye. Due to suspected metal lodged in his eye he went to hospital, and yes there was metal in his eye and had to get it removed.

Elisha was using safety glasses and earmuffs. This is an unusual circumstance.

Suggested the workshop consider supplying a full face shield for grinding to increase the distance the spark has to travel to reach the eye

Injury Diligent Stedfast 09/02/2024 at 5:50 pm 441
17/07/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Distribution Incident Dean Lysaght 12/07/2023 2pm Minor

Dean L found pallets in racking at the back of CHD which had evidence of water on them. The the roof/internal guttering has leaked onto the pallets. From the damage, this appears to have been happening for some time.

The property manager has been contacted and they have confirmed that they have requested their contractors to inspect the roof etc. early this week.

Stock has been removed from the relevant racking until repairs are completed.

roof/internal guttering has leaked

landlord contacted to get roof repaired, insurance claim lodged.

Quality Dean Lysaght 18/07/2023 at 10:07 am 503
06/07/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Injury Alex McWhinnie 16/06/2023 10:00 Moderate

Delivering 90Kg Bath was another person there to help me unload but when i was putting the bath down it was overhanging on my side and when it was almost on the ground i felt my back fell all the weight.

lack of information before delivery was assigned to the driver.

all drivers are told if they can make a lift without injury they need to call frosty for extra people or equipment.

Incident Alex McWhinnie 03/08/2023 at 6:51 pm 503
03/07/2023 Harrison Bloy Queenstown Near Miss Bryan Kane 22/06/2023 14:30 0

Delivery driver reported 100mm pvc pipes coming loose when driving and sliding inside the back of the trucks cabin

Straps probably not done properly by the driver in wet icy conditions.

Drivers have been showed the correct way to strap pipes to the vehicles.

Near Miss Bryan Kane 10/07/2023 at 3:05 pm 503
28/06/2023 Aster Transport Ltd Injury Dean Field 23/06/2023 8am Moderate

I was pulling the sump off the truck and my pry bar slipped and come back and hit me in the right eyebrow

Pry bar slipped

More care taken when using pry bar

Minor Incident 29/06/2023 at 3:18 pm 1007
25/06/2023 Domestic Injury Caleb Standtrue 18/06/2023 15:00 Moderate

A 2 and half year old boy was sitting on a plastic kids seat in the tray on the back of an E-Bike when the bike started the boy fell off the seat and hit his head on one of the metal sides of the E-Bike.

Unstable seat inside tray of electric bike.
Bikes are known for there abrupt takeoffs and this caused the seat to lunge forward

Public notification that no seats to be used in the back of electric bikes and the need for a suitable sized person to look after little ones.

A investigation is currently being undertaken into how to safely and affectively use the electric mobile units

Injury Caleb Standtrue 09/02/2024 at 5:51 pm 441
23/06/2023 Kitchen Unsafe Condition Ready Standtrue 23/06/2023 NA Major

Kitchen Dishwasher – Needs a cover for the DOL switch box and electric ⚡ wiring… Potential electric Shock

Reassigned to Willing Steadfast as a task to complete

Reassigned to Willing Steadfast as a task to complete

Unsafe Condition Ready Standtrue 09/02/2024 at 5:52 pm 441
23/06/2023 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Environmental Johnny Allen 23/06/2023 7.00am Moderate

This is a notification of a potential trip hazard and or product blocking a doorway.
Internal double doors blocked by a bag of Bute Pipe

Product left in the wrong place. EG in front of a door way

Johnny removed the pipe and made a note to discuss in next Health and Safety Meeting

Environmental Johnny Allen 23/06/2023 at 8:20 am 503
20/06/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire First Aid Scott Eustace 20/06/2023 7:55am Minor

Albie from DBC picked up a box from Mason Mercer of rubber mats as he was loading these onto his ute to take them to Ashburton
The box had strapping around it that was secured by a crimp fitting. This crimp fitting had a sharp edge that cut 2 fingers on Albies hand.
These cuts were significant enough that they required first aid and deep enough that they bleed on the floor
We bandaged up the cuts to stop the bleeding and Albie will get them checked out and let us know if further medical attention is required
Albie was happy with the bandaging we did here for him

Poor packaging form the supplier. I have call them to notify of the incident and asked for more care in the future

I have made our staff aware of the incident and that they need to be careful when handling packages of where they are lifting them from

First Aid Scott Eustace 04/07/2023 at 8:43 am 503
18/06/2023 Value Proteins and Value Energy Unsafe Act Nathanael Constant 15/06/2023 1625 hours Minor

A young man in training with very little forklift experience and no licence, who has been asked repeatedly to ensure he is being supervised as per documented procedures by a licensed and experienced Forklift driver when operating a forklift, was seen operating a forklift attempting to move a pallet of 4 full tallow drums on uneven terrain with a forklift that has a slightly firm accelerator peddle requiring care to operate smoothly. The Site Safety Co Ordinater made inquiries about the non compliance. It was divulged that he had already a short time before drooped one of the drums on the floor. Please see pictures.

Lack of experience using the forklift

A young man has been spoken to and will not operate a forklift unsupervised until he is advised otherwise

Unsafe Act Nathanael Constant 09/02/2024 at 5:54 pm 441
15/06/2023 Gloriavale Farm Injury Victorious Standfast 15/06/2023 4:30pm Moderate

I was on yard rails chasing cows into the dairy
A cow backed into my leg and crushed it against the rail

A upgrade to the dairy platform was happening causing upset to the cows. Also the need to prompt cows to go into the dairy was provoked by the dairy platform alterations.

In these unusual circumstances is the time to be extra careful to have a take 5 to analyse the situation and discuss a safe work method for the particular scenario

Injury Victorious Standfast 09/02/2024 at 5:55 pm 441
14/06/2023 Domestic Unsafe Condition Prudent Stedfast 13/06/2023 3:00pm Negligible

Mary Benjamin opened the ladies bedding container to fetch curtains. Upon opening she found the whole interior was blackened and there was an overwhelming burnt electrical/plastic smell. She did not know what was the cause but thinking it was electrical and not knowing where the power originated ran and found Peter R to isolate the power. Peter unplugged the power to container. Open investigation it was found that the dehumidifier has completely melted and burnt into a small blackened mess. The water container that is located on the top of the dehumidifier was approximately 800mm away and completely unharmed. On initial inspection. The cardboard boxes with curtains in them that where nearby had also been badly burnt. Plastic bins on the sides above that where full of sheets were also badly burnt. The entire container appeared to have been full of smoke as there is a coating of an ash on every thing. It is assumed at this point that the fire was starved of oxygen and consequently the whole container was not destroyed. Everything in the container requires wanting and airing out. The smell and shoot is very extensive. The 2nd hand dehumidifier had only been put in 3 days prior to this discovery by a teenage boy as a replacement for the previous dehumidifier that had stopped working.

Dehumidifier was not properly tested before putting into the container

We checked circuit breakers and the were functioning correctly.

A reminder to ensure appliances are tested and tagged before putting to work.

Unsafe Condition Prudent Stedfast 09/02/2024 at 5:56 pm 441
14/06/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Near Miss Louis Malcolm 13/06/2023 Afternoon Minor

Myself, Luke and Ethan were re stocking the eurobatex shelf up the top.

Luke tried to throw one of the boxes on to the shelf, but it came straight back down and hit the floor.

environmental awareness

have asked team to take there time do things safely

Hazard Louis Malcolm 05/07/2023 at 4:11 pm 503
31/05/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Plant or Equipment Aaron Gallagher 31/05/2023 2.30pm 0

gate on the wave has had a weld snap and made it loose

age of equipment general ware and tear

keep eye on

Plant or Equipment Aaron Gallagher 05/07/2023 at 3:34 pm 503
31/05/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Showroom (Inwards) Plant or Equipment Louis Malcolm 31/05/2023 Morning Negligible

Power point used for heater is not working.

Have tried using other equipment with the same power point… still no power

Power switch was faulty.

Electrician called to repair the plug. Foley electrical came out and repaired the plug straight away (1st June 2023). Problem resolved and Louis confirmed the heater is now working.

Plant or Equipment Louis Malcolm 07/06/2023 at 10:32 am 503
29/05/2023 Gloriavale Farm Injury Nehemiah Faithful 16/05/2023 Mid afternoon Moderate

I was cutting wire and the wire pung up and hit me on the chin causing a minor cut.

Facing the wrong way and standing down stream of the place he was cutting the wire.

This allowed the wire to recoil and strike him rather than recoil into nothing. Also another safe method is to attach wire strainers to the wire to control the ends before cutting.

This has been discussed in a fence post meeting to reiterate good practice during the 29/05/2023 meeting.

Injury Nehemiah Faithful 09/02/2024 at 6:00 pm 441
29/05/2023 Gloriavale Farm Injury Grateful Christian 27/05/2023 11.30am Negligible

1 score and 2hours ago my foot stepped on a standard me ignoring Newtons first law of standard dynamics did not realise that what goes down must come up. The standard pung up and hit me in the dental jurisdiction. This caused some damage to my upper gum.

Not concentrating

Take more care

Injury Grateful Christian 09/02/2024 at 6:02 pm 441
28/05/2023 Gloriavale – Domestic Vehicle Incident Constant Stedfast 23/05/2023 6:30pm Major

I was in ChCh doing some pickups after work.
I was driving down Grahams Road turning right onto Wairakei Road. It was dark. The light went green and I began to make the turn. It’s a 45° turn onto Wairakei. About half way through the turn a van screeched up and hit my front left corner.
The van was coming from ahead on Graham’s Rd and was continuing straight through the intersection so had the right of way as I was turning off. I had not seen the van coming and so had proceeded to make the turn. It was a small black/purple coloured van and with trees along the side of the road I had not noticed it coming. He obviously wasn’t able to stop in time to miss me.
He had the right of way so I was in the wrong.
I should have waited for him to pass through before crossing his path.
I was not injured. There were a few people around. I checked Police had been called. The other driver was trying to get out of his van. We pushed my van back from his van. We couldn’t open the driver’s door to his van because of the damage and his foot was stuck. He said his foot was not injured. I noticed his arm looked broken and was giving him pain so I supported is arm for him while some other men were trying to open the door and get the seat back. Police, Fire and Ambulance arrived. I continued there while firemen worked to get him out of the van. Eventually a nurse took over from me. The other driver was taken to hospital and the vans removed off the street.

later discussion highlighted tiredness leading to lack of awareness of the surroundings and not making a good judgement call on the right hand turn

Police are involved

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Constant Stedfast 30/05/2023 at 7:33 pm 441
19/05/2023 Gloriavale Farm Injury Thankful Christian 19/05/2023 6.30am Moderate

I was removing the cow hair from off the platform and was distracted and the cow stood on my hand.

Distraction by talking with someone while doing the job. Reached out with his hand to grab the tail hair off the platform and was looking elsewhere. The cow then moved its foot and put it down on his hand.

Will write an SOP for more thorough training

Injury Thankful Christian 09/02/2024 at 6:03 pm 441
19/05/2023 Gloriavale Farm Unsafe Condition Willing Disciple 04/04/2023 4:15 pm during milking Moderate

Auger had been set up to put barley into the silo.
By the time the truck had finished unloading we had started dairy and it had gotten quite windy before someone could lower it it fell over on it’s side.

Weather conditions and not following the correct procedure

Follow correct procedure

Unsafe Condition Willing Disciple 09/02/2024 at 6:05 pm 441
16/05/2023 Harrison Bloy Timaru Incident Peter Boyes 16/05/2023 16:30 Minor

Bumped into one of the automatic sliding doors while maneuvering a pallet into position with the forklift.

Pipes packed tightly into crate which makes it hard to remove first length.

Truck Parked to closley to crate when removing pipe

We can’t get the crates packed another way so we need to be clear of all obstacles when pulling out lengths of pipe.

Incident Peter Boyes 31/05/2023 at 2:48 pm 503
14/05/2023 Laundry Injury Joshua Disciple 12/05/2023 8:30pm Major

A boy 12 years old got his arm caught in a washing machine. I showed him how to stop the machine and open it but didn’t warn him to wait till the machine stopped spinning before opening it. I went out to the clothes line. And he went back to get out some shoes that were spinning. He stopped the spin, then waited for a while, then opened the door, and reached in. He said straight after, that he didn’t know how he could have done that, because if he had have stopped to think he would have known not to do that, but it only takes an instant. His bone was broken up near the shoulder. He has a plate screwed to the bone. He has full movement and feeling in his wrist and hand so that’s great.

Inexperience, faulty equipment, and lack of supervision

A full investigation is to be carried out in B-Compliant

Injury Joshua Disciple 09/02/2024 at 6:18 pm 441
10/05/2023 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Environmental Johnny Allen 10/05/2023 4.30pm Negligible

Roof leak in heavy rain and approx 1 meter of wet area on floor

Heavy Rain

Monitor, place cone in area if it occurs again and contact landlord to notify

Environmental Johnny Allen 11/05/2023 at 2:25 pm 503
08/05/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Fire First Aid Scott Eustace 04/05/2023 9:43am Minor

John Picked up a grate from in the yard and the bottom of it cut his finger

John needed to be more careful and access the lift before making it
We have gloves available if he had chosen to wear them.

Reminded all staff of accessing what and how they are lifting
Reminded staff to wear gloves to protect their hands

First Aid Scott Eustace 15/05/2023 at 3:52 pm 503
05/05/2023 Gloriavale – Value Proteins Illness Nathanael Constant 05/05/2023 1410hrs Major

A new worker recently inducted( 02.03.2030) collapsed whilst pumping blood in the offal yard. Another operator operating a Huff loader saw him saw him standing by a pod but moments later noted he was lying on the ground in front of the pod. At first he presumed he was checking on something under the pod and continued observing him. How ever after 20 seconds of no movement he realized that something was wrong and signaled to Titus who was close by. Titus immediately investigated the situation. The worker was woken up by tapping on the shoulder.Titus said he appeared to to be coherent and able to answer his questions about what had happened. Evidently he could remember feeling sick and dizzy just before before passing out.The Office was called and soon after Howard, Salem, Aaron and Serenity arrived on site to assist. The worker was explaining what had happened suggesting a possible cause relating to a past injury but then appeared to have increasing difficulty remaining coherent. He became dizzy again and unable to stand. He was assisted to remain standing whilst his gumboots and leggings were removed. He was then lifted into a vehicle and taken off site to his bedroom where he could rest and remain under close observation.

An informal interview by the Site Safety Coordinator with the operator revealed that: 1) this happened very rarely but had happened at least once before. 2) Factors which bring on this fainting spell were not known to the new worker as it is a rare occurrence. 3)The new worker had been working in the Office for a few months as he himself and others were aware the rigor of years of farm work had taken a toll on his General health.4) He had been inducted on the basis that his duties would primarily be routine monitoring and check work on the boiler not demanding any strenuous physical labor.5) He ended up pumping blood pods which involves work that involved lifting a 1.2 metre four inch pipe attached to a 4 inch suction hose, tipping and propping up bulk 1000kg blood pods, hosing them out and stacking them (with a forklift) tidily for collection for pick up by trucks working the blood loop. Work that was possibly more than he could handle given his recent sedentary office work and his natural propensity to get things done as quickly and efficiently as possible heedless to what impact his exertions might be having to his physical well being.5) It was also divulged that a reasonably serious injury in his past had occurred that had not been carefully examined by a professional medical practitioner.

1)Amend Induction Process to include questions inquiring into the general health of new workers
2) A toolbox meeting was held on 06.06.2023 to discuss this incident.
3) Three corrective actions were accepted and recommended by the GM.
a) a rule that the worker must be working with another worker and not left alone whilst on site
b) a recommendation that the worker be thoroughly examined by a registered Medical Practitioner to identify any underlying causes for his fainting spells and general health
c) The new worker was advised that he could still work on site and assist other workers but was to stay on the ground and must not use vertical ladder access ways or engage in work requiring ladders, mobile elevated platforms,boxes or height safety arrest or restraint systems.

Incident Nathanael Constant 09/06/2023 at 2:41 pm 441
05/05/2023 Harrison Bloy Timaru Incident Peter Boyes 22/03/2023 11:30am 0

My hands slipped off a 100mm pipe while extracting the first pipe from a crate. I stumbled back and hit my right elbow on the rack frame on the truck I was about to load.

Pipes Packed very tight in Crate.

Trucked parked to close when removing Pipe

Clear area when removing crate

Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) Peter Boyes 31/05/2023 at 10:18 am 503
02/05/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Showroom Injury Dawn Joseph 29/04/2023 Roughly 1pm 0

Moved vanity in clearance for collection, vanity caught on mat we moved vanity to clear the mat. Vanity turned and draws fell out onto my right foot

The ladies were moving a vanity in quite a cramped space and when they lifted it, it caught on a mat, they tried to move the mat but when they bent down they didnt have a secure hold on the drawer and it came out and hit Dawns foot.

I have discussed this with the person who manages the clearance area to see if we can keep it less cramped and have made notes to talk to the team in the meeting on Tuesday to make sure areas are clear and they have suitable space before trying to move goods.

Injury Dawn Joseph 04/05/2023 at 12:10 pm 503
28/04/2023 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Injury Luke Bleasel 20/04/2023 10:30am Moderate

I was unloading pipe and when I crossed the trench I misplaced my right foot on slightly loose dirt, resulting in my foot slipping slightly into the trench and my body falling forward.

Environmental conditions

Luke Seeked medical advice and returned to work Monday 24th April.
Check that adequate footwear is provided. Yes it is.

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Luke Bleasel 04/05/2023 at 11:57 am 503
18/04/2023 Harrison Bloy Invercargill Near Miss Rajeev Dhiman 18/04/2023 1:00pm Minor

Raj Submitted this as a test. (No Incident Occurred)

N/A Test Only

N/A Test Only

Near Miss Rajeev Dhiman 03/05/2023 at 8:03 am 503
18/04/2023 Gloriavale – Brunner Station Injury Josiah Benjamin 05/03/2023 1:45 pm Major

True Joy fell off the back of a Ute as it was driving. She was not holding on and as the vehicle turned a corner the change of wind direction off balanced her and she fell directly of the back. Ute travelling approx 20km/hr.

Riding on the back of the farm utility unsecured

Purchasing a vehicle big enough to have all children in the family seated securely.

Got the message out to all vehicle users that it is not ok to have people riding on the back of Utes or trailers.

Near Miss Josiah Benjamin 19/05/2023 at 12:31 pm 441
14/04/2023 Harrison Bloy Christchurch Plumbing Incident Alex McWhinnie 14/04/2023 11:03 Negligible

I was driving down Tuam st when i crossed over Barbadoes st it was a green light so I kept going when I was struck by a car that approached from my left who ran the red light

Non at all. On investigation, our vehicle had the right of way (green light). It appears that the other vehicle went through the interesection on a red light. The driver of the other vehicle was an elderly lady. She was very shaken up. Thankfully, no hurt to humans on both sides.

The box truck does not have an E-Roads camera in it. This is now going to get retro fitted.

Potential Major Incident Alex McWhinnie 25/04/2023 at 9:57 pm 503
12/04/2023 Injury Mike Smith 11/04/2023 9.15am Minor

Was cutting turf and knife nicked my finger.

No contributing factors

take more care to cut away from body, arms and hands

First Aid 16/04/2023 at 6:39 pm 920
08/04/2023 Plant or Equipment Shane Hamilton 08/04/2023 7:30am 0

When unplugging the pallet lifter, I noticed the the wires are exposed

the cable has been treated a bit rough when unplugged or plugged in to the charger pulling the cable out of the sockets affecting recharging.

the cable has been repaired

Plant or Equipment Shane Hamilton 19/04/2023 at 1:20 pm 503
04/04/2023 Gloriavale Farm Injury Grateful Christian 28/03/2023 11.30am Moderate

I cut my hand while trying to cut through a Peice of pipe I kink the pipe and then went to cut through it and slipped and cut my hand ?

Not using the knife correctly while cutting the pipe

It would be prudent to discuss and demonstrate proper knife use on so common jobs on farm at the next toolbox talk.

Injury Grateful Christian 09/02/2024 at 6:27 pm 441
31/03/2023 Injury Jason Green 31/03/2023 1.30

Cut finger while underfloor.

21/03/2023 Value Proteins Plant or Equipment Titus Disciple 21/03/2023 1600hrs Negligible

I was swapping the filters over so that the fuel oil would now be running through a clean filter. This is done reasonably often on average everyday. When I changed it over there was a very loud bang and quite large visible flames from under the boiler/burner, the boiler immediately alarmed on a Flame Failure and shut down . It gave me a real fright. I reported it to Gabriel at the time. After a cursory look at the boiler to see if there was any damage it was deemed safe to restart.

Lack of reporting other incidences of this nature to management in times past. Ignorance of what exactly was causing this problem.

1)After inspection and careful testing we discovered that an air pocket created by cleaning and swapping the filter was causing a brief cessation of fuel supply to the burner followed by a sudden increase in fuel supply mixed with oxygen igniting at once. The boiler auto settings were not adjusting fast enough to cope with this abrupt changes in fuel supply caused by a faulty procedure for changing the filters. Two modifications to the procedure of swapping the filters was found to eliminate this problem. Operators are now trained to bleed air out of filter cavity after cleaning and swap the filters over slowly allow time for any pressure variation between between the filters to equalize. This modified procedure appears to eliminate the blow back problem.
2) Incorporate new procedures into specific SOP to be documented for this task.
3) Inform all operators of this hazard and the reason for the change in filter swap over procedure at the next toolbox meeting.

Plant or Equipment Titus Disciple 09/02/2024 at 6:11 pm 441
21/03/2023 Glenhopeful Farm Non Compliance Joshua Disciple 22/02/2023 4:30 am Major

Joel Christian went to Glenhopeful dairy twice during the early morning milking (about 4:30 am). The first time was on the 22/2/23 and the second time was on the 23/2/23.
Once Wednesday 22nd/02. Joel had asked James the night before if he could go to the dairy with him. James said OK. Joel got up but had missed the trip to the dairy so he rode his bike over. He stood and watched milking occasionally going to the yard and chasing the cows up and also hung some cups onto the jetters at the end of milking. Men involved at Dairy that morning Fervent Ben Canaan, James Christian, Zion Christian, Stephen Christian. The second time Thursday 23rd/02 he went with Mark Ready and did the same except he hung some cups on the jetters at the end of milking. Mark Ready arrived at the boot room to go to dairy with the team when he arrived back at his Ute to head off Joel was in the Ute waiting. Men involved at dairy that morning Triumph Loyal, Gideon Benjamin, Mark Ready
Communication between Mark Ready and Joel Christian (uploaded as appendix 1)

A member of the public noted that this young man had visited the dairy and had questions about it’s eligibility told a Director of the Company (Joshua Disciple). An email was sent out immediately and a public announcement was made 1st thing Monday morning from the Company Directors.

Not adhering to policy

Communicate to community policy requirements

Non Compliance Joshua Disciple 09/02/2024 at 6:31 pm 441
17/03/2023 Gloriavale Farm Near Miss Thankful Christian 17/03/2023 4:30pm Minor

I was hosing the exity yard and another worker started the platform and a cow backed back back and pushed me back I was not hirt.

Trying to get the job finished fast

Wait to hose the bridge once all the cows are off the platform.

Reminder at Fence post meeting. Safety around the dairy

Near Miss Thankful Christian 09/02/2024 at 6:33 pm 441
17/03/2023 Painting and Boilers Environmental Michael Trust 17/03/2023 When it floods Negligible

Rotten tree blocking creek, flooding across the road

Time and Chance

Remove log once water subsided

Environmental Michael Trust 09/02/2024 at 6:39 pm 441
13/03/2023 Value Proteins Vehicle Incident Nathanael Constant 13/03/2023 1615hrs Major

An inexperienced forklift driver was attempting a relatively difficult maneuver with a forklift attempting to insert one tine of the forklift into a black plastic bin order to move it sideways in a very cramped situation at the entrance way to the building. Given the lack of room for the back end of the forklift to turn to facilitate the tine inserting into the tine pocket of the bin it was questionable this could even been done. The operator accidentally engaged the forward gear instead of the reverse gear causing the forklift to lurch forward and drive a tine into the bottom plate of the timber frame wall attached to the east jamb of the tube door jamb.

Overconfident inexperienced driver without direct supervision as mandated by Safety rule documented in BPW43. Safety Unit Gen 1. This rule was reiterated specifically for this individual by the SO at the last tool box meeting.

The young man was instructed to repair bins which indirectly entails using the forklift to cart damaged bins to the workshop. This forklift work was not supervised.
Corrective actions. 1) An email to all senior workers at the meal plant reminding them that this worker must NOT be driving a forklift without direct supervision
by another operator with a current forklift forklift licence
2) A final admonition to the young man that he is not under any circumstances to be using a forklift without being under direct supervision
of an experienced operator with a current forklift licence.

Vehicle Incident Nathanael Constant 09/02/2024 at 6:42 pm 441
13/03/2023 Notifiable Event Scott Eustace 13/03/2023 8:15am Major

Jim our Truck loaded pipe on the rack of the Canter delivery truck and left for a delivery. When he exited the premises at Treffers road he felt the load shift so he turned back into the yard to refix the tie downs. Jim re-tied the load down and went to leave the the premises again, this time the back rack gave way at the points where the racks fit into the deck. Both welds that connect the rack into the deck had sheared away from the racking (see attached photo). This caused the racking to give way and the pipe become unsecured. The pipe was contained by the front strap and the wooden framing around the pipe.

This is a wear and tear issue. the welds failed due to continuous use.

New bars and reinforced welding was used to repair the rack.
This needs to be checked as part of the vehicle checks

Potential Major Incident Scott Eustace 25/04/2023 at 9:35 pm 503
09/03/2023 Canaan Farming Deer Vehicle Incident Welcome Stedfast 09/03/2023 2:10 pm est Major

It was during a down poor of rain. Most of the windows were fogged up. There was a clearer strip along the bottom of the front windscreen that I had been looking out. I was too far out on the road I think I heard some screams first then saw the on coming vehicle (Kioti), I pulled over soon after.

Driving while unable to see

Stop and don’t drive until vehicle wind shield is clear.

Public reminder to drivers to not drive when visibility is missing. Talk about methods of improving visibility if A/C is not working.

Also Notify Workshop engineers through notify someone if A/C not working

Vehicle Incident Welcome Stedfast 09/02/2024 at 6:43 pm 441
09/03/2023 Gloriavale Farm Plant or Equipment Victorious Standfast 09/03/2023 1:00 PM Major

Fans /Defoggers are not working on T6030 Tractor
Wet day and the windows fog up

Weather and A/C not working

Notify Workshop Tractor Mechanics

Plant or Equipment Victorious Standfast 09/02/2024 at 6:43 pm 441
09/03/2023 Gloriavale Farm Near Miss Victorious Standfast 07/03/2023 5:00pm Minor

Thankful was hosing the bridge with his back to the platform, there were still cows on the platform.
I started the platform and one of the cows backed off the platform hitting into Thankful giving him a fright.

Trying to finish the job

Getting ahead of the job clean somewhere else and wait till the cows are off the platform

Near Miss Victorious Standfast 09/02/2024 at 6:44 pm 441
08/03/2023 Joinery and Transport Injury Job Hopeful 08/03/2023 10:00am Moderate

Pilgrim Steadfast was working on some framing for a pump shed and was using Paslode Nail Gun. He was firing into some timber that was only about 45mm wide and he had his leg on the other side to hold the timber in place. When he fired nail it came out the other side of timber about 25mm and into his leg.

Lack of training. Lack of communication with workshop manager. Pilgrim did not check in with Job before using the Wood Work Shed

Bedrock people files indicates Pilgrim is untrained in the use of Nail guns. Pilgrim needs to be trained as he has had no formal training in the use of nail guns.
We need to see evidence that Pilgrim is buddied up to someone who will support his training. We need to see evidence of training.

Injury Job Hopeful 09/02/2024 at 6:45 pm 441
06/03/2023 Alpine Health Injury John Helpful 04/03/2023 1400 Negligible

Jason had been bottling some liquid into bottles with glass droppers for the lids. He had found some broken droppers and put them aside. I came to the bench later and saw a little scrubbing brush I needed. I reached in to get the brush and poked/cut my finger on one of the broken droppers. I did not see them as they were behind a 5 L bucket.

Broken glass had not been disposed of fully. It was left to one side on the bench with the intention of showing the manager.

Broken glass was left in a state that made it a hazard to anyone coming to work on the bench as glass is not easily visible especially when you are not looking for it.
Consideration to be thought of could this be a food safety issue.

Corrective action: all broken glass must be contained immediately. Either in the rubbish bin or in a container with a lid if needed for later reference.

Injury John Helpful 09/02/2024 at 5:43 pm 441
02/03/2023 Domestic Vehicle Incident Honest Helpful 01/03/2023 5 pm Major

I was driving an E-bike back along the road coming from the lodge. It came time to turn the corner but I was not concentrating on the road and missed the turn. (I was going at about 35 km/h). As soon as I saw that I was heading towards the side of the bridge I applied the braked and turned sharply to avoid driving the bike down the bank and into the river. This action flung me off the bike and onto a large rock and tipped the bike up onto my right thigh pinning me down on the rock. I pushed the bike back off me and got up to assess myself for any injury. Other than and bruised calf muscle, thigh and elbow on my right hand side and a few scrapes from a gorse plant on my left hand I found myself in good condition. I then drove over the bridge and onto the other side of the river and started to straighten out the damage to the bike.

Not given

Not given

Vehicle Incident Honest Helpful 09/02/2024 at 6:47 pm 441
27/02/2023 Plant or Equipment Alex McWhinnie 24/02/2023 1:50 Minor

Sarah and Jordan were loading Steve Bell’s ute with 100mm pipe one rolled off (no upstands on racking) it fell of and hit wing mirror. broke the black plastic around it

lack of communication between the two people loading the pipe

going over the basics for loading vehicles and awareness of surroundings.

Incident Alex McWhinnie 19/04/2023 at 1:27 pm 503
23/02/2023 Incident Tom Brown 23/02/2023 8.45 am Negligible

reversing truck and hit roller door

Lack of vision

Spotter to be used in the future

Incident 10/03/2023 at 1:14 am 573
22/02/2023 Injury Tom Brown 22/02/2023 9 am Minor

Boxes fell on arm

Boxes not secured correctly

In future boxes to be placed at ground level in storeroom

Near Miss 23/02/2023 at 8:15 pm 573
20/02/2023 Hazard Tom Brown 20/02/2023 9 am Minor




Hazard 20/02/2023 at 9:11 am 573
17/02/2023 Incident Sarita S McLean 17/02/2023 3pm Negligible

While conversing with Carolyn at the Warehouse 1 roller door heard thud. Looked behind to the racking on the back wall to see 30L blue container had fallen down rack landing with pallet of drums

Pallet wrapping came undone

Re-wrapped pallet

Near Miss Sarita S McLean 22/02/2023 at 3:21 pm 70
14/02/2023 Incident Bobby Ronayne 14/02/2023 10:30am Moderate

while getting pvc fittings down from the top shelf using the wave Greg was stepping on the shelf as he moved across with the product the shelf restraints have failed and the shelf has fallen down causing coils of pipe to fall to the floor Greg managed to hold himself in place while myself (Bobby Ronayne) Sam Burnell and Beaven Turner came to help clear stock and help him get down. when we came to help Greg get down and secure the area the shelf beam has fallen to the ground hitting Sam on the hip giving him a small abrasion I have isolated the shelf and stock and checked on Greg and Sam to make sure they are ok all team involved are in good health. the shelf involved in the incident is older and is not fixed to the floor and the safety brackets have broken.

the age and condition of the shelf. climbing over the shelf to get the stock from behind it.

the shelf has been removed and we have taken steps to stop the team climbing out of the wave.

Potential Major Incident Bobby Ronayne 25/04/2023 at 10:12 pm 503
13/02/2023 First Aid Scott Eustace 13/02/2023 1:35pm Minor

Bailey went to get his retractable knife out of his back pocket and he hadn’t closed the blade properly and when he went to get it out of this back pocket he cut his thumb
No stitches are required and the cut was cleaned and a bandaid stopped the bleeding


First aid applied
Awareness at next toolbox meeting

Incident Scott Eustace 25/04/2023 at 10:13 pm 503
10/02/2023 Hazard Ben Bloy 10/02/2023 10am Major

MCG Concrete phoned us in Christchurch alerting us that the lifting equipment in Tauranga wasn’t suitable for unloading the trucks. The forklift is too light and the branch has no lifting chains.

No timely information and detail around the load being delivered
Delivery team not understanding the site and the resources available

No future deliveries of concrete products until there is suitable equipment to allow the safe and secure unloading of products at HB Tauranga
HB team to get full details on the current unloading areas (if they can manage the loads)
HB team to complete basic needs analysis for an upgraded forklift

Potential Major Incident Ben Bloy 19/05/2023 at 10:37 am 503
03/02/2023 Incident Tom Brown 03/02/2023 9am Minor




First Aid 18/02/2023 at 7:18 am 573
03/02/2023 Plant or Equipment Alex McWhinnie 01/02/2023 1:50 Moderate

in the box truck, I (Tim Knowles) was reversing out of the park closest to the building and turned slightly to straiten up and clipped the gutter

Driving too fast

Drivers have been told to slow down and check all direction above and below before reversing

Incident Alex McWhinnie 25/04/2023 at 10:16 pm 503
31/01/2023 Hazard Ingrid Craig 30/01/2023 3.00PM Major

Electricians came to do some work replacing old lights. Our ceiling is known to have asbestos in it.
Set up was using a painters material drop cloth over the workstations and using our domestic vacuum cleaner to clean up while staff were still present.
No communication was made to us to assure us they were trained or had any management plan.
I called and txt Ben when I got home from work with concerns.

Inadequate processes

Foleys have been contacted regarding the incident, and have been provided with our ACM map and steps required for any future work done on the building.

The attached Asbestos Management Plan has been provided by the owners of the building for future reference.

A new hazard for asbestos in the work place has been added to our Hazard Register.

For any future work/maintenance on the building in affected areas, we will supply the attached ACM Location Map to the contractor’s and request a method statement outlining control methods prior to work commencing. I have also alerted the building owners that for any future work/maintenance they arrange, we will require a method statement outlining the same as above.

Potential Major Incident Ingrid Craig 25/04/2023 at 10:19 pm 503
24/01/2023 Domestic Vehicle Incident Grateful Stedfast 20/01/2023 7:30am Catastrophic

I was driving Pillar’s van on a stretch of road that was straight for about 500 meters, and I wanted to move something on the passenger seat beside me. So I took my eyes off the road for a few seconds and leaned over to shift it, meanwhile I let the vehicle drift over to the right. When I looked back I was heading for a fence post on the side of the road, I pulled back on the road but the post scaped the side of the van dinging it severely.


Needs some more training

Vehicle Incident Grateful Stedfast 09/02/2024 at 6:51 pm 441
23/01/2023 Domestic Vehicle Incident Aaron Courage 28/12/2022 9:30am Major

Driving Hyundai Sonata DSY776 from GV to GM. Slightly after the Deep Creek Rd turn off the front left of the car dropped down, a loud grinding sound of metal on tarseal was heard. There was an immediate and complete loss of steering and braking. The car slid uncontrolled in a slightly curved line for approximately 100m, passing over and coming to a stop approximately 10m over the Curtis Creek bridge at a gravelled area. During the last 10m of travel I was able to coax the car toward the left slightly and came to rest with the car nosing slightly into the gravel area.

Vehicle was still in service although at it’s last check it was noted one of the steering rod joints was worn and parts were being ordered.

Canaan Farming Engineering needs to put in place a vehicle LOTO procedure. Also along with that a method of helping decision making based on risk. A model that COULD BE ADOPTED IS THE TRAFFIC LIGHT MODEL.

Incident Aaron Courage 09/02/2024 at 6:52 pm 441
20/01/2023 Loss Time Injury (LTI) Bobby Ronayne 13/12/2022 Morning Moderate

Beaven Turner delivering there for the entire morning. the guys on site refused to move their vans to allow myself to get close to the units, so I was delivering from about 20 metres away from the units. a portion of that was across unpaved, uneven ground, with hazards all over it (wooden planks, paint cans, gibboard, Tree roots etc.) The Delivery featured 16 toilets, the pans weigh about 35 KG each, and because of the conditions these could not be sack barrowed into site.

uneven ground, with hazards all over it (wooden planks, paint cans, gibboard, Tree roots etc.) The Delivery featured 16 toilets, the pans weigh about 35 KG each, and because of the conditions these could not be sack barrowed into site.

in the future accessing a site before delivery making sure driver is safe before lifting and moving

Loss Time Injury (LTI) Bobby Ronayne 07/02/2023 at 3:31 pm 503
18/01/2023 Hazard Ben Bloy 18/01/2023 2.45pm Major

Unloaded a truck of concrete. One of the pallets was damaged, possibly in transit. When we unloaded the pallet and put it on the ground, the pallet collapsed. This resulted in the concrete risers (1050×300 x 5 of) to fall to the ground and get damaged. If someone was standing close by, they would have been crushed by the falling product.

A new Event in B-Compliant is to be opened and an investigation is to be carried out

A new Event in B-Compliant is to be opened and an investigation is to be carried out

Potential Major Incident Ben Bloy 25/04/2023 at 10:18 pm 503
02/01/2023 Gloriavale Farm Near Miss Welcome Stedfast 02/01/2023 I think it was 5th day last week Major

I was doing a day at GV dairy farm. I was assigned to feeding calves, the milk trailer has a petrol pump to distribute the milk. The fuel can was on the trailer when the pump was running the can vibrated or I might have knocked it with the hose into hot exhaust part on the pump, it melted a small hole in the plastic can. I heard the hissing sound and pulled it away. No damage other than the hole in can detected.

Not reported

Not reported

Near Miss Welcome Stedfast 09/02/2024 at 6:55 pm 441
31/12/2022 Canaan Farming Engineering Non Compliance Diligent Stedfast 31/12/2022 4.00 Major

Underage person in the workshop using machines. There were no adults around when I arrived

Not reported

Not reported

Non Compliance Diligent Stedfast 09/02/2024 at 6:57 pm 441
19/12/2022 Plumbing Vehicle Incident Ready Standtrue 10/12/2022 9:00pm Major

Using 8 ton digger to spread shingle to extend cark park. Tractor & tip trailer finished dumping load. Digger was spreading & flattening load. Both Digger & Tractor moved forward away from each other. Both drivers thought the way was clear behind them. Tractor began to backed up first (down hill) to turn around in front of the play pen. At the same time Digger started flattening with bucket while tracking backwards toward the road. Tractor drive realised the collision course but couldn’t manuver because the digger was heading directly towards the gap between the tractor & trailer.

There was not enough people. There should have been a traffic controller watching all traffic movements with the ability to communicate with operators.
No radio’s in equipment so were un able to communicate intentions. Camera on the back of the digger had not been turned back on when digger started up again so limited visibility.
Being an opportunist operation thorough planning had not been completed. leaving some gaps in the operation. Mainly a spotter who could see everything.
Limited people recourses creating opportunistic work methods. If the “weather is good the gear is there go for it” attitude. It makes sense and efficient but lacking planning is its weakness.

Formalize work methods around the Accommodation Area.
Convey formalized work methods to all machinery operators through a toolbox meeting including handouts.
Job safety analysis system to be used prior to undertaking any project-type work activity.

Potential Major Incident Ready Standtrue 09/02/2024 at 6:58 pm 441
18/12/2022 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Vehicle Incident Prudent Stedfast 13/12/2022 4:00pm Moderate

The Honda tractor with a loader and trailer were driving down the road heading into a reasonably strong afternoon westerly wind. The latch on the door was not latched properly. the door suddenly flew open.

Not reported

Not reported

Vehicle Incident Prudent Stedfast 09/02/2024 at 6:59 pm 441
03/12/2022 Tractor Contracting Injury Grateful Christian 02/12/2022 10:00am Moderate

I was fixing the sprayer boom I had disassembled when I was reassembling it I had sat it up in place put then let go of it to pick up the pin to put in place when I let go the boom fell on my left foot/toe

Not reported

Not reported

Injury Grateful Christian 09/02/2024 at 7:02 pm 441
01/12/2022 Hazard Ashley Hofacher 01/12/2022 225 A new Event in B-Compliant is to be opened and an investigation is to be carried out

Partswash plug broken

A new Event in B-Compliant is to be opened and an investigation is to be carried out

Investigation has been carried out and the plug has been replaced by a qualified electrician

Plant or Equipment Ashley Hofacher 08/12/2022 at 1:29 pm 482
01/12/2022 Gloriavale Farm Vehicle Incident Willing Disciple 29/11/2022 8:00am Major

I hopped out of the ute to shut the cows in .I put the hand brake on but the ute was on a slight slope and the hand brake was not in working order so the ute rolled forward and overturned in a drain.

Faulty Hand brake on farm ute. Could not hold vehicle still on the gentle slope while Willing was shutting the gate. Inadequate process was being used to report mechanical concerns to the workshop

At next fence post meeting talk about faulty machinery flow chart and what the correct procedure is.

Vehicle Incident Willing Disciple 09/02/2024 at 7:03 pm 441
21/11/2022 Canaan Farming Engineering Non Compliance Diligent Stedfast 19/11/2022 2pm Major

Underage person was in the workshop using a bench grinder without safety glasses, once I came across him I escorted him off the premises immediately, no injury occurred to my knowledge.

Not reported

Not reported

Non Compliance Diligent Stedfast 09/02/2024 at 7:04 pm 441
15/11/2022 Hazard Ashley Hofacher 15/11/2022 1030 A new Event in B-Compliant is to be opened and an investigation is to be carried out

Oil left on floor again

A new Event in B-Compliant is to be opened and an investigation is to be carried out

Hazard Ashley Hofacher 06/12/2022 at 10:44 am 482
01/11/2022 Canaan Farming Engineering Injury Diligent Stedfast 31/10/2022 12:30pm Moderate

James Christian stabbed his leg just above the ankle with a screwdriver when trying to remove a broken circlip from a Wheelbearing hub Assy

Not reported

Not reported

Injury Diligent Stedfast 09/02/2024 at 7:06 pm 441
30/10/2022 Gloriavale Farm Injury Willing Disciple 30/10/2022 1:30pm Moderate

It was a very windy and rainy day Redeemed Standfast and I were both out of the tractor looking at the feed wagon when we turned around the door of the tractor had blown open. We both ran to shut it but when we pushed it shut it smashed and the glass cut the back of his hand.

Not reported

Not reported

Incident Willing Disciple 09/02/2024 at 7:07 pm 441
30/10/2022 Gloriavale Farm Injury Willing Disciple 19/05/2022 10:30am Moderate

Zaccheus Courage was pulling the acid line out of the chemical dispenser flask.The end fliked out and a drop of acid got into his eye.

Not reported

Not reported

Injury Willing Disciple 09/02/2024 at 7:11 pm 441
26/10/2022 Gloriavale Farm Near Miss Willing Disciple 25/10/2022 4:30am Moderate

I was in a rush it was dark the drain grate was not in place and the heel of my foot went down into the hole.

Not reported

Not reported

Near Miss Willing Disciple 09/02/2024 at 7:12 pm 441
25/10/2022 Value Proteins Non Compliance Nathanael Constant 25/10/2022 1710 hrs Major

Three unsupervised were children seen playing at the south entrance automatic gate to the VPL. One child was seen activating the manual switch while another child was stood on the gate enjoying the ride as the gate was retracting opening up a very real possibility for his arm to be caught in the pincer action between the gate and the post on the east side. The last of the three , a young girl riding a small bike, almost rode into a vehicle approaching the entrance way which had to slow down and swerve gently to avoid a collision. This happened whilst an international SGS Auditor was present watching from the VPL Office.

Not reported

Not reported

Non Compliance Nathanael Constant 09/02/2024 at 7:14 pm 441
24/10/2022 Painting and Boilers Unsafe Condition Michael Hope 07/07/2022 11:20 Major

Dipping Dear velvet in hot Caustic soda within a small unventilated room

Not reported

Not reported

Unsafe Condition Michael Hope 09/02/2024 at 7:15 pm 441
18/10/2022 First Aid Tom Brown 18/10/2022 7am

test it

all ok

First Aid 18/10/2022 at 4:12 pm 573
10/10/2022 Gloriavale Farm Injury Willing Disciple 10/10/2022 This morning 9:30am Moderate

Redeemed was loading Lucerne silage Baals into the wagon , was cutting the strings and half the bale fall on neck and back .

Not reported

Not reported

Injury Willing Disciple 09/02/2024 at 7:17 pm 441
27/09/2022 Value Proteins Injury Nathanael Constant 27/09/2022 0930hrs Moderate

A worker accidentally walked into a Safety Sign that was extending too far out onto the road he was walking on given the height it was set at.

Not reported

Not reported

Injury Nathanael Constant 09/02/2024 at 7:18 pm 441
23/09/2022 Value Proteins Unsafe Condition Nathanael Constant 12/09/2022 5:30 Major

Entry door, from Office block to VPL site , closer and latch require modification. Door handle needs removing and relocating higher on the door to prevent children from accessing the site from office block

Not reported

Not reported

Unsafe Condition Nathanael Constant 09/02/2024 at 7:19 pm 441
22/09/2022 Injury Dean Field 21/09/2022 2pm

Slipped on bolt head and grazed arm on sharp cable tie

test of system

Injury 14/11/2022 at 12:29 pm 568
19/09/2022 Plumbing Unsafe Condition Ready Standtrue 17/09/2022 4:00 pm Major

20 ton digger won’t shut down with the key switch. Had to try & stall it to shut it down.

Not reported

Not reported

Unsafe Condition Ready Standtrue 09/02/2024 at 7:21 pm 441
19/09/2022 Quality Savi Mishra 19/09/2022 3.42

The bench next to GBs is in a shit state. Really hard to find a clean bench space.

Will ask for Bench to be cleaned up, fingers crossed

Environmental Savi Mishra 11/10/2022 at 3:38 pm 482
14/09/2022 Domestic Injury Joshua Disciple 10/09/2022 4pm Moderate

2 mother’s each looking after 5 children were at the flying fox
3 children on landing pad waiting for their turn.
1 mother was bringing up the flying fox. 2 children grabbed the rope to hold it while the adult got up to put a child on. Adult was distracted by another fussing child. 1 of the children holding the rope let go because it was getting to heavy for them immediately the other child got dragged off the front of the landing pad. Falling headfirst hitting her head on a stone. At that time the other mother was attending to her child in a pram.
The injured child was immediately taken to hospital.

Not reported

Not reported

Injury Joshua Disciple 09/02/2024 at 7:22 pm 441
12/09/2022 Joinery and Transport Near Miss Job Hopeful 30/08/2022 5:10 pm Moderate

Noah Standtrue and Jebidiah Valor entered woodwork Shed and used drop mitre saw to cut round tree/branch into short pieces. Both were attempting to use the saw together, one holding the wood while the other operated the handle on the saw. The wood caught on saw and pulled in causing the saw to jam. Camera recorded incident.

Not reported

Not reported

Near Miss Job Hopeful 09/02/2024 at 7:24 pm 441
Hazard Savi Mishra 06/04/2022 2.30pm

Found bolts in wall, high Potential for cut and stab injuries.

All bolts have been removed from the wall

Hazard Savi Mishra 22/08/2022 at 10:03 am 482
Hazard Chris Smit 04/04/2022 1pm

Mess on workshop floor.

Mess has been swept up and area tidy

Hazard Chris Smit 22/08/2022 at 10:10 am 482
Hazard Ashley Hofacher 28/01/2022 4pm

Air con oil left on ground

Floor cleaned and wiped dry

Hazard Ashley Hofacher 22/08/2022 at 10:08 am 482
Incident JP Prinsloo 24/06/2021 10:43

Jude Odjeawo was lifting up a piece of glass from a big a frame with our hoist.
the piece next to it got clipped when lifting it and the piece fell over and smashed on the floor

Sarita to enter into B-Compliant as incident and discuss corrective actions

Incident JP Prinsloo 22/08/2022 at 9:58 am 70
Incident JP Prinsloo 24/06/2021 10:00

Devin Grenfell cut himself with box cutters while cutting rubber to size.
while cutting the rubber the knife slipped and cut his thumb

Sarita will enter incident into B-Compliant

Incident JP Prinsloo 22/08/2022 at 9:57 am 70
Quality Regan Scott 11/03/2021 8am

Tripped over boxes on floor

Will discuss housekeeping at next toolbox meeting

Hazard 22/08/2022 at 9:45 am 198