Fluhler Contracting - Pre-Start Safety Checklist Fluhler Contracting - Pre-Start Safety Checklist First Aider: Site Foreman: * Safe Assembly Area: * Site Address: * Pre-Start Checklist All Working Plans/ Drawings/ Documents available, understood, communicated and kept in work vehicle * YesNoN/A Hazards have been identified at site, discussed with team, recorded and filed in Job Safety Folder? * YesNoN/A Job Safety Analysis has been discussed with team prior to work activity commencing? * YesNoN/A Staff are fully trained for the work activities required at site. * YesNoN/A All pre-check requirements have been completed prior to work activity commencing and applicable documentation completed? * YesNoN/A Team members are aware of process to report new hazards/ near misses/ incidents? * YesNoN/A Electrical equipment tagged and tested? * YesNoN/A First Aid supplies adequate? * YesNoN/A Fire extinguishers charged. * YesNoN/A Emergency plan has been discussed with team. * YesNoN/A All contractors working at site are on the Fluhler Approved Contractor list? * YesNoN/A All workers are competent to do the work or are directly supervised by someone who is? * YesNoN/A Workers have been reminded of the minimum PPE required e.g. hard hat, boots, safety glasses, hearing protection, high vis etc. * YesNoN/A Hazardous Substances/ Chemicals have been discussed with team prior to work activity commencing? * YesNoN/A All PPE has been inspected and is in good condition and fit for purpose? * YesNoN/A All staff, contractors and visitors to site have been inducted to against this Pre-Start checklist and register signed off? * YesNoN/A Other hazards to discuss and document arrowup6 Other Hazards Controls Implemented Tasks to add? * Yes No Brief Task Description Task Description plus1 Add minus1 Remove Staff Declaration required? * Yes No STAFF DECLARATION ONSITE INDUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED? * YesNoNA HAZARDS HAVE BEEN DISCUSSED AT TOOLBOX? * YesNoNA Is Staff Member ? * Yes No Staff Name * Andrew Rihari Angela Fluhler David Carter Ethan Barris John Fluhler Kaelin Carter Mark Barris Riley Skinner Pompey Ronald Goulter Terence Carter Vicky Fluhler Wayne Fluhler Other Name * Signature * signature keyboard Clear Where “Yes” has been stated, I confirm the applicable documentation and processes have been completed and understood. plus1 Add minus1 Remove SITE FOREMAN DECLARATION: Site Foreman Signature * signature keyboard Clear I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the information I have supplied is true and correct and where “Yes” has been stated, the applicable documentation has been completed and communicated to all concerned and filed as per Fluhler Contracting Ltd.'s requirements Send to third party? * Yes No Copied to: Email (only enter 1 email address, then click add to enter another one) plus1 Add minus1 Remove If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit