Toolbox Meeting Record Glasscorp Toolbox Meeting Date Meeting Held * Meeting Run By * Key Points Discussed * Hazards Reviewed (4 max per meeting) Hazard Description * Air conditioning system Alcohol and drugs Compressed air Compressed gas cylinders Computer workstation use Driving vehicles on public road Dust, fumes and gases Electricity Emergencies Exposure to loud and excessive noise Flying particles Insecure loads Manual handling Office equipment Operating Machinery Operation of forklift/s Service Contractors providing services or goods, unsupervised on site Slips, trips and falls Stacking and storage Stress Transportation of hazardous substances Unhygienic amenities and facilities Use of Chemicals Use of Ladders Use of tools and equipment Visitors to site Working tools, such as chisels, glass-cutters, knives Workloads and fatigue Any modifications required to hazard report? * No Yes Description of updates required plus1 Add minus1 Remove Are there any tasks resulting from the toolbox meeting? No Yes Task List (12 max per meeting) Task * Assigned To * Expected Complete Date * plus1 Add minus1 Remove Record of attendance options * Take photo or upload paper-based record of attendanceUse Smart Form Record Option (max 3 items) Take Photo or Upload Record of Attendance * Click to take photo Choose File Maximum file size: 67.11MB plus1 Add minus1 Remove Smart Form Option (max 40 signatures) Staff Name * Staff Signature * signature keyboard Clear plus1 Add minus1 Remove Send a copy to self or third Party? * No Yes Third Party Detail Email Address * plus1 Add minus1 Remove If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit